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Index for '''[[Light of Wisdom, Volume 2]]''' | |||
<br>needs to be re-edited for hyperlinks<br> | |||
*[[100 syllables ]] -- ([[yig brgya]]): translation of meaning, 165 | |||
*[[abhisambodhi, fivefold ]] -- ([[mngon byang rnam lnga]]): detailed expl., 100 | |||
*[[accomplishing of the wisdom-circle ]] -- ([[ye shes kyi 'khor lo sgrub pa]]): among the subsidiary yogas, expl., 121 | |||
*[[Accomplishment of Wisdom ]] -- ([[ye shes grub pa]]): quote from, 69 | |||
*[[accumulation of merit ]] -- ([[bsod nams kyi tshogs: expl., 73, 166 | |||
*[[accumulation of wisdom ]] -- ([[ye shes kyi tshogs]]): expl., 73, 166 | |||
*[[Activity Manual ]] -- ([[las byang]]): quote from Lilavajra’s, 79 | |||
*[[all-ground ]] -- ([[kun gzhi]]): as object of purification]]), 37 | |||
*[[all-ground consciousness ]] -- ([[kun gzhi’i rnam shes]]): syn. for cognition ([[sems]]), 143 | |||
*[[all-ground for manifold tendencies ]] -- ([[bag chags sna tshogs pa'i kun gzhi]]), 37 | |||
*[[Anuttara Yoga. See Unexcelled Yoga | |||
*[[appearance, increase, attainment, and full attainment ]] -- ([[snang mched thob nyer thob]]): dissolution phase, 136 | |||
*[[approach and accomplishment, four aspects of ]] -- ([[bsnyen sgrub yan lag bzhi]]): expl., 194 | |||
*[[arrayed bindus ]] -- ([[bkod pa thig le]]): expl., 36 | |||
*[[Aryadeva ]] -- ([[' | |||
Revision as of 23:39, 8 December 2005
Index for Light of Wisdom, Volume 2
needs to be re-edited for hyperlinks
- 100 syllables -- (yig brgya): translation of meaning, 165
- abhisambodhi, fivefold -- (mngon byang rnam lnga): detailed expl., 100
- accomplishing of the wisdom-circle -- (ye shes kyi 'khor lo sgrub pa): among the subsidiary yogas, expl., 121
- Accomplishment of Wisdom -- (ye shes grub pa): quote from, 69
- accumulation of merit -- ([[bsod nams kyi tshogs: expl., 73, 166
- accumulation of wisdom -- (ye shes kyi tshogs): expl., 73, 166
- Activity Manual -- (las byang): quote from Lilavajra’s, 79
- all-ground -- (kun gzhi): as object of purification]]), 37
- all-ground consciousness -- (kun gzhi’i rnam shes): syn. for cognition (sems), 143
- all-ground for manifold tendencies -- (bag chags sna tshogs pa'i kun gzhi), 37
- [[Anuttara Yoga. See Unexcelled Yoga
- appearance, increase, attainment, and full attainment -- (snang mched thob nyer thob): dissolution phase, 136
- approach and accomplishment, four aspects of -- (bsnyen sgrub yan lag bzhi): expl., 194
- arrayed bindus -- (bkod pa thig le): expl., 36
- Aryadeva -- ('phags pa'i lha): quote by, 144
- [[ashvara: expl., 171
- Assemblage -- (kun ‘dus): quote from, 45
- Assemblage of Sugatas -- (bde ‘dus): expl. of quotations from, 181; quote from, 83, 98
- attain proficiency in the three fields -- (yul gsum gyad du gyur), 113
- Awareness Samantabhadra -- (rig pa'i kun tu bzang po): expl., 184
- awareness-discipline -- (rig pa brtul zhugs), 122
- Awesome Lightning -- (rngam glog): quote from, 44
- ayatana-deities -- (skye mched kyi lha), 105; expl., 188
- Barchey Künsel -- (bar chad kun sel): detailed expl., 161; expl., 65
- benefiting and enabling -- (phan nus): empowerment, 35
- [[Bhavideva, 168; quote by, 77
- bindus -- (thig le): expl., 36
- body of karmic ripening -- (rnam smin gyi phung po), 164
- body, speech, mind, and cognition -- (lus ngag yid sems bzhi), 35; expl., 143
- bone ornaments, six -- (rus rgyan drug): list, 190
- Bright Effulgence -- (gsal bkra): quote from, 152
- Brilliant Expanse -- (klong gsal): quote from, 100
- Buddhaguhya -- (sangs rgyas gsang ba), 169
