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Index to ''[[Wellsprings of the Great Perfection]]'' by [[Erik Pema Kunsang]] | |||
* [[Abundant Delight]] - ([[dga' ldan brtsegs pa]]), 184, 185; alias Tushita, where Vajradhara first taught Dzogchen, 114, 115, 374 | |||
* [[Acharya Yeshe Yang]] - ([[a tsarya ye shes dbyangs]]), 232 | |||
* [[Activities Tantra Circle of the Sun]] - ([[phrin las kyi rgyud nyi ma'i snying po]]), 313 | |||
* [[Activity Garland]] - ([[karma ma le]]): activities tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Adorned with Golden Flowers]] - ([[gser gyi me tog gis brgyan pa'i gling]]): birth place of Manjushrimitra the Younger, 135 | |||
* [[Akashagarbha]] - ([[rnam mkha'i snying po]]): compiler, 380 | |||
* [[All-Creating King]] - ([[kun byed rgyal po]]), 385; see Kulayaraya, 47 | |||
* [[All-Encompassing Bliss]] - ([[bde ba rab 'byams]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 95, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 70 | |||
* [[All-Holding Lotus]] - ([[padma kun tu 'chang]]), 277 | |||
* [[Aloke the Atsantra]] - ([[a tsan tra a lo ke]]), 362; details, 95, 103; song of realization, 103; song to Kukkuraja, 365; song to Kukkuraja the Elder, 104 | |||
* [[Amitabha]], 307; song by, 153 | |||
* [[Amoghasiddhi]], 153, 307 | |||
* [[Amolika Rock]] - ([[rdo a mo li ka]]), 213 | |||
* [[Amrita Kundali]] - ([[bdud rtsi 'khyil ba]]): quote from, 69 | |||
* [[Ananda]] - ([[kun dga' bo]]): compiler, 379 | |||
* [[Ananda Garbha]] - ([[kun dga' snying po]]), 188; former life of Prahevajra, 190, 282 | |||
* [[Anathapindada's pleasure grove]] - ([[mgon med zas sbyin gyi kun dga' ra ba]]), 114, 119, 381 | |||
* [[Anu Yoga]], 261, 268; taught by Kashyapa the Elder, 119 | |||
* [[Anu Yoga Tantras of Completion]] - ([[rdzogs pa a nu yo ga'i rgyud sde]]), 286 | |||
* [[Appearance and Existence as the Manifest Ground]] - ([[snang srid gzhi gzhengs]]), 425 | |||
* [[Arali the Courtesan]]: details, 361 | |||
* [[Array of Ati]] - ([[a ti bkod pa]]): also ([[a ti bkod pa chen po]]), 380 | |||
* [[Array of Great Purity]] - ([[gtsang chen bkod pa]]): see also Great Purity, 15 | |||
* [[Arya Tara]] - ([[rje btsun sgol ma]]): song by, 154 | |||
* [[Aryadeva]] - ([[a'a rya de ba]]), 96, 135; quote by, 56, 58 | |||
* [[Aryapalo]] - ([[a'rya pa lo]]): song of realization, 65 | |||
* [[Ashoka]], 11; as grandfather of Prahevajra, 198, 282; as Prahevajra's grandfather, 284; as Vimalamitra's grandfather, 121 | |||
* [[Assemblage of Secrets]] - ([[gsang ba 'dus pa]]): mind tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Assemblage of Vidyadharas]] - ([[rig 'dzin kun 'dus]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Atharva]] - ([[rgyal po srid srung]]): king, father of Bodhi the Yakshini, 100 | |||
* [[Ati Yoga]] - ([[a ti yo ga]]), xi, 292; definition by Shri Singha, 261; description, 270; description by Dudjom Rinpoche, 76; description by Padmasambhava, 246; prophecy, 190; received by Vajrapani, 196; time of apprearance, 198 | |||
* [[Ati Yoga's Refined Bindu Cycle of the Secret Edict]] - ([[a ti yo ga bka' gsang thig le'i skor gyi yang zhun]]), 237 | |||
* [[Ati Zabdön Nyingpo]] - ([[a ti zab don snying po]]), 188, 423 | |||
* [[Auspicious Ten Thousand Gates]] - ([[bkra shis khri sgo]]), 140, 143, 356, 359; definition of name, 140; temple where Shri Singha concealed the teachings, 136, 137; temple where Shri Singha confers the empowerments upon Jnanasutra, 141; where Jnanasutra receives a prophecy, 140 | |||
* [[Avalokiteshvara]]: appears to Shri Singha, 134, 320; apprearing from Vajrasattva, 312; song by, 154 | |||
* [[Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang chub sems rig]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Awesome Wisdom Lightning]] - ([[ye shes rngam glog]]), 96 | |||
* [[Bairo Gyubum]], 423 | |||
* [[Barani the Courtesan]] - ([[smad 'tshong ma ba ra ni]]): details, 100; Sarati, 421; song of realization, 101; song to Brilliance, 101 | |||
* [[Bear's Nest of Sha-uk]] - ([[sha 'ug dom tshang]]): terma site, 232 | |||
* [[Benevolent Teacher]] - ([[legs ldan ston pa]]): father of Manjushrimitra, 130, 320 | |||
* [[Bhadrapala]] - ([[bzang skyong]]): king on the plateau of the Thirty-Three Gods and father of Ananda Garbha, 190 | |||
* [[Bhangala]]: location, 81 | |||
* [[Bhararaja Muletsün]] - ([[Devaraja]]), 362 | |||
* [[Bhashita the Rishi]] - ([[drang srong bha sh'i t'a]]): among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96, 104; quote by, 54; song of realization, 67, 104; song to Purasati, 105 | |||
* [[Bhasing]] - ([[dur khrod bha sing]]): charnel ground, 145, 160; charnel ground, place where Jnanasutra resided, 143 | |||
* [[Bhelakirti]] - ([[bha la ki ti]]) teacher of Shri Singha, 320; ([[bi le ki ti]]) teacher of Shri Singha, 134 | |||
* [[Bhetala]], 92; location, 81 | |||
* [[Bindu Cycle]] - ([[thig le'i skor]]), 235 | |||
* [[Bindu Cycle of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po thig le'i skor]]): Shri Singha categorized into four cycles, 136 | |||
* [[Bindu Cycle of the Secret Edict]] - ([[bka' gsang thig le'i skor]]), 323, 425 | |||
* [[Bindu Section of the Innermost Cycle]] - ([[yang gsang thig le'i sde]]), 385 | |||
* [[Black Mandala Lake]] - ([[mtsho maNDal nag po]]), 294 | |||
* [[Black Naga Tamer Subsequent Tantra]] - ([[rgyud phyi ma nag po klu 'dul]]): tantra, 379 | |||
* [[Black Quintessence]] - ([[yang ti nag po]]), 8, 294, 295 | |||
* [[Black Sho-Am Jom]] - ([[sho'ang 'joms nag po]]): birth place of Shri Singha, 133 | |||
* [[Black Wrathful Mother]] - ([[khros ma nag mo]]), 213 | |||
* [[Blazing Face]] - ([['bar ma'i gdong can]]), 86 | |||
* [[Blazing Fire Mountain]] - ([[me ri 'bar ba]]), 27, 117, 186, 298, 313, 391; charnel ground, 162 | |||
* [[Blazing Lamp]] - ([[sgron ma 'bar ba]]), 302; Brilliant Expanse, 5 | |||
* [[Blazing Lamp Tantra]] - ([[sgron me 'bar ba'i rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Blisfull Wheel]] - ([[bde ldan 'khor lo]]): father of Vimalamitra, 137 | |||
* [[Blissful Compassion]] - ([[bde ba'i snying rje ldan]]): Sudharma's dakini attendant, 125 | |||
* [[Blissful Grove]] - ([[bde ldan gyi tshal]]), 380 | |||
* [[Blissful Loka Taste]] - ([['jig rten bde ba'i ro ldan ma]]): dakini who was the scribe for Prahevajra, 129, 319 | |||
* [[Blissful Mingled Minds]] - ([[bde ldan yid 'dres]]): where Prahevajra wrote down the Great Perfection, 319 | |||
* [[Blooming Lotus as the tantra of qualities]] - ([[yon tan padmo dbye ba]]), 378 | |||
* [[Bodhi the Yakshini]] - ([[gnod sbyin mo byang chub ma]]): among the 21 masters, 362; details, 100, 360; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song of realization, 60, 100; song to Barani, 101; song to Sarati the Courtesan, 364 | |||
* [[Bodhicharyavatara]], 174 | |||
* [[Bodhisattva the King of Nagas]] - ([[klu rgyal byang chub sems dpa']]): song of realization, 391 | |||
* [[body of the great transformation]] - ([['pho wa chen po'i sku]]), 5, 156, 350 | |||
* [[Body Tantra Swirling Lotus]] - ([[sku'i rgyud padma 'khyil ba]]), 313 | |||
* [[Bomta Khenpo]], 421, 443 | |||
* [[Boulder Marked with the Vajra-Cross]] - ([[pha bong rdo rje rgya gram gyis btab pa]]), 132 | |||
* [[Brahmin Tantra of Distinguishing the Vehicles]] - ([[bram ze theg pa shan 'byed kyi rgyud]]): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285 | |||
* [[Brahmin's Cycle]] - ([[bram ze'i skor]]), 206 | |||
* [[Brahmin's Playful Cycle]] - ([[sgeg pa bram ze'i skor]]): brief explanation, 264 | |||
* [[Braided Ones]] - ([[lcang lo can]]): realm where Prahevajra received teachings from Vajrasattva, 178 | |||
* [[Bright Spirit]] - ([[bdag nyid gsal ma]]): mother of Vimalamitra, 137 | |||
* [[Brilliance the Kashmiri scholar]] - ([[kha che'i mkhan po rab snang]]), 362; details, 101; song of realization, 101; song to Maharaja, 102, 365 | |||
* [[Brilliance the king of Kashmir]] - ([[kha che'i rgyal po rab snang]]): details, 360; song of realization, 69 | |||
* [[Brilliant]] - ([[rab tu snang byed]]): charnel ground, 160; charnel ground where Vimalamitra resided, 147 | |||
* [[Brilliant Dhanakosha]]. See [[Dhanakosha]] | |||
* [[Brilliant Essence of Gold]] - ([[gser gyi snying po rab tu snang byed]]), 135 | |||
* [[Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal]]), 5, 301, 332; excerpt, 275 | |||
* [[Brilliant Sun]] - ([[nyi ma rab tu snang byed]]): co-compiler of the first tantra of the aeon, 115, 374 | |||
* [[Buddha Aspiration]] - ([[sangs rgyas mos pa]]), 186 | |||
* [[Buddha Kashyapa]] - ([[sangs rgyas 'od srung]]), 229; emanation of Vajrasattva, 314 | |||
* [[Buddha Sky Essence]] - ([[sangs rgyas nam mkha'i snying po]]), 311 | |||
* [[Buddhaguhya]] - ([[sangs rgyas gsang ba]]), 151, 206, 426 | |||
* [[Buddhagupta]] - ([[bhu ta kug ta]]), details, 109; ([[bhu ta kug ta]]), song of realization, 109; ([[bhu ta kug ta]]), song to Shri Singha, 110; ([[buddha gupta]]), song of realization, 72; ([[Butakuta]]) song to Shri Singha, 367; among the seven later panditas, 95; [[Butakutam]] - ([[Buddhaguhya]]), 362; details, 96 | |||
* [[Buddhamati the Courtesan]] - ([[smad 'tshong ma buddha ma ti]]): song of realization, see also Purasati, 62 | |||
* [[Bumtang]] - ([[bum thang]]), 170, 221, 232 | |||
* [[Cave of Solitude]] - ([[dben skyong brag phug]]): place of Shri Singha, 290 | |||
* [[Caverns of Chimpu]] - ([[bsam yas mchims phu]]), 222; ([[mchims phu dge gong]]), 254, 255, 258, 259, 350; ([[mchims phu dge'u]]), 327 | |||
* [[Caves of Yerpa]] - ([[yer pa brag]]), 219 | |||
* [[Chakrasamvara]], 16 | |||
* [[Changeless Light]] - ([['od mi 'gyur ba]]), 211, 225, 277, 317; Samantabhadra, 424 | |||
* [[Changeless Steadiness]] - ([[mi 'gyur brtan pa'i dbang]]), 197 | |||
* [[Chari]] - ([[spyod ma]]): dakini who gave prophecy to Jnanasutra, 141 | |||
* [[Chetsün Senge Wangchuk]] - ([[lce btsun seng ge dbang phyug]]), 122, 346 | |||
* [[Chiti]] - ([[spyi ti]]): definition, 422 | |||
* [[Chiti Yoga]] - ([[spyi ti yo ga]]), 281, 292 | |||
* [[Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa]] - ([[mchog gyur bde chen gling pa]]), 393 | |||
* [[Chokgyur Lingpa]] - ([[mchog gyur gling pa]]), ii, 52, 410, 412 | |||
* [[Chokro Dri]] - ([[lcog ro 'bri]]): birth place of Yeshe Tsogyal, 163 | |||
* [[Chokro Lui Gyaltsen]] - ([[cog ro klu'i rgyal mtshan]]), 121, 347, 348, 350; sent to receive Vimalamitra, 150 | |||
* [[Club Wielder]] - ([[be con 'dzin]]): compiler, 376 | |||
* [[Collection of Precious Gemstones]] - ([[rin chen / rin po che kun 'dus]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 68 | |||
* [[Compendium of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang chub kyi sems kun bsdus]]), 361 | |||
* [[Complete Array]] - ([[rnam par bkod pa]]): the realm, 372 | |||
* [[Complete Peaceful and Wrathful Ones]] - ([[zhi khro yongs rdzogs kyi skor]]), 296 | |||
* [[Comprehension]] - ([[spyi gcod]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 64, 95 | |||
* [[Comprehension of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang chub kyi sems spyi gcod]]), 95 | |||
* [[Conch of Brahma's Voice]] - ([[tshangs ma dung mgrin can]]): dakini, 179, 313, 376 | |||
* [[Confluence of Insight of All Yidams]] - ([[yi dam dgongs 'dus]]): the Yidam Gongdü, 371 | |||
* [[Constant]] - ([[brtson ldan]]): mother of Dhahena Talo, 97 | |||
* [[Cool Grove]] - ([[bsil ba'i tshal]]): charnel ground, 129, 130, 160, 179, 295, 319, 320, 323, 402 | |||
* [[Cooling charnel ground]] - ([[bsil byed bya ba'i dur khrod]]): ([[dur khrod bsil byed]]) where Jnanasutra meets Shri Singha, also ([[bsil sbyin dur khrod]]), ([[dur khrod chen po bsil sbyin]]), 140; also ([[bsil byin]]), 137 | |||
* [[Covered with Golden Sand]] - ([[gser gyi bye ma brdal ba]]): place where Sudharma conceived Prahevajra, 125; Vimalamitra conceals manuscripts, 147 | |||
* [[Crystal Cave of Yangdzong]] - ([[yang rdzong shel phug]]), 222 | |||
* [[Cuckoo of Awareness]] - ([[rig pa khu byug]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 54 | |||
* [[Cutting Insight Essence Tantra]] - ([[shes rab gcod byed snying po'i rgyud]]), 314 | |||
* [[Cycle of Instructions]] - ([[man ngag gi skor]]): brief explanation, 264 | |||
* [[Cycle of the Space Section]] - ([[klong sde'i skor]]): brief explanation, 264 | |||
* [[Cycle of the Tantras]] - ([[rgyud kyi skor]]), 263 | |||
* [[Cycle on Establishing the Visions in Actuality]] - ([[mngon sum snang ba gtan la 'bebs pa'i skor]]), 221 | |||
* [[Cycles of Mind, Space, and Instruction]] - ([[sems klong man ngag gi skor]]), 157 | |||
* [[Dakini Tantra of the Sun of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[Da'kki klong gsal nyi ma'i rgyud]]): see Brilliant Expanse, 156 | |||
* [[Damshö Ling charnel ground]] - ([[dam shod gling gi dur khrod]]), 200 | |||
* [[Dangma Lhungyal]] - ([[ldang ma lhun rgyal]]), 122, 346 | |||
* [[Dantig]] - ([[chu bo dan tig]]): where Prahevajra passed away, 131, 322 | |||
* [[Dark Red Jackal Tantra of the Mother Deities]] - ([[ma mo yi rgyud lce spyang dmar nag]]): tantra, 380 | |||
* [[Definitive Great Secret]] - ([[gsang chen nges pa]]): syn for the Great Perfection, xi, 120, 148, 161, 295 | |||
* [[definitive secret teachings]] - ([[bka' gsang nges pa]]), 145 | |||
* [[Delightful Vajra]] - ([[dga' rab rdo rje]]): name of Prahevajra, v, 85, 128, 178, 200, 214, 284, 363, 395 | |||
* [[Delightful Youth]] - ([[dga' byed gzhon nu]]): Shakyamuni, 314, 422 | |||
* [[Delighting in the Great Secret]] - ([[gsang chen rol pa]]), 292; charnel ground, 186; charnel ground at the Blazing Fire Mountain, 117 | |||
* [[Denma Tsemang]] - ([[ldan ma rtse mangs]]), 232 | |||
* [[Densely Arrayed]] - ([[stug po bkod pa]]), 306; realm of Akanishtha, 17, 176, 301; realms of self-display, 182, 184; sambhogakaya realms, 181, 373 | |||
* [[Densely Arrayed Realm of Total Purity]] - ([[rnam dag stug po bkod pa]]), 423 | |||
* [[Devaraja]] - ([[lha'i rgyal po de ba ra' dza]]): aka Bhararaja Muletsün, 362; alias Devaraja Mule Tsen, song to [[Buddhagupta]] / ([[Butakuta]]), 367; details, 95, 108; song of realization, 70, 109; song to Buddhagupta, 109 | |||
* [[Dhahe the scholar of Uddiyana]] - ([[o rgyan gyi mkhan po dha he]]): song of realization, 65 | |||
* [[Dhahena Chadu]]: king, father of Vimalamitra, 111 | |||
* [[Dhahena Talo]] - ([[dha he na ta lo]]), 206; details, 97; Dhahi Telo, 362; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; grandfather of Prahevajra, 199; song of realization, 53, 97; song to Rajadeva, 364; song to Rajahasti, 98 | |||
* [[Dhahena Telo]] - ([[dha he na ta lo]]): details, aka Dhanadala, 50 | |||
* [[Dhahuna the Dog King]]: alias [[Kukkuraja the Younger]], 367 | |||
* [[Dhahuna the learned]]. See Kukkuraja the Younger | |||
* [[Dhanadala]] - ([[dha na d'a la]]): probably identical with Dhahena Telo, 50 | |||
* [[Dhanakosha]] - ([[dha na ko sha]]), 88, 95, 178, 202, 227, 229, 284; ([[sbyin pa'i mdzod]]) in Uddiyana, 199; literal meaning, 89, 125; location, 85; Padmasambhava's birth, 293; Vairotsana's visit, 238 | |||
* [[Dhanasanskrit]] - ([[nor gyi legs sbyar]]): song of realization, 404 | |||
* [[Dharma Ashoka]]: as Prahevajra's grandfather, 198, 284; as Vimalamitra's grandfather, 121 | |||
* [[Dharma Fortress Hermitage]] - ([[chos rdzong dgon]]), 331 | |||
* [[Dharmabodhi]]: mother of Vimalamitra, 121 | |||
* [[Dharmachakra]]: king for whom Vimalamitra officiated, 121 | |||
* [[dharmadhatu palace of Akanistha]] - ([['og min chos kyi dbyings kyi pho brang]]), 162, 279, 300, 372; expl. of definite meaning, 17; the dharmakaya buddhafield, 289 | |||
* [[dharmakaya realm of the Luminous Vajra Essence]] - ([[chos sku 'od gsal rdo rje snying po'i zhing]]), 424 | |||
* [[Dharmaraja]]: definition of title, 81; details, 95 | |||
* [[Dharmaraja]] - ([[dharma ra' dza]]): song of realization, 71 | |||
* [[Dharmevajra]] - ([[rdo rje chos]]), 16, 95, 313; alias Kuñjara, 289; compiler, 313; requestee of Vajrasattva, 312; song by, 154 | |||
* [[Direct Revelation of Samantabhadra's Mind]] - ([[kun tu bzang po'i dgongs pa zang thal du bstan pa]]), 209, 223, 246, 273; Gongpa Zangtal, 248; tantra, 265 | |||
* [[distinguishing, resolving, and self-liberation in actuality]] - ([[shan phye la bzla rang grol mngon sum]]), 190, 206 | |||
* [[Divine Cliff of Zangzang]] - ([[zang zang lha brag]]), 219, 234, 252, 253, 273; terma site, 232 | |||
* [[Divine Mound]] - ([[lha brtsegs pa]]): charnel ground in Uddiyana, 286 | |||
* [[Dog King the Younger]]: see [[Kukkuraja the Younger]] / ([[Dhahuna]]), 362 | |||
* [[Dorje Dudjom of Nanam]] - ([[sna nam rdo rje bdud 'joms]]), 235, 326 | |||
* [[Dorje Lingpa]] - ([[rdo rje gling pa]]), 9, 43, 298, 340, 370; excerpt from Brilliant Expanse, 275 | |||
* [[Dorje Tötreng Tsal]] - ([[rdo rje thod phreng rtsal]]): alias Padmasambhava, 323 | |||
* [[Dorje Tromo Rakdongma]] - ([[rdo rje khro mo rak gdong ma]]). See Tromo Rakdongma | |||
* [[Dra Talgyur]] - ([[sgra thal 'gyur]]), 115 | |||
* [[Dra Talgyur Root Tantra]] - ([[sgra thal 'gyur rtsa ba'i rgyud]]), 114, 185; one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Dragon Crest Jewel Ridge]] - ([[rtse 'brug rin chen sgang]]): abode of King Ashoka, 282, 284 | |||
* [[Drimey Dashar]] - ([[dri med zla shar]]): alias Jnana Kumara of Nyak, 350 | |||
* [[Drimey Özer]] - ([[dri med 'od zer]]): alias Longchen Rabjam, 32 | |||
* [[Dungtso Repa the Later]] - ([[dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma]]), 294 | |||
* [[Dzogchen Desum]] - ([[rdzogs chen sde gsum]]), 10; description, 385; Three Sections of the Great Perfection, 52 | |||
* [[Dzogchen Sangwa Nyingtig]] - ([[rdzogs chen gsang ba snying tig]]), 425 | |||
* [[Earth Essence]] - ([[sa'i snying po]]): attendant of Vimalamitra, 348 | |||
* [[effortless Ati Yoga]] - ([[rtsol med a ti yo ga]]): see Ati Yoga, 198 | |||
* [[effortless vehicle of original wakefulness]], 229 | |||
* [[Effulgent Lamp]] - ([[snang ba'i sgron me]]): mother of Manjushrimitra, 130, 320 | |||
* [[eight gauris]]: listing, 422 | |||
* [[eight keurimas]] - ([[ke'u ri ma brgyad]]), 132 | |||
* [[Eight Later Translations]] - ([[phyi 'gyur brgyad]]), 46 | |||
* [[Eight Sections of Great Magical Net]] - ([[sgyu 'phrul chen po sde brgyad]]): listing, 286 | |||
* [[eight vidyadharas]] - ([[rig 'dzin brgyad]]): list, 425 | |||
* [[Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras]] - ([[rdzogs chen rgyud bco brgyad]]), 112; list, 158 | |||
* [[Eighteen Marvels of Mind]] - ([[sems smad bco brgyad]]), 46, 385; compared with the [[Eighteen Major Scriptures]] - ([[lung chen po bco brgyad]]), 424; list of Padmasambhava's transmission from Samantabhadra, 279 | |||
* [[Eighteen Tantras of Mahayoga]] - ([[ma hA yo ga'i tan tra sde bco brgyad]]), 50, 103, 314; list of scriptures Padmasambhava received from Vajrasattva, 280 | |||
* [[Eightfold Magical Net]] - ([[sgyu 'phrul brgyad pa]]), 286 | |||
* [[Eighty Deeds of Yamantaka]] - ([[gshin rje las brgya bcu]]), 378 | |||
* [[Eightyfold Magical Net]] - ([[sgyu 'phrul brgyad bcu pa]]), 286 | |||
* [[Ekajati]] - ([[e ka dza Ti]]): protector of the Great Perfection, 137, 252 | |||
* [[Elephant Forest]] - ([[glang po'i tshal]]): birth place of Vimalamitra, also ([[glang po sgang zhes bya ba'i grong khyer]]), 137 | |||
* [[Embodiment of Teachings]] - ([[bka' 'dus]]), 281 | |||
* [[Eminent Destroyer of Samsara]] - ([['khor ba legs gcod]]): the buddha, 372 | |||
* [[Eminent Samadhi]] - ([[ting 'dzin bzang po]]): Steadfast Lion, 314, 422 | |||
* [[Empowerment Instruction of the Great Bridge]] - ([[zam pa chen po dbang gi man ngag]]), 84 | |||
* [[empowerment of awareness-display]] - ([[rig pa rtsal gyi dbang]]), 225, 234, 314 | |||
* [[empowerment of the Royal Vase]] - ([[rgyal thabs spyi blugs gi dbang]]), 200 | |||
* [[empowerment of the Threefold Spontaneous Presence]] - ([[lhun grub gsum gyi dbang]]), 197 | |||
* [[Enchanting]] - ([[dga' byed]]): charnel ground, 160 | |||
* [[Enchanting Forest of Exquisite Taste]] - ([[ro mchog bde ba'i tshal]]), 85, 88, 89 | |||
* [[Enchanting Grove]] - ([[dga' byed kyi tshal]]): where Vimalamitra met again with Jnanasutra, 138 | |||
* [[Enchanting Mound]] - ([[bde byed brtsegs pa]]): see Shankara Kuta, 125; stupa, 379 | |||
* [[Encountering the Three Kayas]] - ([[sku gsum thug 'phrad kyi man ngag]]), 197 | |||
* [[Equalizing of Buddhahood]] - ([[sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor]]), 113 | |||
* [[Equalizing Secret Tantra]] - ([[mnyam sbyor gsang rgyud]]): Tantra of the Great Equalizing of Buddhahood, 314 | |||
* [[Essence of Secrets]] - ([[gsang ba snying po, Guhyagarbha]]), 286; general tantra of Mahayoga, 281 | |||
* [[Essence of Statements from the Oral Lineage]] - ([[rna rgyud lung gi thig le]]): quote from, 305 | |||
* [[Essence Studded Tantra]] - ([[thig le phra rgyud]]): tantra, 379 | |||
* [[Essence Tantra in Seven Lines that Liberates through Wearing]] - ([[btags grol snying po'i rgyud tshig bdun pa]]), 172 | |||