- Buddhaguhya’s Progressive Stages of the Path -- (sangs rgyas gsang ba’i lam rim): quote from, 79, 88
- Buddhakapala Tantra -- (sangs rgyas thod pa’i rgyud): quote from, 43
- burning and pouring -- (sregs blugs): feast, 132; fire-puja, 132
- causal vajra-holder -- (rgyu rdo rje 'dzin pa), 98
- celestial palace -- (gzhal yas khang): expl., 94
- Child of Great Bliss -- (sras bde ba chen po): expl., 155
- [[Commentary on the [Essence of] Secrets ]] -- (gsang ‘grel): quote from, 83
- Commentary on the Vajra Essence -- (rdo rje snying ‘grel): quote from, 56
- Compendium -- (‘dus pa): quote from, 42
- Compendium of Vajra Wisdom -- (ye shes rdo rje kun las btus pa): quote from, 96
- completion stage -- (rdzogs rim): expl., 54
- concluding actions -- (mjug gi bya ba): detailed expl., 126, 199
- concurrent causes -- (mtshungs ldan gyi rgyu): for empowerment, 34
- consecrating the offering articles -- (mchod rdzas byin rlabs): detailed expl., 85
- consecration -- (byin gyis rlabs pa): among the subsidiary yogas, expl., 120
- constituting nadis -- (gnas pa rtsa): expl., 35
- co-operating conditions -- (lhan cig byed pa’i rkyen): for realizing the four vajras, 34
- Daily Apology in Eight Branches -- (rgyun bshags yan lag brgyad pa): full quotation, 168
- defilement of the habitual tendencies of transition -- ('pho ba'i bag chags kyi dri ma), 152
- definition of mantra -- (sngags kyi nges tshig): expl., 198
- deities of attributes -- (mtshan ma'i lha): expl., 64, 158
- deities to be accomplished -- (sgrub bya'i lha): expl. of three types, 60
- deity -- (lha): definition, 62; indivisible samaya and wisdom, 62
- deity of the three indestructible vajras -- (rdo rje mi shigs pa gsum gyi lha), 153
- deliverance -- (bsgral ba): expl. of qualifications, 202
- [[detached [deity] ]] -- (chags bral): ex., 159
- development and completion -- (bskyed rdzogs): definition, 55; divisions, 55; four main aspects, 58; identity, 54; purpose, 57; sequence, 56
- development stage -- (bskyed rim): acc. to Anu Yoga, 104; acc. to Ati Yoga, 105; detailed expl., 61; summary, 60
- dispelling obstructing forces -- (bgegs bskrad pa): detailed expl., 81
- dissolution phase -- (bsdu rim): expl., 135, 206
- dissolution stages -- (thim rim): detailed expl., 173
- [[disturbed mind [consciousness] ]] -- (nyon yid), 143
- Domsum, the Three Precepts -- (sdom gsum), 148
- Drilbupa -- (dril bu pa): quote by, 41
- Early Translation School of Secret Mantra -- (gsang sngags snga 'gyur), 39
- eight accomplishments -- (grub pa brgyad): listing, 206
- eight branches -- (yan lag brgyad pa): listing, 79
- eight jewel ornaments -- (rat na’i chas brgyad): list, 189
- eight measures of clarity and steadiness -- (gsal brtan tshad brgyad), 111
- [[Eight Sadhana Teachings, Kabgye, 180
- eight sets of individual liberation -- (so that ris brgyad): listing, 149
- eightfold or tenfold daily apology -- (rgyun bshags yan lag brgyad pa dang bcu pa), 77
- eighty innate thought states -- (rang bzhin brgyad bcu’i rtog pa), 37; listing, 144
- elaboration of seeping bliss -- ('dzag bde'i spros pa), 37
- Embodiment Scripture -- (‘dus mdo), 147
- [[Embodiment Scripture of Statement [Anu Yoga] ]] -- (lung ‘dus mdo): empowerments of, 42
- empowerment -- (dbang bskur): among the subsidiary yogas, expl., 120
- empowerment -- (dbang): definition, 40; detailed expl., 32; divisions, 40; expl. of the four empowerments, 35; identity, 40; recipient, 32; ways of conferring, 38, 41
- empowerment -- (snod gu gyur pa): suitable vessel for, 33
- empowerment of awareness display -- (rig pa rtsal gyi dbang), 43
- empowerment of the vajra king of all-encompassing teachings -- (rdo rje rgyal po bka’ rab ‘byams kyi dbang): one of the five enabling, 147
- empowerments -- (zab mo’i dbang gsum): three profound, 36
- emulating type of aspiring practitioner -- (mos slob ‘dra ‘bag), 132, 203
- endowed with the three wisdom aspects -- (ye shes gsum ldan): expl., 162
- essence, nature and capacity -- (ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje): as samaya being, 62, 153; expl., 162
- Exposition Tantra of the Magical Vajra -- (sgyu ‘phrul bshad rgyud rdo rje): quote about ganachakra, 130
- [[Extensive [Scripture] ]] -- (rgyas pa): quote from, 148
- Father Tantras -- (pha rgyud), 103
- feast offering, ganachakra -- (tshogs kyi 'khor lo): detailed expl., 129
- feeding pathway of the rakshasa -- (srin mo’i za lam), 133; expl., 205
- Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion -- (bla ma lnga bcu pa), 168
- firm pride -- (nga rgyal brtan pa): expl., 108
- five articles of sadhana materials -- (sgrub pa rdzas kyi yo byad lnga): expl., 201
- five aspects of involvement -- ('jug pa'i yan lag lnga): expl., 172
- five aspects of Mantra -- (sngags kyi yan lag lnga): listing, 145
- five branches of involvement -- (‘jug pa’i yan lag lnga), 88; expl., 172
- five chakras -- ('khor lo lnga), 35
- five experiences -- (nyams lnga): listing, 191
- five inner enabling empowerments -- (nang nus dbang lnga): listing, 147
- five silk garments -- (dar gyi chas gos lnga): list, 189
- five special articles -- (khyad par yo byad lnga), 130; expl., 201
- Five Stages -- (rim lnga): quote from, 57
- fivefold abhisambodhi -- (mngon byang rnam lnga): detailed expl., 100
- fivefold fruition -- (‘bras chos rnam lnga): listing, 171
- fivefold true perfection -- (mngon byang lnga): when entering the womb, 187
- fivefold true perfection -- (mngon byang rnam lnga): detailed expl., 100
- flower of awareness -- (rig pa'i me tog): expl., 146
- forming mind -- (‘du byed kyi yid), 37; expl., 145
- four activities -- (phrin las bzhi): list, 206
- four aspects of approach and accomplishment -- (bsnyen sgrub yan lag bzhi): expl., 194
- four circular empowerments -- (zlum po bzhi dbang): expl., 146
- [[Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana: expl. of chief figure, 177
- four empowerments -- (dbang bzhi): expl., 35, 147
- four gates of Secret Mantra -- (gsangs sngags kyi sgo bzhi): list, 138
- four kayas -- (sku bzhi): as bases for empowerment, 34
- four measures of clarity -- (gsal ba'i tshad bzhi), 91, expl., 178
- four measures of steadiness -- (brtan pa'i tshad bzhi), 92; expl., 178
- four powers -- (stobs bzhi): detailed expl., 164; expl. of Vajrasattva practice, 71
- four rivers of empowerment -- (dbang gi chu bo bzhi): expl., 147
- four stakes to bind the life-force -- (srog sdom gzer bzhi): detailed expl., 108; expl. by Dilgo Khyentse, 191
- four types of rebirth -- (skyes gnas bzhi): purification of, 97
- four vajras -- (rdo rje bzhi): nature of empowerment, 34
- four vidyadhara levels -- (rig 'dzin bzhi), 61
- fourfold accomplishment -- (grub pa bzhi ldan): silent recitation. See also silent recitation
- fundamental mandala of awakened mind’ -- (rtsa ba byan chub sems kyi dkyil ‘khor): expl., 155
- Galpo Tantra -- (gal po): quote about ganachakra, 132; quote from, 84, 102, 172
- Galtreng -- (gal phreng): quote from, 83, 84, 93
- ganachakra -- (tshogs kyi 'khor lo): detailed expl., 129
- general, special, and supreme samayas -- (dam tshig): expl., 148
- Glorious Heruka Root Tantra -- (dpal khrag 'thung rtsa ba'i rgyud): quote from, 202
- great unbiased experience -- (rang snang ris med chen po), 77