* [[essence, nature and capacity]] - ([[ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje]]), 171, 181, 311 | |||
* [[Essential Heart Essence]] - ([[snying thig snying po]]), 136 | |||
* [[Essential Unexcelled Cycle]] - ([[snying po bla na med pa'i skor]]), 247 | |||
* [[Ever-Excellent]] - ([[kun tu bzang mo]]): dakini, 145 | |||
* [[Ever-Excellent Salasakra of the Mothers]] - ([[ma mo kun tu bzang mo sa la sa kra]]), ([[ma mo kun tu bzang mo sa la ba dra]]), 378 | |||
* [[Excellent Starlight]] - ([[skar ma 'od bzang po]]), 313 | |||
* [[Excellent Valley]] - ([[bzang lung]]): charnel ground, 130, 425 | |||
* [[Expanding Delight]] - ([[he chen brdal ba]]): Manjushrimitra's song, 393 | |||
* [[Expanse of Vajrasattva's Heart]] - ([[rdo rje sems dpa'i thugs kyi klong]]), 223 | |||
* [[Exposition Tantras]] - ([[bshad rgyud]]), 132, 141, 323 | |||
* [[Exquisite Flower]] - ([[me tog mdzes pa]]): the buddha, 372 | |||
* [[Extensive Outer Cycle]] - ([[rgyas pa phyi skor]]), 247 | |||
* [[Extensive Tantra of Great Space]] - ([[nam mkha' che rgyas pa'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 263 | |||
* [[extremely unelaborate empowerment]] - ([[rab tu spros med kyi dbang]]), 142 | |||
* [[Father Tantra View of Vastness]] - ([[pha rgyud lta ba klong yangs]]), 43, 370 | |||
* [[Fifteen Special Tantras]] - ([[sgos rgyud bco lnga]]), 286 | |||
* [[Final Subsequent Tantra Devourer of a Billion Worlds]] - ([[rgyud phyi ma'i phyi ma stong gsum za byed]]), 381 | |||
* [[Final Testament]] - ([['das rjes tha ma]]): by Kashyapa the Elder, 381 | |||
* [[Five Early Translations]] - ([[snga 'gyur lnga]]), 46, 95; Mind Section, 238 | |||
* [[five eminent ones]] - ([[lnga sde bzang po]]): retinue of Buddha Shakyamuni, 381 | |||
* [[Five Symbols of the Deeds]] - ([[byas pa'i brda lnga]]), 321 | |||
* [[Five Symbols of the Manifest]] - ([[snang ba'i brda lnga]]), 321 | |||
* [[Five Symbols of the Practice Lineage]] - ([[bsgrub rgyud kyi brda lnga]]), 320 | |||
* [[Five-Peaked Mountain]] - ([[ri bo rtse lnga]]), 134, 137, 350 | |||
* [[Flawless Crest, Excellent among the Shakyas]] - ([[dri med gtsug phud shak bzang]]): father of Sarani, grandfather of Prahevajra, 82 | |||
* [[Flawless Kinsman]] - ([[bi ma la mi tra]]): song of realization, 401; Vimalamitra, 34, 36, 216, 397 | |||
* [[Flawless Moon]] - ([[zla ba dri med]]): co-compiler of the first tantra of the aeon, 374 | |||
* [[Flower-Adorned Base and Center]] - ([[gzhi dang snying po me tog gis rgyan pa]]), 15 | |||
* [[Fortyfold Magical Net]] - ([[sgyu 'phrul bzhi bcu pa]]), 286 | |||
* [[Four Branches of Heart Essence]] - ([[snying thig ya bzhi]]), xvi, 188; details, 112 | |||
* [[four rivers of empowerment]] - ([[dbang go chu bo bzhi]]): listing from Vajrasattva, 313 | |||
* [[four visions]] - ([[rdzogs chen gyi snang ba bzhi]]), 425 | |||
* [[Fourfold Means of Settling]] - ([[bzhag thabs bzhi pa]]): Jnanasutra's testament to Vimalamitra, 147 | |||
* [[Fourty-Four Kilaya Tantra]] - ([[k'i la ya bzhi bcu gnyis kyi rgyud]]): activities tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Fragrant Grass]] - ([['jag ma'i gling]]): charnel ground where Aryadeva awakened to enlightenment, 135 | |||
* [[Framework of Existence]] - ([[srid pa spyi chings]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 65 | |||
* [[Framework of Existence]] - ([[srid pa'i spyi chings]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Freedom Cave of Dakinis]] - ([[mkha' 'gro mngon par 'byung ba'i brag phug]]): place where Prahevajra wrote down the natural Great Perfection, 129, 179, 319 | |||
* [[Furrowed Red Rock]] - ([[brag dmar ri mo can]]), 329, 339, 425 | |||
* [[Gangri Tökar]] - ([[gangs ri thod dkar]]), 32 | |||
* [[Gathered Black Clouds]] - ([[sprin nag 'dus pa'i grong khyer]]), 286 | |||
* [[Generous Hand]] - ([[lag sbyin]]): past life of Vajradhara, 372 | |||
* [[Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear]] - ([['jam dpal 'jigs skyobs]]): one of the twelve Dzogchen buddhas, alias Youth Playful Grace, 370; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, alias Youth Playful Grace, 375 | |||
* [[Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear]] - ([['jigs pa skyob]]), ([['jigs pa skyob pa'i yid]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116 | |||
* [[Glorious Mountain]] - ([[dpal gyi ri]]): abode of Nagarjuna, 58, 404 | |||
* [[Glorious Source of Qualities]] - ([[dpal yon tan 'byung ba]]), 92 | |||
* [[glorious stupa Descended from Heavenly Realms]] - ([[dpal lha las babs pa'i mchos rten]]), 179 | |||
* [[Glorious Supreme Primal Tantra]] - ([[dpal mchog dang po'i rgyud, Skt. Shri Paramadi Tantra]]): qualities tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Glorious Sustainer of Bliss]] - ([[dpal ldan bde skyong]]): father of Manjushrimitra, 202 | |||
* [[Glorious Tantra of the Resolution of the Four Elements]] - ([[dpal 'byung bzhi zad pa'i rgyud]]), 116 | |||
* [[Golden Designs of Jewels]] - ([[rin po che'i gser mig]]), 264 | |||
* [[Golden Orphan Temple]] - ([[bu tshal gser khang gling]]), 349 | |||
* [[Golden Razor of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang chub kyi sems gser gyi spu gri]]), 95 | |||
* [[Golden Sanctuary]] - ([[gser gling]]), 95, 134, 320; charnel ground, 92 | |||
* [[Golden Sanctuary of Expanding Delight]] - ([[gser gling he chen brdal ba]]), 85, 88; meaning of name, 89 | |||
* [[Golden Sanctuary of Expanding Delight]] - ([[gser gling he chen gdal ba]]): charnel ground abode of Prahevajra, 202 | |||
* [[Gongpa Zangtal]] - ([[dgongs pa zang thal]]), 223 | |||
* [[Great Array]] - ([[bkod pa chen po]]), 124 | |||
* [[Great Array of Ati]] - ([[a ti bkod pa chen po'i rgyud]]), 422 | |||
* [[Great Blaze]] - ([['bar ba chen po]]): tantra, 379 | |||
* [[Great Blaze]] - ([['bar ma chen mo]]): dakini, 145 | |||
* [[Great Compassionate One]]: [[Avalokiteshvara]], 333 | |||
* [[Great Drum of the Gods]] - ([[lha'i rnga bo che lta bu'i gtam]]), 180 | |||
* [[Great Garuda]] - ([[khyung chen]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 53 | |||
* [[Great General Background for the History of the Authentic Lineage]] - ([[yid ches brgyud pa'i lo rgyus stong thun gyi spyi chings chen mo]]), 235 | |||
* [[Great History of the Heart Essence]] - ([[snying thig lo sgyus chen mo]]), 121 | |||
* [[Great Perfection of Chiti]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po spyi ti]]), 424 | |||
* [[Great Perfection of Profound Instructions]] - ([[man ngag zab mo rdzogs pa chen po]]), 221 | |||
* [[Great Perfection of the Black Quintessence]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po yang ti nag po]]), 424 | |||
* [[Great Perfection of the Unexcelled Fruition]] - ([['bras bu bla na med pa'i rdzogs pa chen po]]), 218 | |||
* [[Great Perfection Renowned as Body]] - ([[sku ltar grags pa'i rdzogs chen]]), 214 | |||
* [[Great Perfection Renowned as Edict]] - ([[bka' ltar yongs su grags pa'i rdzogs chen]]), 215 | |||
* [[Great Perfection Renowned as Edict]] - ([[bka' yongs su grags pa'i rdzogs pa chen po]]), 221, 263; explanation of the four aspects, 263 | |||
* [[Great Perfection Renowned as Instruction]] - ([[man ngag yongs su grags pa'i rdzogs pa chen po]]), 263; explanation of three aspects, 264 | |||
* [[Great Perfection Renowned as Speech]] - ([[gsung ltar grags pa'i rdzogs chen]]), 214 | |||
* [[Great Perfection that Clarifies the Essence]] - ([[snying po gsal ba'i rdzogs chen]]), 215, 216 | |||
* [[Great Perfection that Clarifies the Essence Distinguished as Speech]] - ([[gsung ltar snying po gsal ba'i rdzogs chen]]), 214 | |||
* [[Great Perfection that Liberates as Mind]] - ([[thugs ltar grol ba'i rdzogs chen]]), 214 | |||
* [[Great Perfection's Innermost Unexcelled Cycle]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa'i skor]]), 271 | |||
* [[Great Perfection's Instruction Section]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po man ngag sde]]), 270 | |||
* [[Great Perfection's Mind Section Cycle]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po sems sde'i skor]]), 270 | |||
* [[Great Perfection's Six Tantras of Liberation Through Wearing]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po btags grol rgyud drug]]), 265 | |||
* [[Great Perfection's Space Section Cycle]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po klong sde'i skor]]), 270 | |||
* [[Great Perfection's Three Tantras of Liberation Through Wearing]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po btags grol rgyud gsum]]), 265 | |||
* [[Great Prophecy of Awakened Mind]] - ([[sems lung chen po]]), 379 | |||
* [[Great Purity]] - ([[gtsang chen]]), 277 | |||
* [[Great Purity]] - ([[tshangs chen]]): realms, 424 | |||
* [[Great Purity nirmanakaya realms]], 18 | |||
* [[Great Samayoga Tantra]] - ([[mnyam sbyor chen po'i rgyud]]), 327 | |||
* [[Great Seal]] - ([[phyag rgya chen po'i man ngag]]), 197 | |||
* [[Great Self-Existence]] - ([[rang byung chen po]]), 270 | |||
* [[Great Self-Existing Emanations]] - ([[rang byung gi sprul pa chen po]]): Three Sources, 180, 184 | |||
* [[Great Soaring Garuda]] - ([[khyung chen lding ba]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Great Space]] - ([[nam mkha' che]]), 379; one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 55 | |||
* [[Great Sphere]] - ([[thig le chen po'i dbang]]), 197 | |||
* [[Great Strength]] - ([[rtsal chen]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 57 | |||
* [[Grove of Reed]] - ([['dam bu'i tshal]]): where Vimalamitra and Jnanasutra received the prophecy from Vajrasattva, 138 | |||
* [[Guarded Mind]] - ([[mgon sems]]): disciple of Kashyapa the Elder, 380 | |||
* [[Guhya Samaja]], 50 | |||
* [[Guhyagarbha Tantra]], 25 | |||
* [[Guhyasamaja]], 16 | |||
* [[Guru Chöwang]] - ([[gu ru chos dbang]]), 113 | |||
* [[Guru Loden Choksey]] - ([[gu ru blo ldan mchog sred]]), 280 | |||
* [[Guru Nyima Özer]] - ([[gu ru nyi ma 'od zer]]), 279 | |||
* [[Guru Padma]] - ([[gu ru padma]]): song by. See Padmasambhava | |||
* [[Guru Tashi Tobgyal]], 294 | |||
* [[Gyalwa Yangönpa]] - ([[rgyal ba yang dgon pa]]): quote about vajra holder, 17 | |||
* [[Hastibhala]] - ([[hasti bha la]]): teacher of Shri Singha in China, 133, 320 | |||
* [[Hayagriva]] - ([[rta mgrin]]), 289, 298; song by, 154; tantras, 378 | |||
* [[Healing Garden of Youth]] - ([['tsho byed gzhon nu'i sdum ra]]), 116, 185 | |||
* [[Healing Herb Garden of Youth]] - ([[sman 'tsho byed gzhon nu'i sdum ra]]), 116 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage]] - ([[rnar rgyud]]), 132 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage]] - ([[snyan rgyud]]), 323 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage for the Innermost Unexcelled Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa'i snyan brgyud sde gsum]]): three sets, 223 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage in Six Chapters]] - ([[snyan rgyud le'u drug pa]]), 248, 249 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage of Pointing Out Dharmata]] - ([[chos nyid ngo sprod spros pa'i snyan rgyud]]): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage of Practicing the Fivefold Meditation Method]] - ([[bzhag thabs rnam pa lnga'i nyams len snyan rgyud]]): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage of the Vajra Masters in Six Chapters]] - ([[rdo rje slob dpon gyi snyan rgyud le'u drug]]), 250, 255, 256 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage on Distinguishing Mind and Awareness]] - ([[sems dang rig pa dbye ba'i snyan brgyud]]), 219 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage on Distinguishing Mind and Wisdom]] - ([[sems dang ye shes dbye ba'i snyan rgyud]]), 250; one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage on Establishing the Meditation and Post-Meditation]] - ([[snyan brgyud mnyam bzhag rjes thob gtan la dbab pa]]), 221 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage on Freely Resting Mind Essence]] - ([[snyan brgyud sems nyid cog bzhag]]), 222 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage on separating consciousness and wakefulness]] - ([[sems dang ye shes 'byed pa'i snyan brgyud]]), 271 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage on the Self-Liberated Awareness of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po rang grol rig pa'i snyan brgyud]]), 223 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage on the Self-Liberation of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po rang grol ba'i snyan brgyud]]), 223 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage to be Liberated through Practice]] - ([[nyams len gyi sgo nas grol bar bya ba'i snyan rgyud]]): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255 | |||
* [[Hearing Lineage to be Understood through Explanation]] - ([[bshad thabs kyi sgo nas go bar bya ba'i snyan rgyud]]): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255 | |||
* [[hearing transmission of sublime individuals]] - ([[gang zag snyan khung brgyud pa]]): literal explanatiion, 147 | |||
* [[Heart Essence Exposition Tantra]] - ([[bshad rgyud snying gi ti ka/ snying thig gi bka']]), 132 | |||
* [[Heart Essence in Actuality]] - ([[mngon sum snying tig]]), 164; Instruction Section of the Great Perfection from Padmasambhava, 164 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of Dakinis]] - ([[mkha' 'gro snying thig]]), 5, 7, 23, 112 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of Samantabhadra]] - ([[kun bzang thugs tig]]), 383 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal snying thig]]), 327 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal snying tig]]): Longsal Nyingtig, 338 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of the Dakinis]]: explained, 156 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of the Dakinis]] - ([[mkha' 'gro snying thig]]), 302 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of the Dakinis]] - ([[mkha' 'gro snying tig]]), 168; Shri Singha's transmission to Padmasambhava, 158 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po snying tig]]), 264 | |||
* [[Heart Essence of Vimalamitra]] - ([[bi ma snying thig]]), 121, 346 | |||
* [[Heruka Display as the tantra of activities]] - ([[phrin las khrag 'thung rol pa]]), 378 | |||
* [[Hevajra]], 16; tantra, 421, 443 | |||
* [[Hooked Cave of Golden Rock]] - ([[gser gyi brag phug yu ba can]]): practice place of Prahevajra, 85 | |||
* [[Hooked Cave of the Golden Rock]] - ([[gser gyi brag phug yu ba can]]): practice place of Prahevajra, 88 | |||
* [[Horse Head Saccha as the body tantra]] - ([[sku rgyud rta dbu saccha]]), 378 | |||
* [[Hundred Thousand Nyingma Tantras]], 421, 443 | |||
* [[Hungchenkara]] - ([[hung chen ka ra]]): song of realization, 402 | |||
* [[Hungkara]] - ([[hung ka ra]]): song of realization, 402 | |||
* [[Identifying Original Wakefulness]] - ([[ye shes ngos 'dzin gyi man ngag]]), 197 | |||
* [[Immaculate Renown]] - ([[dri med grags pa]]): name of Vimalamitra, 121 | |||
* [[Immediacy of Awareness]] - ([[rig pa spyi lugs kyi dbang]]): empowerment, 197 | |||
* [[Immense Ocean]] - ([[gangs chen mtsho]]), 277, 373; five families of, 15; Vajra Guru, 277 | |||
* [[Immutable Light]] - ([['od mi 'khrugs pa]]): [[Youth of Immutable Light]] - ([[khye'u 'od mi 'khrugs pa]]), twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 374 | |||
* [[incalculable eon]] - ([[bskal pa grangs med]]): definition, 421, 443 | |||
* [[Indian continent]]: nine major areas, 81 | |||
* [[Indrabhuti the Younger]] - ([[indra bhu ti chung ba]]): in Kapilavastu, 148 | |||
* [[Innate Nature in Actuality]] - ([[chos nyid mngon sum]]), 271 | |||
* [[Inner Cycle]] - ([[nang skor]]), 241, 267, 319, 322; brief explanation, 264; of the Instruction Section, 136 | |||
* [[Inner Space Section Cycle]] - ([[nang klong sde'i skor]]), 219 | |||
* [[Innermost Ati Cycle]] - ([[yang gsang a ti'i skor gyi bshad rgyud]]): see Exposition Tantras, 237 | |||
* [[Innermost Unexcelled Cycle]] - ([[gsang ba bla na med pa'i skor]]), 425 | |||
* [[Innermost Unexcelled Cycle]] - ([[yang gsang bla na med pa'i skor]]), 221, 241, 265 | |||
* [[Innermost Unexcelled Cycle of the Precious Fruition]] - ([[gsang ba'i yang ti bla na med pa'i 'bras bu rin po che'i skor]]), 425 | |||
* [[Innermost Unexcelled Cycle of the Precious Fruition]] - ([[yang gsang bla na med pa'i skor]]), 319 | |||
* [[Innermost Unexcelled Effortless Vehicle]] - ([[yang gsang bla na med pa rtsol med kyi theg pa]]), 232 | |||
* [[Innermost Unexcelled Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa]]), 255, 305, 350 | |||
* [[Innermost Unexcelled Great Perfection]] - ([[yang gsang bla na med pa'i rdzogs chen]]), 222 | |||
* [[Innermost Unwritten Cycle]] - ([[yang gsang yi ge med pa'i skor]]), 322 | |||
* [[Innermost Vajra Essence of the Unexcelled Fruition]], 334 | |||
* [[Insight during Daily Activities]] - ([[spyod lam rig pa'i man ngag]]), 197 | |||
* [[Instruction Cycle]] - ([[man ngag gi skor]]), 206; three aspects, 247 | |||
* [[Instruction Cycle of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po man ngag gi skor]]), 219 | |||
* [[Instruction Section]] - ([[man nga sde]]): explanation by Padmasambhava, 247 | |||
* [[Instruction Section]] - ([[man ngag sde]]), 76, 132, 268, 346, 385; defined by Jamgön Kongtrül, 385 | |||
* [[Instruction Tantra of the Play of the Sublime Steed]] - ([[rta mchog rol pa man ngag rgyud]]): from Yidam Gongdü, 371 | |||
* [[Instructions of Rishi the Seer]] - ([[drang srong mig gi man ngag]]), 71 | |||
* [[Instructions of Vimalamitra]] - ([[dri med bshes gnyen gyi man ngag]]), 71 | |||
* [[Intersecting Secret Path of Great Bliss]] - ([[bde chen gsang lam bsnol ba]]): charnel ground abode of Kungamo, 287 | |||
* [[Intrinsic Greatness of Samantabhadra]] - ([[kun tu bzang po che ba rang la gnas pa]]), 379 | |||
* [[Issuing from One Tantra]] - ([[gcig las 'phros pa'i rgyud]]): speech tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]] - ([['jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po]]), 52, 174, 385, 393, 410 | |||
* [[Jemala]] - ([[bye ma la]]): alias Vimalamitra, 349 | |||
* [[Jemalamudra]], 348, 350; explanation of name, 426 | |||
* [[Jetsunma Kunga Bum]] - ([[rje btsun ma kun dga' 'bum]]), 294 | |||
* [[Jewel Garland]] - ([[nor bu'i phreng ba]]): past life of Vajradhara, 372 | |||
* [[Jewel Studded Bliss]] - ([[bde ba phra bkod]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 65 | |||
* [[Jewel Studded Bliss of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang chub kyi sems bde ba phra bkod]]), 50 | |||
* [[Jewel-Bearer]] - ([[lag na rin po che]]): Flaming Mouth, 314, 422 | |||
* [[Jigmey Lingpa]] - ([['jigs med gling pa]]), 10, 96, 417; details, 416 | |||
* [[Jnana Kumara of Nyak]] - ([[gnyag dza-nya na ku ma' ra]]), 219; lineage of Mind Section, 46; Vairotsana's disciple, 238 | |||
* [[Jnanasutra]] - ([[jna na su tra]]), 356, 357, 382, 394, 400; details, 137; receives the Secret Cycle, 265; song of realization, 397, 402 | |||
* [[Joyful Forest]] - ([[dga' ba tshal]]): charnel ground, 323 | |||
* [[Joyful Svastika]] - ([[g.yung drung skyid]]): daughter of King Ashoka and aunt of Prahevajra, 282 | |||
* [[Joyful Vajra]] - ([[dgyes pa rdo rje]]): name of Prahevajra, 284 | |||
* [[Juniper Ridge of Crystal Pearls]], 340 | |||
* [[Kala Heruka]] - ([[khrag 'thung nag po]]), 400; song of realization, 404 | |||
* [[Kalachakra]], 16 | |||
* [[Kamalashila]] - ([[ka ma la sh'i la]]): birth place of Jnanasutra, 137 | |||
* [[Kamarupa]]: location, 81 | |||
* [[Kangyur]], 421, 443 | |||
* [[Kapilavastu]] - ([[ser skya]]), 87, 114, 150, 186, 381; residence of Indrabhuti the Younger, 148 | |||
* [[Karmeshvari]] - ([[las kyi dbang mo che]]), 227, 287, 298, 400; song of realization, 406 | |||
* [[Kashmir]]: location, 81 | |||
* [[Kashyapa the Elder]] - ([['od srungs bgres po]]), 317; as emanation of Vajrasattva, 315; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 186, 380; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119 | |||
* [[Kawa Paltsek]], 121, 347 | |||
* [[Kawa Paltsek]] - ([[ska ba dpal brtsegs]]), 350; sent to receive Vimalamitra, 150 | |||
* [[Khambu]] - ([[khams bu]]): location, 421, 443 | |||
* [[Khandro Yangtig]]. See Quintessence of the Dakinis | |||
* [[Khangbu]]: location, 81 | |||
* [[Kharatira Black Turtle Boulder]], 174 | |||
* [[Kharchu in Lhodrak]] - ([[lho brag mkhar chu]]), 221, 327 | |||
* [[Khönting Temple at Lhodrak]] - ([[lho brag khon mthing gi lha khang]]), 231 | |||
* [[Kilaya of Peak Array]] - ([[phur pa rtse mo rnam par bkod pa]]), ([[phur pa rdo rje rtse mo rnam par bkod pa]]), 378 | |||
* [[King Ashoka]]: as grandfather of Prahevajra, 198 | |||
* [[King Hasti]] - ([[rgyal po hasti]]): early master in Mind Section, 422 | |||
* [[King Helu Bhade]]: father of Dhahena Talo, 97 | |||
* [[King Indrabhuti]] - ([[rgyal po in dra bhu ti]]), 150, 400; song of realization, 401 | |||