- gross three doors -- (rags pa'i sgo gsum): expl., 146
- Guhyasamaja Akshobhya -- (gsang 'dus mi bskyod pa), 188
- guru sadhana -- (bla sgrub): expl. of four levels of, 65; reason for, 64
- guru yoga -- (bla ma'i rnal 'byor): detailed expl., 76
- hand-drum, chang-teu -- (cang te'u): expl., 171
- Hayagriva -- (rta mgrin), 206
- Heruka Assemblage -- (he ru ka ‘dus pa): quote from, 39
- Heruka Assemblage Tantra -- (he ru ka ‘dus pa’i rgyud): quote from, 46
- Hevajra Tantra -- (dgyes rdor): quote from, 40
- Higher Abhidharma -- (mngon pa gong ma): Mahayana meaning of mind, 143
- homage -- (phyag 'tshal): expl., 122
- homage of supreme indivisibility -- ('dres pa nan tan gyi phyag): expl., 122
- identity of mantra -- (sngags kyi ngo bo): expl., 198
- [[Illuminating Sunlight, 8, 143
- Immaculate Light -- (dri med ‘od): ashvara fire-pit, 171
- incalculable aeons -- (bskal pa grangs med), 33; expl., 143
- individual liberation -- (so thar ris brgyad): listing of eight sets, 149
- inner mandala of wisdom -- (nang ye shes kyi dkyil 'khor), 146
- Instruction Section -- (man ngag sde): expl. of four empowerments, 43; heart center, 155
- Jigmey Lingpa -- ('jigs med gling pa): quote about samaya being and wisdom being, 197
- Jnanapada -- (ye shes zhabs): mention of, 106
- Kabgye -- (bka' brgyad). See Eight Sadhana Teachings
- Kabgye Yongdzog -- (bka’ brgyad yongs rdzogs): mention of ten branches, 79
- Kamalashila -- (padma’i ngang tshul): quote by, 75; meaning of name, 167
- karma that is conducive to liberation -- (thar pa cha mthun gyi las): expl., 172
- karma that is conducive to merit -- (bsod nams cha mthun gyi las), 86; expl., 172
- karma-mudra -- (las kyi phyag rgya), 145
- King of Empowerment Tantra -- (dbang skur rgyal po’i rgyud): quote from, 33
- King of Marvels -- (rmad byung rgyal po): quote from, 105
- [[kingkara, 131; expl., 203
- Künkhyen Tenpey Nyima -- (kun mkhyen bstan pa'i nyi ma): quote by, 177, 200
- Lama Gongdü -- (bla ma dgongs ‘dus), 112
- Lama Tennyi Korsum -- (bla ma bstan gnyis skor gsum): quote from, 159
- [[lapis lazuli: expl. of meaning of the Sanskrit, 197
- Later Translation Schools -- (phyi 'gyur), 39
- legacy of the Glorious One -- (dpal gyi pha ‘bab): expl., 204
- life-prana -- (srog gi rlung), 143
- Lower Abhidharma -- (mngon pa ‘og ma): Hinayana meaning of mind, 143
- Magical Display -- (sgyu ‘phrul rol pa): quote from, 94
- Magical Key -- (‘phrul lde): quote from, 104
- Magical Net -- (sgyu ‘phrul drva ba): quote from, 56
- Magical Net Tantra -- (rgyud rgyu ‘phrul drva ba): quote from, 42
- [[Magical Net, Mayajala, 180
- Mahayana potential -- (theg pa chen po'i rigs): expl., 32
- [[Mahayoga: empowerments of, 42
- making oneself another’s child -- (gzhan gyi sras su bdag bya ba): expl., 99, 184
- mandala -- (dkyil 'khor): three types, 167
- mandala of accomplishment -- (sgrub pa'i mandal): expl., 74, 166
- [[mandala offering: detailed expl., 73
- mandala, visualization of -- (dkyil 'khor bsgom pa): detailed expl., 93
- mandalas -- (dkyil 'khor): expl. of types, 146
- [[mandarava: expl. of flower, 208
- mantra, definition of -- (sngags kyi nges tshig): expl., 198
- mantra, identity of -- (sngags kyi ngo bo): expl., 198
- Mara of Emotion -- (nyon mongs pa'i bdud), 36
- Mara of the Aggregates -- (phung po'i bdud), 35
- Mara of the Divine Son -- (lha'i bu'i bdud), 37
- Mara of the Lord of Death -- ('chi bdag gi bdud), 37
- master -- (slob dpon): expl. of qualifications, 145
- matured practitioner -- (smin slob), 131, 202
- Mayajala Tantras -- (rgyud sde sgyu ‘phrul): quote from, 99
- melting bliss -- (zhu bde), 54