* [[King Jah the Worthy One]] - ([[skal ldan rgyal po dza]]): song of realization, 391 | |||
* [[King of Arrangement]] - ([[bkod pa rgyal po'i rgyud]]): samaya tantra of Mahayoga, 281 | |||
* [[King of Marvels]] - ([[rmad byung rgyal po]]), 46 | |||
* [[King of Natural Knowing]] - ([[rang shes rang rig gi rgyal po]]), 306 | |||
* [[King Uparaja]]: grandfather of Prahevajra, 319 | |||
* [[King's Cycle]] - ([[rgyal po'i skor]]), 206 | |||
* [[King's Developed Cycle]] - ([[bskyed pa rgyal po'i skor]]), 263 | |||
* [[Kingly Scripture]] - ([[lung gi rgyal po]]): quote from, 65 | |||
* [[Knowing of One that Liberates All]] - ([[gcig shes kun grol]]), 314 | |||
* [[Knowing One that Liberates All]] - ([[gcig shes kun grol]]), 425 | |||
* [[Konchok Jungney of Langdro]] - ([[long gro dkon mchog 'byung gnas]]), 329 | |||
* [[Kongpo]] - ([[kong po]]), 221 | |||
* [[Kosali]] - ([[ko sa li]]), 142 | |||
* [[Krodha the Powerful]] - ([[khro bo stobs ldan]]), 313; emanation of Vajrasattva, 313 | |||
* [[Kuhana]] - ([[ku ha na, sku ha na]]): mother of Manjushrimitra, 202 | |||
* [[Kukkuraja Dhahuna]]: alias Kukkuraja the Younger, 367 | |||
* [[Kukkuraja the Dog King]] - ([[khyi'i rgyal po ku ku ra' dza]]), 362; song of realization, 57; song to Parati, 366 | |||
* [[Kukkuraja the Elder]] - ([[khyi'i rgyal po snga ma]]): details, 103; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song of realization, 104; song to Bhashita, 104 | |||
* [[Kukkuraja the second Dog King]], 361; details, 95 | |||
* [[Kukkuraja the Younger]]: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96 | |||
* [[Kukkuraja the Younger]] - ([[khyi'i rgyal po phyi ma]]): aka Dhahuna the Dog King, 426; alias Dhahuna, 362; details, 107; song of realization, 59, 108; song to Manjushrimitra the Younger, 108, 367 | |||
* [[Kulaya Tantra]] - ([[kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 263 | |||
* [[Kulayaraja Tantra]], 43 | |||
* [[Kulayaraja Tantra]] - ([[kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud]]), 46, 263, 385 | |||
* [[Kulayaraja, Tantra of the All-Creating King]] - ([[kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 379 | |||
* [[Kulika Sukha Bhadrapala]] - ([[rigs ldan bde ba bzang skyong]]): Anu Yoga teacher of Padmasambhava, 286 | |||
* [[Kunga Mönlam]] - ([[kun dga' smon lam]]). See Kungamo | |||
* [[Kungamo]] - ([[kun dga' mo]]): details, 110; Manjushrimitra's prediction to Padmasambhava, 287; song of realization, 110 | |||
* [[Kungamo the Eminent]] - ([[kun dga' bzang mo]]): concealer of the Dzogchen teachings at the Vajra Throne, 267 | |||
* [[Kungamo the virtuous]] - ([[dge slong ma kun dga' mo]]): one of the twenty-one masters of the Mind Section, 362 | |||
* [[Kungamo the Virtuous]] - ([[dge slong ma kun dga' mo]]): song to Vimalamitra, 368 | |||
* [[Kungamo the Younger]]: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96 | |||
* [[Kuñjara]] - ([[kuñja ra]]): transmission to Padmasambhava, 289 | |||
* [[Kusulu Cycle]] - ([[ku su lu'i skor]]), 170; Khandro Nyingtig, 165 | |||
* [[Labu Dönyö Dey]] - ([[lha bu don yod sde]]), 340 | |||
* [[Lady Gyalmo Tso of Ru]] - ([[ru bza' rgyal mo mtsho]]): mother of Yeshe Tsogyal, 163 | |||
* [[Lady Jangchub Men of Dro]] - ([['bro bza' byang chub sman]]): one of King Trisong Deutsen's queens and mother of Princess Pema Sal, 165 | |||
* [[Lady of Kharchen]] - ([[mkhar chen gza']]), 163, 231, 232, 233, 237, 302, 327 | |||
* [[Lady Tsogyal of Kharchen]]. See Lady of Kharchen | |||
* [[Lake Kutra]] - ([[mtsho ku tra]]): in Uddiyana, 199 | |||
* [[Lalitavajra]] - ([[sgeg pa rdo rje]]), 206 | |||
* [[Lama Gongdü]] - ([[bla ma dgongs 'dus]]), 370, 422 | |||
* [[Lamp for the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal sgron ma]]), 299 | |||
* [[land of Turquoise-Browed Sogpos]] - ([[sog po g.yu'i smin ma can]]), 117, 186, 379 | |||
* [[Laughing Vajra]] - ([[bzhad pa rdo rje]]): name of Prahevajra, 284 | |||
* [[Learned Pandita Cycle]] - ([[mkhas pa pandi ta'i skor]]), 170 | |||
* [[Learned Splendid Wisdom]] - ([[mkhas pa dpal gyi blo gros]]): dakini, 144 | |||
* [[Leulag Magical Net]] - ([[sgyu 'phrul gyi le lag]]), 286 | |||
* [[Lhacham Pema Sal]] - ([[lha lcam padma sal]]): details, 423 | |||
* [[Li]] - ([[li]]): kingdom, 142, 286 | |||
* [[Liberating Mound Tantra]] - ([[sgrol ma brtsegs pa'i rgyud]]): activities tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Liberation Through Wearing]] - ([[btags grol]]), 248, 251 | |||
* [[Lion Cave of Bumtang]] - ([[bum thang seng ge'i brag]]): terma site, 232 | |||
* [[Lion Face]] - ([[seng gdong ma]]): dakini, 376 | |||
* [[Lion Snout in Bumthang]] - ([[bum thang seng ge'i sna]]), 302 | |||
* [[Lion-like Cliff in Lower Bumtang]] - ([[bum thang smad kyi sengge 'dra ba]]), 170 | |||
* [[Little]] - ([[dur khrod tha chung]]): charnel ground, 160 | |||
* [[Long Cave at Nadün Lhodrak]] - ([[sna bdun lho brag phug ring]]), 231 | |||
* [[Longchen Rabjam]] - ([[klong chen rab 'byams]]), 163 | |||
* [[Lord of Secrets]] - ([[gsang ba'i bdag po]]), 227 | |||
* [[lords of the three families]] - ([[rigs gsum mgon po]]), 119, 326, 381, 383; details, 422 | |||
* [[Lotus Crystal Cave]] - ([[padma shel phug]]), 410 | |||
* [[Lotus Light]] - ([[padma 'od]]), 36, 233 | |||
* [[Lotus Light the Buddha]] - ([[padma'i 'od]]): Amitabha's instruction to Vajrapani, 195 | |||
* [[Lotus Mound]] - ([[padma brtsegs pa]]), 319; buddhafield, 195 | |||
* [[Lotus Mound]] - ([[padma brtsegs]]): charnel ground in the Li country, 286 | |||
* [[Lotus Net as the mind tantra]] - ([[thugs rgyud padma dra ba]]), 378 | |||
* [[Lotus Segment]] - ([[padma'i dum bu]]): tantra, 381 | |||
* [[Lovely]] - ([[mdzes ma dang ldan pa]]): Sarani, Prahevajra's mother, 82 | |||
* [[Lovingly Playful Wisdom]] - ([[brtse bas rol pa'i blo gros]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 186, 379; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 43, 117 | |||
* [[Luminosity of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang chub kyi sems 'od gsal]]), 361 | |||
* [[Luminous Vajra Essence]] - ([['od gsal rdo rje snying po]]): dharmakaya realm, 13, 18, 277, 424; Dzogchen, 2, 5, 158, 180 | |||
* [[Magadha]] - ([[dbus 'gyur]]), 227, 242 | |||
* [[Magical Net of the Goddess]] - ([[lha mo sgyu 'phrul]]), 286 | |||
* [[Magical Net of Vajrasattva]] - ([[rdo rje sems dpa' sgyu 'phrul 'dra ba]]), 50 | |||
* [[Magical Wheel of the Sun and Moon]] - ([['khrul 'khor nyi ma zla ba]]), ([['khrul 'khor nyi ma sbas pa]]), 378 | |||
* [[Maha Heruka]], 228 | |||
* [[Mahamudra view of nondual experience and emptiness]] - ([[snang stong gnyis med kyi lta ba phyag rgya chen po]]), 268, 269 | |||
* [[Maharahula]]: quote by, 62 | |||
* [[Maharaja the Uddiyana scholar]] - ([[o rgyan gyi mkhan po ma h'a r'a dza]]), 362; details, 95, 102; song of realization, 102; song to Gomadevi, 102, 365 | |||
* [[Mahasandhi]]: literal meaning, 421, 443 | |||
* [[Mahasandhi]] - ([[yang dag pa'i bsam gtan chen po]]): literal meaning, 46 | |||
* [[Mahasukha]] - ([[bde ba chen po]]): the mind of Vajrasattva, 82 | |||
* [[Mahasukha Bheva]] - ([[bde ba chen po bhe ba]]): name of Prahevajra, 284 | |||
* [[Mahayoga of Development]] - ([[bskyed pa ma h'a yo ga]]), 280 | |||
* [[Maitreya]] - ([[byams pa]]), 186 | |||
* [[Manifest Adornment]] - ([[rnam par rol pa'i rgyan]]), 137 | |||
* [[Manifest Womb of Passionate Elements]] - ([[chags 'byung mngal du snang ba]]), 185 | |||
* [[Manjushri Bhadra]] - ([['jam dpal bzang po]]). See Manjushrimitra the Younger; song to Devaraja, 108 | |||
* [[Manjushri the Youthful]] - ([['jam dpal gzhon nu]]), 272 | |||
* [[Manjushrimitra]] - ([['jam dpal bshes gnyen]]): details, 360; receiving his name, 204; song of realization, 396, 410; song of realization, 393; song to Dhahena Talo, 97; song to Dhahi Telo, 363 | |||
* [[Manjushrimitra the Younger]] - ([['jam dpal bshes gnyen phyi ma]]), 362; among the seven later panditas, 95; as reincarnation of Manjushrimitra, 135; details, 96, 108; song of realization, 64; song to Devaraja Mule Tsen, 367 | |||
* [[Manual of Degrees of Progress]] - ([[tshad kyi yi ge]]), 234 | |||
* [[Manual of Key Points]] - ([[gnad kyi yi ge]]), 234 | |||
* [[Manual of Signs]] - ([[rtags kyi yi ge]]), 234 | |||
* [[Marvels]] - ([[rmad byung]]): also King of Marvels, 59; scripture from the Mind Section, 59 | |||
* [[Mass of Light]] - ([['od kyi phung po]]), 185; also ([['od kyi spungs pa]]), 116 | |||
* [[Masterful Display]] - ([[chub pas rol pa]]): tantra, 379 | |||
* [[Material Womb, the source of passions]] - ([['dod chags 'byung ba mngal du snang ba]]), ([[chags 'byung mngal du snang ba]]), 116 | |||
* [[Matibhadra]] - ([[blo gros bzang po]]), 379 | |||
* [[Matram Rudra]], 229 | |||
* [[Mekhyo]] - ([[rme khyod]]), 95 | |||
* [[Meteor Face the Yaksha]] - ([[gnod sbyin skar mda' gdong]]): song of realization, 391 | |||
* [[Mighty Bringer of Joy]] - ([[dga' byed dbang phyug]]), 115, 129 | |||
* [[Mighty Lotus Tantra]] - ([[padma dbang gi rgyud]]): speech tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Mind Section]] - ([[sems sde]]), 132; defined by Jamgön Kongtrül, 385; details of lineage masters, 50, 95, 360; eighteen parts and sixty tantras, 238; explained by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, 46; explained by Jamgon Kongtrul, 238; explained by Padmasambhava, 247; Thirteen Later Translations from Vimalamitra, 346 | |||
* [[Mind Section Cycle of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po sems sde'i skor]]), 270 | |||
* [[Mind Section Cycle, Outer]] - ([[phyi sems sde'i skor]]), 219 | |||
* [[Mind Section, five tantras]] - ([[sems sde'i rgyud lnga]]), 116 | |||
* [[Mind Section, Outer Cycle]] - ([[phyi sems sde'i skor]]): brief explanation, 263 | |||
* [[Mind Tantra Jewel Heap]] - ([[thugs kyi rgyud rin chen spungs pa]]), 313 | |||
* [[Mind Tantras]] - ([[thugs rgyud]]), 323 | |||
* [[mind transmission]]: detailed explanation, 119 | |||
* [[mind transmission]] - ([[dgongs brgyud]]): literal meaning, 422 | |||
* [[Minister's Concise Cycle]] - ([[bsdus pa blon po'i skor]]): brief explanation, 264 | |||
* [[Mipham Gönpo]] - ([[mi pham mgon po]]), 76, 80, 219; Vairotsana's disciple, 238 | |||
* [[Mirror Face]] - ([[me long gdong]]): dakini, 376 | |||
* [[Moonlight]] - ([[drang srong zla 'od]]): rishi, 376 | |||
* [[Most Profound Secret Cycle]] - ([[shin tu zab mo gsang ba'i skor]]): brief explanation, 264 | |||
* [[Mother in Five Hundred Segments]] - ([[yum bam po lnga brgya pa]]): Prajnaparamita, 379 | |||
* [[Mount Array of Precious Gems]] - ([[nor bu rin po che'i rnam par bkod pa'i ri]]): site where Vajradhara awakened, 372 | |||
* [[Mount Brilliant]] - ([[snang byed]]), 146 | |||
* [[Mount Brilliant Sun]] - ([[ri bo nyi ma rab tu snang byed]]): meditation abode of Prahevajra, 128, 319 | |||
* [[Mount Hepori]] - ([[has po ri]]), 235 | |||
* [[Mount Malaya]] - ([[ri bo ma la ya]]), 128, 278, 287, 319 | |||
* [[Mount Mass of Cane]] - ([[sba mo spungs pa'i ri]]): where Aryadeva awakened to enlightenment, 135 | |||
* [[Mount of Spontaneous Presence]] - ([[lhun grub brtsegs pa]]): charnel ground in Nepal, 281 | |||
* [[Mountain Pile]] - ([[ri bo brtsegs pa]]): mind tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Naga Demon's Belly of Lhodrak]] - ([[lho brag klu bdud kyi lte ba]]): terma site, 232 | |||
* [[Nagaraja]] - ([[klu'i rgyal po]]), 100; song of realization, 56, 100 | |||
* [[Nagaraja Patri]], 422 | |||
* [[Nagaraja Sitrita]]. See Nanda | |||
* [[Nagarjuna]], 362, 400; details, 105; song of realization, 58, 107, 404; song to Kukkuraja the Younger, 107, 367 | |||
* [[Nagarjuna Garbha]]: details, 361 | |||
* [[Nalanda]], 87, 121 | |||
* [[Namkhai Nyingpo]] - ([[nam mkha'i snying po]]), 221, 327 | |||
* [[Nanda]] - ([[dga' bo]]), 422; details, 99; song of realization, 100; song to Bodhi the Yakshini, 100 | |||
* [[natural nirmanakaya]] - ([[rang bzhin sprul sku]]): buddhas, 182; realms, 277 | |||
* [[Nectar Sadhana Tantra]] - ([[bdud rtsi sgrub thabs kyi rgyud]]): qualities tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Ngödrub Gyaltsen]] - ([[dngos grub rgyal mtshan]]), 209 | |||
* [[Nine General Tantras]] - ([[spyi rgyud dgu]]), 286 | |||
* [[Ninefold Space]] - ([[klong dgu]]), 423 | |||
* [[nirmanakaya Vajradhara]] - ([[sprul sku rdo rje 'chang]]), 374 | |||
* [[Noble Kindness]] - ([[mgon sems byams ma]]): dakini who gave prediction to Jnanasutra, 140 | |||
* [[Noble Spirit]] - ([[sems lhag can]]): ([[sems dag lha'i bu]]), emanation of Vajrasattva who became Prahevajra, 82; ([[sems dpa' lhag can]]), his dreams of four omens, 190; former life of Prahevajra in the deva realm, 190 | |||
* [[Noble Spirit Devaputra]] - ([[sems dag lha'i bu]]), 88; blesses Prahevajra, 85; emanation of Vajrasattva who became Prahevajra, 82 | |||
* [[Nonarising Natural Mind]] - ([[skye med rang rig]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 69 | |||
* [[Nondual Mingling]] - ([[gnyis med 'dres pa'i dbang]]), 197 | |||
* [[Nyima Özer the King of Nyang]]: his journey to Sukhavati, 153 | |||
* [[Nyingma Kahma]] - ([[rnying ma bka' ma]]): the canonical scriptures of the Nyingma School, 52, 80 | |||
* [[Nyingthig Tsapö]] - ([[snying thig rtsa pod]]), 416 | |||
* [[Nyingtik Yabzhi]] - ([[snying thig ya bzhi]]): see Four Branches of Heart Essence, 416 | |||
* [[Ocean of Magical Display]] - ([[sgyu 'phrul rgya mtsho]]), 114 | |||
* [[Ocean of Wondrous Sayings]] - ([[ngo mtshar gtam gyi rol mtsho]]), 294 | |||
* [[Ocean Sanctuary]] - ([[rgya mtsho'i gling]]), 57 | |||
* [[Ogre's Fortress of Nyaljar]] - ([[gnyal byar srin po'i rdzong]]), 221 | |||
* [[One Hundred and One Particular Tantras]] - ([[bye brag gi rgyud brgya phrag bcu]]), 286 | |||
* [[Oral Lineage for the Vajra Bridge]] - ([[rna brgyud rdo rje zam pa]]), 80 | |||
* [[Ornament of Pramanavartika]], 174 | |||
* [[Ösel Gyuma Terzhey Tsal]] - ([['od gsal sgyu ma gter bzhed rtsal]]), 351 | |||
* [[Outer Cycle]] - ([[phyi skor]]), 241, 319, 322; brief explanation, 263; of the Instruction Section, 136 | |||
* [[outer elaborate empowerment]] - ([[phyi spros bcas kyi dbang]]), 141 | |||
* [[Outer Mind Section Cycle]] - ([[phyi sems sde'i skor]]), 219; brief explanation, 263 | |||
* [[Outer, Inner and Secret Cycles of the Sphere]] - ([[thig le phyi nang gsang ba'i skor]]), 157 | |||
* [[Overhanging Cave at the Multicolored Cliff of Dakpo Danglung]] - ([[dvags po dang lung khra bo brag gi brag bya skyibs can]]): place where Khandro Nyingtig was concealed, 170 | |||
* [[Overturning the Depth of Samsara]] - ([['khor ba dong sprug]]), 116 | |||
* [[Padmakara]] - ([[pad ma 'jung gnas]]): song of realization, 397, 402 | |||
* [[Padmasambhava]]: meets Prahevajra, 285; meets Shri Singha, 157, 215, 292, 323; prophecy by Shri Singha, 242; song of realization, 398 | |||
* [[Palace of Lotus Light]] - ([[padma 'od kyi gzhal yas]]), 233 | |||
* [[Palgyi Senge of Shubu]] - ([[shud bu dpal gyi seng ge]]), 235, 326 | |||
* [[Paramita the Rishi]]: disciple of Kukkuraja in the Mind Section lineage, 362 | |||
* [[Parani]] - ([[pa ra ni]]): see Princess Parani, 206 | |||
* [[Parati the Rishi]]: song to Putamati, 366 | |||
* [[Paro Gyerchu]] - ([[spa gro sgyer chu]]), 219 | |||
* [[Peacock Neck]] - ([[rma bya'i mgrin]]): dakini, 376 | |||
* [[Peacocks with Entwined Necks]] - ([[rma bya mjing bsnol]]): tantra, 116 | |||
* [[Pearl Garland Tantra]] - ([[mu tig phreng ba'i rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Pema Dechen Lingpa]] - ([[padma bde chen gling pa]]), 340 | |||
* [[Pema Ledrel Tsal]] - ([[padma las 'brel rtsal]]): secret name of Trisong Deutsen's daughter, 168 | |||
* [[Pema Lingpa]] - ([[padma gling pa]]), 422 | |||
* [[Perfect Comprehension]] - ([[rdzogs pa chig chod]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Perfect Royal Vase]] - ([[rgyal thabs spyi lugs rdzogs pa'i dbang]]): empowerment, 197, 200 | |||
* [[Perfected Brilliance]] - ([[grub par snang ba]]): Amaghasiddhi's instruction to Vajrapani, 195 | |||
* [[plateau of the Thirty-Three Gods]] - ([[sum cu rtsa gsum gyi gnas]]), 190, 197, 213, 380, 382; ([[sum cu rtsa gsum lha'i yul]]), 227 | |||
* [[plateau of the Thirty-Three Gods]] - ([[sum cu rtsa gsum lha'i yul]]), 229, 313 | |||
* [[Play of the Cuckoo Bird]] - ([[khu byug rol pa]]), 379 | |||
* [[Play of the Sublime Steed]] - ([[rta mchog rol pa]]): from Yidam Gongdü, 371 | |||
* [[Polu Khenpo Dorje]], 421, 443 | |||
* [[Powerful Elephant]] - ([[stobs kyi glang po]]): Vemachitra, Splendid Robe, 314, 422 | |||
* [[Powerful Warrior Youth]] - ([[gzhon nu dpa' bo stobs ldan]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 117, 186, 376, 426 | |||
* [[Prabhahasti]], 400; song of realization, 404 | |||
* [[Prahevajra]]: in the god realm, 227; song to Manjushrimitra, 363 | |||
* [[Prahevajra]] - ([[dga' rab rdo rje]]): receiving the name, 85, 200; song of realization, 396; song of realization, 393 | |||
* [[Prajnabhava, Source of Knowledge]] - ([[shes rab 'byung gnas]]): Prahevajra's name, 128 | |||
* [[Prajnakara]], 8, 174 | |||
* [[Precious Ultimate Hearing Lineage]] - ([[yang dag pa don gyi snyan rgyud rin po che]]): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255 | |||
* [[Prince Murub Tseypo]] - ([[lha sras mu rub btsad po]]), 350, 351, 385 | |||
* [[Princess Gomadevi]] - ([[sras mo go ma de byi]]), 362; details, 102; song of realization, 68, 103; song to Aloke the Atsantra, 103, 365 | |||
* [[Princess Graceful Light]] - ([[lha lcam 'phags ma 'od mdzes]]): mother of Prahevajra, 319 | |||
* [[Princess Paramita]]: see Princess Parani, 362; song to Takshaka, 364 | |||
* [[Princess Parani]]: as teacher of Jñanasutra for Mind Section, 422 | |||
* [[Princess Parani]] - ([[pa ra ni]]): details, 99; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; mother of Prahevajra, 99, 199; song of realization, 99; song to Nanda, 99 | |||
* [[Princess Pema Sal]] - ([[lha gcig padma gsal]]): daughter of King Trisong Deutsen, 165 | |||
* [[Princess Prarani]]: alias Princess Parani, 422 | |||
* [[Princess Radiant Lamp]] - ([[snang gsal sgron me]]): daughter of King Uparaja of Uddiyana, 178 | |||
* [[Princess Sarani]]: details of the daughter of Rajahasti, 50 | |||
* [[Princess Sarani]] - ([[sa ra ni]]), 84; ([[mdzes ma dang ldan pa]]), see also Parani, 82; Prahevajra's mother, 82; song of realization, 55 | |||
* [[Princess Sarani the Lovely]] - ([[sras mo mdzes ma dang ldan pa]]), 84 | |||
* [[Profound Inner Cycle]] - ([[zab mo nang gi skor]]), 247; brief explanation, 264 | |||
* [[Profound Quintessence]] - ([[Zabmo Yangtig]]) - ([[zab mo yang tig]]), 112 | |||
* [[Profound Six Seals of Vajra Varahi]] - ([[rdo rje phag mo'i zab pa'i rgya drug]]), 249 | |||
* [[Protective Mind]] - ([[mgon sems ma]]): dakini, 144 | |||
* [[Protector Against Fear]] - ([['jigs pa skyob]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 185; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116 | |||
* [[Purasati the Courtesan]]: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96 | |||
* [[Purasati the Courtesan]] - ([[smad 'tshong ma bdag nyid ma]]): a note says aka Purarati, 362; details, 105; song of realization, 105; song to Nagarjuna, 105, 366 | |||
* [[Pure Golden Ore]] - ([[gser zhun]]): written by Manjushrimitra, 285 | |||
* [[Pure Golden Ore]] - ([[rdo la gser zhun]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Pure Golden Ore of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang sems rdo la gser zhun]]): by Manjushrimitra, 206 | |||
* [[Purity of the Five Poisons]] - ([[dug lnga rnam dag]]), 425 | |||
* [[Putamati the Courtesan]]: song to Nagarjuna, 366 | |||
* [[Putra]]: three bearers of that name, 200 | |||
* [[Qualities Tantra Loving Mound]] - ([[yon tan gyi rgyud byams pa brtsegs pa]]), 313 | |||
* [[Quintessence of the Dakinis]] - ([[mkha' 'gro yang tig]]): Khandro Yangtig, 112; quote about Padmasambhava meeting Shri Singha, 163 | |||
* [[Quintessence of the Guru]] - ([[Lama Yangtig]]) - ([[bla ma yang tig]]), 112 | |||
* [[Radiant Displays of Wisdom]] - ([[ye shes kyi snang ba 'od dang bcas pa]]), 211 | |||
* [[Radiant Flower]] - ([[sras mo me tog gsal]]): Princess Parani, the mother of Prahevajra, 423 | |||
* [[Radiant Light]] - ([['od gsal]]), 213 | |||
* [[Radiant Light]] - ([[snang ba gsal ba'i 'od ldan ma]]): grandmother of Prahevajra, 319; mother of Sudharma, 125, 186 | |||
* [[Radiant Lotus]] - ([[mtsho skyes sa le ma]]): daughter of King Ashoka and mother of Prahevajra, 282 | |||
* [[Rajadheva the senior prince]]: see Rajahasti, 362 | |||
* [[Rajahasti]]: as teacher of Jñanasutra for Mind Section, 422 | |||
* [[Rajahasti the senior prince]] - ([[sras thu bo ra' dza hasti]]), 199, 203; details, 50, 98; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song of realization, 54, 98; song to Parani, 99; song to Princess Paramita, 364 | |||
* [[Raksha Sound of Rulu]] - ([[srin po ru lu'i sgra dang ldan pa]]), 117, 186 | |||
* [[Raksha Wish of the Black Mother's Secret Heart]] - ([[nag mo thugs kyi gsang ba srin mo'i sems]]), ([[nag mo thugs kyi gsang ba srid pa'i bems]]): tantra, 378 | |||