- morsel of offering -- (mchod pa’i ras ma): expl., 204
- moving pranas -- (g.yo ba rlung): expl., 36
- nadis -- (rtsa): expl., 35
- nadis, pranas and bindus -- (rtsa rlung thig le), 35
- Nagarjuna -- (klu grub): quote from, 73
- natural mandala of spontaneous presence -- (rang bzhin lhun gyis grub pa’i dkyil ‘khor): expl., 155
- neighing of the vajra horse -- (rdo rje rta skad kyi dgongs pa), 134; expl., 206
- never-ending adornment wheels -- (mi zad pa rgyan gyi 'khor lo), 116
- nine lineages -- (brgyud pa dgu): listing, 170
- ninefold transmission -- (brgyud pa dgu ldan): listing of, 170
- Nirmanarati -- ('phrul dga'): gods, 123
- Nirvana Sutra -- (myang ‘das): quote from, 69
- Noble Land -- (‘phags yul): another name for anscient India, 40
- Northern Treasures -- (byang gter): quote from, 64
- Notes for the Development Stage -- (bskyed rim zin bris): quote from, 8, 177, 196, 200
- Nyang Ral Nyima Özer -- (nyang), 112
- obscuration of transition -- ('pho ba'i sgrib pa), 37
- obstructer -- (bgegs): expl., 83
- obstructing forces, dispelling -- (bgegs bskrad): detailed expl., 81
- offering mandala -- (mchod pa'i mandal): expl., 74
- offerings -- (mchod pa): detailed expl., 123; expl. of various levels, 85
- Oral Advice -- (zhal lung): quote from, 196
- Ornament -- (rgyan): quote from, 32
- Ornament of the Sutras -- (mdo sde rgyan): quote from Sutralamkara, 32
- outer mandala of attributes -- (phyi mtshan ma'i dkyil 'khor), 146
- outer, inner and innermost obstacles -- (chi nang gsang ba'i bar chad), 65; expl., 160
- outer, inner, sadhana, and the secret -- (phyi nang sgrub gsang): expl., 147
- [[padma bhanja: expl., 200
- Padma Ösel Do-Ngak Lingpa -- (pad-ma 'od gsal mdo sngags gling pa), 161
- Paramita teachings -- (phar phyin), 34
- [[passionate [deity] ]] -- (chags bcas): ex., 159
- path of completion stage with attributes -- (mtshan bcas rdogs rim gyi lam): expl., 36
- path of the mandala-circle -- (dkyil 'khor 'khor lo'i lam): expl., 37
- Perfect Conduct, Ascertaining the Three Vows -- (sdom gsum rnam nges), 148
- Phadampa -- (pha dam pa): mention of, 167
- powers, four -- (stobs bzhi): expl. of Vajrasattva practice, 71
- praises bstod pa): expl., 124
- pranas -- (rlung): expl., 36
- pratimoksha -- (so thar). See individual liberation
- Precious Assemblage Tantra -- ([[kun ‘dus rin po che’i rgyud: quote from, 80
- Precious Garland, Skt. Ratnavali, -- (rin chen phreng ba): quote from, 73
- preliminary practices -- (sngon 'gro): detailed expl., 68
- preliminary ritual -- (sta gon): expl., 146
- preparations -- (lhag gnas): expl., 146
- preparatory ritual for the deity -- (lha sta gon): etc., 146
- primordial mandala of isness -- (ye je bzhin pa’i dkyil ‘khor): expl., 154
- primordial purity and spontaneous presence -- (ka dag lhun grub), 37
- Progressive Stages of the Path -- (sangs rgyas gsang ba’i lam rim): quote from Buddhaguhya’s Lamrim, 92
- Progressive Stages of the Path for the Magical Net -- (sgyu 'phrul lam rim): mention of eight branches, 169
- protection circle -- (bsrung 'khor): detailed expl., 82
- purified and perfected -- (sangs rgyas pa), 153
- recitation -- (bzlas pa): four types, 194
- recollection of pure symbolism -- (dag pa dran pa): expl., 108
- [[refuge and bodhichitta: detailed expl., 68
- refuting as an absence and refuting as an identity -- (med dgag dang ma yin dgag), 154
- Replies to Questions from Yeshe Tsogyal -- (nyang gter mtsho rgyal zhus lan), 112
- request inscription -- (gsol byang): 134, expl., 206
- request to be seated -- (bzhugs gsol): expl., 122
- resultant vajra-holder -- ('bras bu rdo rje 'dzin pa), 98
- ritual for the land -- (sa chog): expl., 146
- ritual of the four vajras -- (rdo rje bzhi chog), 103
- Root Verses of Daily Apology by Lilavajra -- (sgeg pa rdo rje’i rgyun bshags rtsa ba): quote from, 79
- Sacred Embodiment of Sugatas -- (bka’ bde gshegs ‘dus pa): empowerments of, 43
- sadhana -- (sgrub thabs): detailed expl., 67; preliminaries for, 68
- Sadhana Framework for the Eight Sacred Teachings -- (bka' brgyad sgrub khog): quote from, 189
- Sadhana of Universal Excellence -- (sgrub thabs kun bzang): quote from, 107
- Sadhana Section -- (sgrub sde): expl., 148; expl. of empowerments, 43
- samadhi of illumination -- (kun snang gi ting nge 'dzin): detailed expl., 90
- samadhi of suchness -- (de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin): detailed expl., 89
- samaya -- (dam tshig): definition, 46; detailed expl., 45; divisions, 46; expl. of general, 47; expl. of the 25 branch samayas, 49; expl. of the supreme samayas, 50; general, special, and supreme, 47, 148; identity, 46; literal meaning, 148; of the five families, 47; root samayas, 48; special root and branches, 47
- samaya being -- (damtshig sems dpa'): expl., 62
- samaya-mudra -- (dam tshig gi phyag rgya), 145
- samayas of the development stage of expedient meaning -- (drang don bskyed rim gyi dam tshig): expl., 149
- Samayoga Tantra -- (mnyam sbyor rgyud), 106
- Samvarodaya -- (sdom ‘byung): quote from, 52, 187
- scent-eating consciousness -- (dri za'i rnam shes), 103
- secret empowerment -- (gsang dbang): expl., 36
- secret small hand-drum -- (gsang ba’i rnge’u chung): expl., 205
- Seed of the Great Sal Tree -- (sa la-' chen po'i sa bon): quote from, 161
- seed-samadhi -- (rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin): detailed expl., 91
- Self-Arising -- (rang shar): quote from, 104
- self-consecration -- (rang byin rlabs), 36
- self-reliant channels -- (rang rgyud kyi rtsa): expl., 155
- seven branches -- (yan lag bdun pa), 77, 78
- seven lower ranks -- (mar gyi gnas bdun): listing, 204
- seven lower ranks -- (mar gyi gnas bdun), 133
- seven of seven -- (bdun gyi bdun): syn. for the sun, 188
- seven precious possessions -- (rin chen sna bdun): expl., 167
- seven riches of noble beings -- (‘phags pa’i nor bdun): listing, 167
- seven royal possessions -- (rgyal srid sna bdun): listing, 167
- Sheldam Nyingjang -- (zhal gdams snying byang), 161
- showering down the resplendence -- (byin dbab pa): detailed expl., 84
- silent recitation -- (‘gog bzlas): expl., 199
- six lineages -- (brgyud pa drug): listing, 170
- six periods -- (thun drug): expl., 151
- sixfold transmission -- (brgyud pa drug ldan): listing of, 170
- Sky Treasury -- (nam mkha' mdzod): expl., 167
- special samayas -- (khyad par gyi dam tshig): detailed expl., 149
- stake of the essence-mantra -- (snying po sngags kyi gzer): expl., 114
- state of union -- (snyoms 'jug gi gnas skabs), 37
- stream-of-being -- (rigs rgyun), 63, 157
- Subsequent Assemblage Tantra -- (‘dus pa’i rgyud phyi ma), 103
- Subsequent Essence Tantra -- (snying po’i rgyud phyi ma): quote from, 41, 46, 57
- [[subsidiary yogas: detailed expl., 118
- subtle three doors -- (phra ba’i sgo gsum): expl., 146
- suitable vessel -- (snod gu gyur pa): for empowerment, 33
- Summary of Conduct -- (spyod bsdus): quote from, 144
- superior indivisible truths -- (lhag pa’i bden pa dbyer med), 63; expl., 153
- [[superior ultimate [truth] ]] -- (lhag pa’i don dam): expl., 154
- Sutra Declaring the Four Qualities -- (chos bzhi bstan pa’i mdo): quote from, 71
- Sutra of Immaculate Space -- (nam mkha’ dri ma med pa’i mdo): quote from, 78