* [[Rampant Elephant Tantra]] - ([[glang po che rab 'bog gi rgyud]]): body tantra of Mahayoga, 280; quote from, 70 | |||
* [[Ratna Lingpa]] - ([[ratna gling pa]]), 8, 298, 331, 332, 339, 425 | |||
* [[Ratnapada]] - ([[rin chen zhabs]]): Ratnasambhava's instruction to Vajrapani, 193 | |||
* [[Ratnasambhava]], 153, 307 | |||
* [[Rays of Sunlight]] - ([[nyi ma'i 'od zer]]): dakini, 130 | |||
* [[Razor of Darkness]] - ([[spu gri mun]]): lake, 132 | |||
* [[Realizations of the Eighteen Scriptures of the Mind Section Expressed in Song by the Vidyadharas]] - ([[sems sde bco brgyad kyi dgongs pa rig 'dzin rnams kyis rdo rje'i glur bzhengs pa]]), 52 | |||
* [[realms of the five families of Great Purity]] - ([[tshangs chen rigs lnga'i zhing]]), 424 | |||
* [[Refined Nectar]] - ([[bdud rtsi yang zhun]]): tantras given by Kashyapa to Prahevajra, 316 | |||
* [[Regent Nomination]] - ([[rgyal tshab bsgo ba'i man ngag]]), 197 | |||
* [[Respendent Giving]] - ([[dpal sbyin]]): king of Li, 142 | |||
* [[Resurrected Ash-Colored One]] - ([[ro langs thal mdog]]): name of Prahevajra, 128 | |||
* [[Revealing Great Strength]] - ([[rtsal chen sprug pa]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Rigdzin Gödem]] - ([[rig 'dzin rgod ldem]]), 8, 209, 223, 234, 253, 273 | |||
* [[Rigdzin Natsok Rangdrol]] - ([[rig 'dzin sna tshogs rang grol]]): Adzom Drukpa, 424 | |||
* [[Rinchen Chok of Ma]] - ([[rma rin chen mchog]]), 347 | |||
* [[Rinchen Lingpa]] - ([[rin chen gling pa]]), 174 | |||
* [[Rinchen Terdzö]] - ([[rin chen gter mdzod]]), 425; Treasury of Precious Termas, 340 | |||
* [[rishi Garuda-clawed Moonlight]] - ([[drang srong zla 'od khyung sder can]]), 313 | |||
* [[Rombuguhya]], 400; song of realization, 406 | |||
* [[Root Cycle of the Unconstructed Expanse]] - ([[spros pa med pa'i klong rtsa ba'i skor]]): comrising the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Royal Tantra of Resolving the View]] - ([[rgyal po lta ba la bzla ba'i rgyud]]): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285 | |||
* [[Rugged Grove]] - ([[rtsub 'gyur gyi tshal]]): charnel ground, 157 | |||
* [[sacred Great Perfection]] - ([[bka' rdzogs pa chen po]]): first mention by Prahevajra, 261 | |||
* [[Sadhana Section of Secret Mantra]] - ([[gsang sngags kyi sgrub sde]]), 135 | |||
* [[Saha]] - ([[mi mjed]]): definition, 421, 443 | |||
* [[Sala]] - ([[s'a la]]): country, 292 | |||
* [[Samanta]]: details, 361 | |||
* [[Samantabhadra]]: song of realization, 395 | |||
* [[Samantabhadra's Royal Tantra of All-Inclusive Vastness]] - ([[kun tu bzang po klong chen rab 'byams rgyal po'i rgyud]]), 76, 385 | |||
* [[Samten Lingpa]] - ([[bsam gtan gling pa]]): also Taksham Samten Lingpa, 370 | |||
* [[Samvaragarbha]] - ([[bde mchog snying po]]): Essence of Sublime Bliss alias Manjushrimitra, 202 | |||
* [[Samye Chimpu]] - ([[bsam yas mchims phu]]), 228; see also Caverns of Chimpu, 222 | |||
* [[Sandalwood Forest]] - ([[tsan dan tshal]]), 287 | |||
* [[Sangye Gönpo the mendicant of Pang]]: Vairotsana's disciple, 238 | |||
* [[Sangye Lingpa]] - ([[sangs rgyas gling pa]]), xi, 370, 385, 422 | |||
* [[Sarati the Courtesan]] - ([[smad 'tshong ma bdag nyid ma]]): ([[s'a ra ti]]), details, 360; a note says aka Parani, 362; song to Brilliance the Kashmiri scholar, 364 | |||
* [[Sarvabuddha Samayoga]] - ([[sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor]]): body tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Scripture of Great Vastness]] - ([[rgya lung chen mo]]): quote from, 67 | |||
* [[Seal of Vastness]] - ([[phyag rgya rgya chen]]): Vimalamitra, 426 | |||
* [[Second Buddha Testament]], 426 | |||
* [[Secret Cycle]] - ([[gsang skor]]), 241, 265, 319, 322, 424; of the Instruction Section, 136 | |||
* [[Secret Heart Essence]] - ([[gsang ba snying thig]]), 145, 180, 347, 350, 351 | |||
* [[Secret Heart Essence]] - ([[snying thig gsang ba]]), 143; Heart Essence of the Dakinis, 168 | |||
* [[Secret Heart Essence of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po gsang ba snying tig]]), 350 | |||
* [[Secret Heart Essence of Vimalamitra]] - ([[bi ma'i gsang ba snying thig]]): see Heart Essence of Vimalamitra, 112 | |||
* [[Secret Manjushri Tantra]] - ([['jam dpal gsang rgyud]]), 360 | |||
* [[Secret Moon Essence]] - ([[zla gsang thig le]]): speech tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Secret Sphere of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po thig le gsang ba]]), 265 | |||
* [[Secret Unexcelled Cycle]] - ([[gsang ba bla na med pa'i skor]]), 146, 319; of the Instruction Section, 136, 141 | |||
* [[Secret Unexcelled Cycle of the Precious Fruition]] - ([[gsang ba bla na med pa'i 'bras bu'i skor]]), 322 | |||
* [[Secret Unexcelled Cycle of the Utterly Great Perfection]] - ([[gsang ba bla na med pa yongs su rdzogs pa chen po'i skor]]): the Secret Unexcelled Cycle of the Instruction Section, 136 | |||
* [[Section on Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang sems sde]]): same as Mind Section, 285 | |||
* [[Self-Arising Awareness]] - ([[rig pa rang shar]]): tantra, 378 | |||
* [[Self-Arising Self-Existence of Vajrasattva]] - ([[rdo rje sems dpa' rang byung rang shar]]): tantra, 265 | |||
* [[Self-Existing Brilliance]] - ([[rang byung 'od 'bar]]), 248 | |||
* [[self-existing pagoda in Magadha]] - ([[dbus 'gyur rang byung gi gtsug lag khang]]), 319 | |||
* [[Self-Existing Single Child of the Doctrine Tantra]] - ([[rang byung bstan pa bu gcig gi rgyud]]), 121; one of the Three Sources, 180 | |||
* [[Self-Liberated Dharmata]] - ([[chos nyid rang grol gyi skor]]), 295 | |||
* [[Self-Liberated State]] - ([[dgongs pa rang grol gyi skor]]), 295 | |||
* [[self-liberation in actuality]] - ([[rang grol mngon sum]]), 189, 190, 206 | |||
* [[Self-Liberation of Samsara and Nirvana]] - ([['khor 'das rang grol]]): tantra, 378 | |||
* [[Self-Liberation of Samsara and Nirvana Root Tantra]] - ([['khor 'das rang grol rtsa rgyud]]), 371 | |||
* [[Self-Luminous Wakefulness]] - ([[ye shes rang gsal]]), 222 | |||
* [[Self-Manifest Nature]] - ([[don rang gsal]]), 296 | |||
* [[separating samsara and nirvana]] - ([['khor 'das ru shan 'byed pa]]), 142 | |||
* [[Serene Purna]] - ([[purna nye bar zhi ba]]), 179, 313, 376; dakini present at Prahevajra's birth, 125 | |||
* [[Serene Resurrected One]] - ([[ro langs bde ba]]): name of Prahevajra, 128, 283 | |||
* [[seven bodhisattvas endowed with the strength of bodhichitta]] - ([[byang chub sems kyi shugs 'chang bdun]]), 422 | |||
* [[Seven Hundred Thousand]] - ([[stong phrag bdun brgya pa]]): Prajnaparamita, 379 | |||
* [[seven later Indian vidyadharas]] - ([[rgya gar gyi rig 'dzin phyi ma bdun]]), 239 | |||
* [[seven later panditas]]: listing, 95 | |||
* [[Seven Spikes]] - ([[zer bu bdun pa]]): Shri Singha's testament to Jnanasutra, 143, 356 | |||
* [[Seven Studded Tantras]] - ([['phra rgyud bdun]]), 119, 379 | |||
* [[seven successive buddhas]] - ([[sangs rgyas rab bdun]]), 117, 313, 376; list, 422 | |||
* [[Seven Vajra Words]] - ([[rdo rje'i tshig bdun]]): quote from treatise by Gyalwa Yangönpa, 17 | |||
* [[Seventeen Tantras]] - ([[rgyud bcu bdun]]), xi, 156, 301, 385; of the Great Perfection, 165 | |||
* [[Seventeen Tantras of Innermost Luminosity]] - ([[yang gsang 'od gsal gyi rgyud bcu bdun]]): taught by Vajradhara, 184 | |||
* [[Seventeen Tantras of the Heart Essence of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs chen snying thig gi rgyud bcu bdun]]): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285 | |||
* [[Seventeen Tantras of Unexcelled Fruition of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po bla med 'bras bu'i rgyud bcu bdun]]), 327 | |||
* [[Shacheling]] - ([[sha che'i gling]]): Soshaling, birth place of Shri Singha, 320 | |||
* [[Shakra]] - ([[brgya byin]]), 82, 213, 272, 273, 313; song of realization, 389 | |||
* [[Shakya Prabha of Chim]] - ([[mchims shAkya prabha]]), 235, 326 | |||
* [[Shakyamuni]] - ([[sh'a kya'i thub pa]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119, 186, 381 | |||
* [[Shankara Kuta]] - ([[bde byed brtsegs pa]]), 319; main temple in the Dhanakosha district of Uddiyana, 125; stupa in a past aeon, 379 | |||
* [[Shanti Lagpa]] - ([[shan ti lag pa]]): father of Jnanasutra, 137 | |||
* [[Shantimgarbha]], 400; song of realization, 406 | |||
* [[Shariputra Noble Starlight]] - ([[sha ri'i bu skar ma 'od bzang po]]): compiler, 380 | |||
* [[sharira-filled stupa]] - ([[mchod rten ring srel snying po can]]), 379 | |||
* [[Shechen Gyaltsab]], 423 | |||
* [[Sherab Drönma]]: Vairotsana's disciple, 238 | |||
* [[Shri Ekajati Wrathful Mother]] - ([[dpal e ka tsa ti ma mo khros ma]]), ([[dpal e ka tsa ti nag mo khros ma]]), 378 | |||
* [[Shri Singha]], 121; quote by, 55; song of realization, 72, 110, 396; song to Kungamo, 110, 367; song to Vimalamitra, 111 | |||
* [[Shri Singha Natha]] - ([[dpal gyi senge mgon po]]), 421, 443 | |||
* [[Shri Singha Prapata]]: name of Shri Singha, 109 | |||
* [[Shri Singha the Younger]]: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 95 | |||
* [[Siddhigarbha the Brahmin]] - ([[bram ze snying po grub pa]]), 202; Essence of Accomplishment alias Manjushrimitra, 202; receives prophecy from Manjushri, 202 | |||
* [[Singala]] - ([[singa la]]), 284, 360; where Manjushrimitra resided, 227 | |||
* [[Singha Shipitika]]: mother of Vimalamitra, 111 | |||
* [[Singhabhadra]]: king at whose court Vimalamitra presided, 347 | |||
* [[Single Child of the Doctrine]] - ([[bstan pa'i bu gcig gi rgyud]]): the Self-Existing Single Child of the Doctrine which is one of the supreme emanations of blessings, 182 | |||
* [[Single Child Seed Tantra]] - ([[sras gcig sa bon gi rgyud]]): testament of Kashyapa the Elder, 381 | |||
* [[Single Golden Letter of the Black Quintessence]] - ([[yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig pa]]): revelation, 294 | |||
* [[Sitrita]]. See Nanda | |||
* [[Six Dharma Sections of the Great Perfection that Reveal Dharmata in Actuality]] - ([[chos nyid mngon sum du ston pa'i rdzogs pa chen po chos sde drug]]), 425 | |||
* [[Six Dharma Sections of the Great Perfection that Reveal the Innate Nature in Actuality]] - ([[chos nyid mngon sum du ston pa'i rdzogs pa chen po chos sde drug]]), 237 | |||
* [[six million four hundred thousand tantras]], 5, 20, 255, 313 | |||
* [[Six Mind Tantras]] - ([[thugs kyi rgyud drug]]), 250 | |||
* [[six munis]] - ([[thub pa drug]]), 176, 191, 313, 376, 380 | |||