- Sutra Requested by Shri Gupta -- ([[dpal sbas kyis zhus pa’i mdo: quote from, 78
- symbol, meaning and sign -- (bdra don rtags gsum), 108; expl., 190
- Talgyur Root Tantra -- (thal ‘gyur rtsa ba’i rgyud): quote from, 35
- Tantra of Awesome Lightning -- (rngam glog): quote from, 199
- Tantra of Immaculate Confession -- (dri med bshags rgyud): quote from, 72
- Tantra of Realization in Three Words -- (dgongs pa tshig gsum pa’i rgyud): quote from, 72
- Tantra of Secret Perfection -- (gsang rdzogs rgyud): quote from, 109
- Tantra of the Arrangement of the Three Samayas -- (dam tshig gsum bkod kyi rgyud): mention of the Hundred Syllable Mantra, 164
- Tantra of the Assemblage of Peaceful Sugatas -- (bde ‘dus zhi rgyud): quote from, 46
- Tantra of the Song of Vajrasattva -- (rdo rje sems dpa’ glu’i rgyud): quote from, 72
- Tantra of Unexcelled Utterance -- (mngon brjod bla ma’i rgyud), 164
- Tantra Section -- (rgyud sde), 148
- tantra, statement and instruction -- (rgyud lung man ngag), 42, 147
- ten defects -- (skyon bcu): of recitation, listing, 199
- ten glorious ornaments of a wrathful deity -- (dpal chas bcu): list, 189
- ten objects -- (zhing bcu), 131, 152; expl., 202
- ten outer benefiting empowerments -- (phyi phan dbang bcu): listing, 147
- thatness of deity -- (lha’i de kho na nyid): expl., 145
- thatness of emanation and absorption -- (‘phro ‘du’i kho na nyid): expl., 145
- thatness of guhya-mantra -- (gsang sngags kyi kho na nyid): expl., 145
- thatness of mantra -- (sngags kyi de kho na nyid), 36
- thatness of recitation -- (bzlas brjod kyi kho na nyid): expl., 145
- thatness of self -- (bdag gi de kho na nyid), 36, 63
- thatness of self -- (bdag gi kho na nyid): expl., 145
- thatness of the deity -- (lha'i de kho na nyid), 36
- thatness of wisdom -- (ye shes kyi de kho na nyid), 37
- thirteenfold attire of a peaceful deity -- (zhi chas bcu gsum): list, 189
- thoughts of occurring sensation -- (gnyis snang byung tshor gyi rtog pa), 37; expl., 145
- thoughts that hold the mingled sound and object -- (sgra don 'dres 'dzin gyi rtog pa), 124
- three abodes -- (gnas gsum): expl., 159
- three applications -- (khyer so gsum ldan): listing, 163
- three doors -- (sgo gsum): expl. of gross and subtle types, 146
- three experiences -- (snang gsum): expl., 177
- three fields -- (yul gsum gyad du gyur): attain proficiency in, 107, 113
- three lineages -- (brgyud pa gsum): listing, 159
- [[three mandalas of Anu [Yoga] ]] -- (a nu'i dkyil 'khor gsum): expl., 154
- Three Outer Tantras -- (phyi rgyud gsum), 47
- Three Precepts, the Domsum -- (sdom gsum), 148
- three profound empowerments -- (zab mo’i dbang gsum), 36; expl., 144
- Three Roots -- (rtsa ba gsum): expl., 64
- three samadhis -- (ting 'dzin rnam gsum): detailed expl., 88
- three seats of completeness -- (gdan gsum tshang ba), 38, 63, 153, 156
- three seats of completeness, deities of -- (gdam gsum tshang ba’i lha): expl., 146
- three seats of completeness, mandala of -- (gdan gsum tshang ba’i dkyil ‘khor), 35; expl., 144
- three stages of existence -- (srid pa’i rim pa gsum): expl., 172
- three supreme empowerments -- (mchog dbang gsum): as syn. for the three profound empowerments, 144
- three supreme image mandalas -- (lhag pa gzugs brnyan gyi dkyil ‘khor gsum), 35; expl., 143
- three types of mudra -- (phyag rgya gsum), 37; list, 145
- three vajras -- (rdo rje gsum): expl., 156
- three vajra-secrets -- (rdo rje gsang ba gsum), 46; listing, 148
- threefold kindness -- (bka’ drin gsum ldan), 76; expl., 168
- threefold sattvas -- (sems dpa' sum brtsegs): expl., 196
- threefold vizualization ritual -- (cho ga gsum bskyed): expl., 103
- torma -- (gtorma): expl. of various types, 200
- torma offering -- (gtor 'bul): expl., 128
- transition of the elements -- (khams ‘pho ba): expl., 177
- Trinley Nyingpo -- (phrin las snying po): sadhana for Barchey Künsel, 161
- true perfection, fivefold -- (mngon byang rnam lnga): detailed expl., 100
- truth of suffering -- (sdug bsngal gyi bden pa): in Vajrayana, 157
- [[Tsele Natsok Rangdröl: quote about samaya being and wisdom being, 196
- Tukdrub Yangdü -- (thugs sgrub yang 'dus): quote from, 205
- twelve Tenma goddesses -- (brtan ma bcu gnyis): listing, 205
- twenty-eight samayas -- (dam tshig nyer brgyad): listing and expl. of, 50
- two extremes -- (mtha' gnyis), 32
- two higher yogas -- (rnal 'byor gong ma gnyis): listing, 152
- Two Segments -- (brtag gnyis): quote from, 128
- [[two vidyadhara treasure revealers: expl., 159
- twofold superior equality -- (lhag pa’i mnyam pa gnyis): expl., 154
- unclean torma -- (dme gtor): expl., 204
- Unexcelled Mantra -- (sngags bla med): special samayas, 149
- Unexcelled Mantra -- (sngags bla na med pa): twofold superior equality, 154
- Unexcelled Tantras -- (bla na med pa'i rgyud): intent concerning empowerment, 34
- Unexcelled Yoga -- (rnal 'byor bla med): four empowerments of, 35
- universal wisdom of Dzogchen -- (rdzogs pa chen po ye shes spyi gzugs), 37
- vajra body -- (sku rdo rje): expl., 36
- vajra body endowed with the six elements -- (khams drug ldan pa’i rdo rje’i lus), 35; expl. of outer, inner and innermost, 143
- vajra master -- (rdo rje slob dpon), 38; expl. of qualifications, 145
- vajra mind -- (thugs rdo rje): expl., 37
- Vajra Mirror -- (rdo rje me long): quote from, 77
- Vajra Net -- (rdo rje drva ba): quote about ganachakra, 133
- Vajra Peak -- (rdo rje rtse mo): quote from, 165
- vajra speech -- (gsung rdo rje): expl., 36
- Vajra Vidarana -- (rdo rje rnam 'joms): cleansing, 166
- vajra wisdom -- (ye shes rdo rje): expl., 37
- Vajrasattva -- (rdo rje sems dpa'): expl. of outer, inner and innermost levels of practice, 163
- Vajrasattva -- (rdor sems): detailed expl., 70
- vase empowerment -- (bum dbang): expl., 35; expl. of the path connected to, 60
- verbal recitation -- (ngag bzlas): list of ten defects, 199
- Vidyadhara Assemblage Root Tantra -- (rig ‘dzin ‘dus pa rtsa rgyud): quote from, 39
- view that delivers by nature -- (rang bzhin gyis sgrol ba'i lta ba), 131; expl., 202
- Vinaya of Mantra -- (sngags kyi 'dul ba): expl., 46
- Vinaya Scripture -- ('dul ba lung), 197
- visualizing the mandala -- (dkyil 'khor bsgom pa): detailed expl., 93
- Vital Manual of the Heart Practice of the Assemblage of Secrets -- (thugs sgrub gsang ‘dus gnad yig): quote from, 64
- vivid features -- (rnam pa gsal ba): expl., 107
- vivid presence -- (gsal snang): detailed expl., 107
- wheel of gathering -- (tshogs kyi 'khor lo): benefit, 133
- wisdom being -- (ye shes sems dpa'): expl., 62
- wisdom of example -- (dpe'i ye shes), 36
- Wisdom Peak -- (ye shes rtse mo): quote from, 98
- wisdom-knowledge empowerment -- (shes rab ye shes kyi dbang, sher dbang): expl., 36
- wisdom-mudra -- (ye shes kyi phyag rgya), 145
- word empowerment -- (tshig dbang): expl., 37
- yoga of form -- (dbyibs kyi rnal ‘byor): expl., 35
- yoga of the deity of actuality -- (mngon sum pa'i lha'i rnal 'byor), 54
- yoga of the imagined deity -- (rjes dpag gi lha'i rnal 'byor): expl., 54
- yogic discipline of having equalized conduct and insight -- (spyod rig mnyam pa'i brtul zhugs), 42; expl., 147
- Yönten Gyatso -- (yon tan rgya mtsho): alias Jamgön Kongtrül, 165