* [[Six Pround Treasuries]] - ([[zab mo'i mdzod drug]]), 249 | |||
* [[six self-appearing forms of compassion]] - ([[thugs rje rang byung ba'i sku drub]]): thub pa drug, 312 | |||
* [[Six Self-Existing Root Tantras]] - ([[rang byung rtsa ba'i rgyud drug]]), 248 | |||
* [[Six Vajra Words]] - ([[zhal chems rdo rje tshig drug]]): testament, 43 | |||
* [[Sixfold Expanse of Vajrasattva's Mind]] - ([[rdo rje sems dpa'i thugs kyi klong drug]]), 248, 250 | |||
* [[Sixfold Hearing Lineage]] - ([[snyan rgyud sde drug]]), 248 | |||
* [[Sixfold Meditation]] - ([[sgom don drug pa]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Sixfold Meditation Experience]] - ([[sgom nyams drug pa]]): Manjushrimitra's testament, 135 | |||
* [[Sixfold Sphere]] - ([[thig le drug pa]]), 56 | |||
* [[Skillful Lasso Tantra]] - ([[thabs kyi zhags pa'i rgyud]]): Mahayoga tantra on amendment to activities, 281 | |||
* [[Skillful Wisdom, the rakshasa Lodro Thabden]] - ([[srin po blo gros thabs ldan]]): song of realization, 391 | |||
* [[Sky King]] - ([[nam mkha' rgyal po]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 71 | |||
* [[Sky Plain Castle]] - ([[gung thang mkhar]]), 425 | |||
* [[Sky Plain Cliff]] - ([[gung thang brag]]), 331 | |||
* [[Sky Plain's Lion Fortress]] - ([[gung thang seng ge rdzong]]), 302 | |||
* [[Sky Treasury Consecration Tantra]] - ([[nam mkha' mdzod byin rlabs kyi rgyud]]): qualities tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Sky-Farer]] - ([[mkha' la gshegs ma]]), 86 | |||
* [[Sky-Soarer]] - ([[mkha' la spyod ma]]), 86 | |||
* [[slayer mamos]] - ([[gsod byed ma mo]]), 132 | |||
* [[Slayer of the Lord of Death, Yamantaka]] - ([[gshin rje'i gshed]]), 206 | |||
* [[Slivering Wheel]] - ([['khor lo gcod pa]]): tantra, 379 | |||
* [[Smaller charnel ground]] - ([[dur khrod tha chung]]): abode of Vimalamitra, 145 | |||
* [[Smoldering Domain]] - ([[du ba'i gnas]]): charnel ground, 238 | |||
* [[Solar Wheel]] - ([[nyi ma'i 'khor lo]]), 264 | |||
* [[Sosadvipa]] - ([[so sa gling]]), 134; charnel ground, 28, 132, 158, 160, 163 | |||
* [[Soshaling]] - ([[so sha'i gling]]): birth place of Shri Singha, 133 | |||
* [[Source of Buddhas]] - ([[sangs rgyas 'byung ba]]): at the [[Tree of Enlightenment in China]] - ([[rgya nag po'i byang chub shing]]), 136 | |||
* [[Sources]] - ([[btsas]]): see Three Sources, 312 | |||
* [[So-Yar Tha]] - ([[so yar tha]]): Chinese city where Shri Singha took ordination, 134 | |||
* [[Space Section]] - ([[klong sde]]), 132; defined by Jamgön Kongtrül, 385; explained by Dudjom Rinpoche, 76; explanation by Padmasambhava, 247 | |||
* [[Space Section Cycle, Inner]] - ([[nang klong sde'i skor]]), 219 | |||
* [[Spangled Cave of Danglung]] - ([[dangs lung khra mo'i brag]]): terma site, 232 | |||
* [[Speech Tantra]] - ([[gsung gi rgyud]]), 306 | |||
* [[Speech Tantra Vajra Pinnacle]] - ([[gsung gi rgyud rdo rje rtse mo]]), 313 | |||
* [[Sphere of Immensity]] - ([[thig le klong yangs]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Splendid Long Cave of Lhodrak]] - ([[lho brag dpal gyi phug ring]]), 233 | |||
* [[Splendid Wisdom]] - ([[dpal gyi blo gros]]): the dakini, 145 | |||
* [[Spontaneous Prophecy]] - ([[ma khol lung bstan]]): quote from, 57 | |||
* [[Spontaneous Summit]] - ([[rtse mo byung rgyal]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 95, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 62 | |||
* [[Spontaneously Present Enlightenment]] - ([[lhun gyis grub pa'i sangs rgyas]]), 270 | |||
* [[Studded Jewels]] - ([[nor bu phra bkod]]), ([[nor bu bkod pa]]): tantra, 379 | |||
* [[Stupa of Khardo]] - ([[mkhar rdo'i mchod rten]]), 350 | |||
* [[Stupa of Perfect Merit]] - ([[bsod nams rdzogs pa'i mchod rten]]): in Bhasing charnel ground, 143 | |||
* [[Stupa of the Descent from Heaven]] - ([[lha las babs pa'i mchod rten]]): in Cool Grove, 129 | |||
* [[Subahu the Divine Giver]] - ([[lha sbyin lag bzang]]): compiler, 381 | |||
* [[Subjugating Elephant Tantra]] - ([[glang po sun 'byin gyi rgyud]]): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285 | |||
* [[Sublime]] - ([[dam pa]]): Prahevajra's grandmother, 82 | |||
* [[sublime emanations of wisdom]] - ([[ye shes dam pa'i sprul pa]]), 114, 180, 184 | |||
* [[Sublime Golden Light]] - ([[gser 'od dam pa]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 117, 186, 379 | |||
* [[Sublime King]] - ([[rje btsan dam pa]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 72 | |||
* [[Sublime King Scripture]] - ([[rje btsan dam pa]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279 | |||
* [[Sublime King Scripture of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang chub kyi sems rje btsan dam pa]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 360 | |||
* [[Sublime Wisdom]] - ([[ye shes mchog]]): tantra, 379 | |||
* [[Subsequent Scripture]] - ([[lung phyi ma]]): quote from, 64 | |||
* [[Sudharma]] - ([[chos kyi sde]]), 423 | |||
* [[Sudharma]] - ([[su dharma]]): mother of Prahevajra, 125, 186 | |||
* [[Sugata Kulika]] - ([[bde gshegs rigs ldan ma]]): wife of King Ashoka grandmother of Prahevajra, 282 | |||
* [[Sun and Moon Siddhi]] - ([[nyi zla dngos grub]]). See Kungamo | |||
* [[Sun Circle]] - ([[nyi ma'i 'khor]]): Prahevajra, 314, 422 | |||
* [[Sun Mountain of Awakened Mind]] - ([[byang sems nyi ma brtsegs pa]]), 95 | |||
* [[Sun of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal nyi ma]]): see Brilliant Expanse, 5, 156, 302 | |||
* [[Sun-Adorned Dakini]] - ([[mkha' 'gro ma nyi ma'i rgyan can]]): alias Tromo Rakdongma, 244 | |||
* [[supreme emanations of blessings]] - ([[byin rlabs mchog gi sprul pa]]): three types, 114, 180, 182 | |||
* [[Supreme Steed Display as the speech tantra]] - ([[gsung rgyud rta mchog rol pa]]), 378 | |||
* [[Sutra on the White Lotus of Compassion]], 198 | |||
* [[Sutra on the Wise and the Foolish]], 198 | |||
* [[Suvarnadvipa]] - ([[gser gling]]): in Kashmir, 147 | |||
* [[Swaying Array]] - ([[g.yo ba bkod pa]]): the realm, 372 | |||
* [[Swirling Vastness]] - ([[klong chen 'khyil ba zhes bya ba'i man ngag]]): quote from, 68 | |||
* [[Takshaka]] - ([['jog po]]), 362; details, 50; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song to Bodhi the Yakshini, 364 | |||
* [[Taksham Nüden Dorje]] - ([[stag sham nus ldan rdo rje]]), 340, 370 | |||
* [[Taksham Samten Lingpa]]: alias [[Taksham Nüden Dorje]], 340 | |||
* [[Tantra Beyond Letters]] - ([[yi ge med pa gzhi'i rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra Cycles on the Essence of Liberation Through Wearing]] - ([[btags grol snying po'i rgyud skor]]), 325 | |||
* [[Tantra of Arrayed Knowing]] - ([[rig pa bkod pa'i rgyud]]), 317 | |||
* [[Tantra of Bringing Face to Face]] - ([[ngo sprod spras pa]]): see Tantra that Points Out the Buddha, 314 | |||
* [[Tantra of Graceful Auspiciousness]] - ([[bkra shis mdzes ldan gyi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of Immaculate Jewels]] - ([[nor bu dri med kyi rgyud]]), 264 | |||
* [[Tantra of Kilaya Perfection]] - ([[phur pa phun tshogs kyi rgyud]]), 378 | |||
* [[Tantra of Knowing One that Liberates All]] - ([[gcig shes kun grol gyi rgyud]]), 317 | |||
* [[Tantra of Piled Gems]] - ([[rin po che spungs pa'i rgyud]]), 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of Pointing-Out Instructions]] - ([[ngo sprod spros pa'i rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of Samantabhadri's Sun of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[kun tu bzang mo klong gsal nyi ma'i rgyud]]), 300; one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, see Brilliant Expanse, 158; see Brilliant Expanse, 299 | |||
* [[Tantra of Secret Sound]] - ([[gsang ba sgra yi rgyud]]), 124 | |||
* [[Tantra of Secret Wisdom]] - ([[ye shes gsang ba'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to Space Section, 264 | |||
* [[Tantra of Secret Wonderment]] - ([[gsang ba rmad du byung ba'i rgyud]]): thirteen sections, 314 | |||
* [[Tantra of Self-Existing Awareness]] - ([[rang byung gi rig pa'i tan tra]]), 317 | |||
* [[Tantra of Self-Existing Awareness]] - ([[rang byung rig pa'i tan-tra]]), 425 | |||
* [[Tantra of Self-existing Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa rang byung dbang gi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of Self-Liberated Awareness]] - ([[rig pa rang grol gyi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of Self-Manifest Awareness]] - ([[rig pa rang shar gyi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of Shining Relics]] - ([[sku gdung 'bar ba rtags kyi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of Studded Jewels]] - ([[nor bu 'phra bkod kyi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of the All-Creating King]] - ([[kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 421, 443; the Kulayaraja tantra belonging to Mind Section, 263 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Black Mantra Guardian]] - ([[sngags srung nag po'i rgyud]]): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Blazing Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal 'bar ba'i rgyud]]): see Brilliant Expanse, 112 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Blazing Crest]] - ([[gtsug na me 'bar gyi rgyud]]), 314 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Blazing Sun of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal 'bar ma nyi ma'i rgyud]]): see Brilliant Expanse, 327 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Blazing Sun of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[kun tu bzang mo klong gsal 'bar ma nyi ma'i lo rgyus]]): see Brilliant Expanse, 300 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal gyi rgyud]]), 298 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Female Raksha Slayer]] - ([[srin mo gsod byed kyi rgyud]]), 378 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Great Equalizing of Buddhahood]] - ([[sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor chen po'i rgyud]]), 425 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Great Perfection of Wisdom]] - ([[ye shes rdzogs pa chen po'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to Space Section, 264 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Great Perfection that is Equal to Space]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po nam mkha' dang mnyam pa'i rgyud]]), 157 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Great Single Cut]] - ([[gcig chod chen po'i rgyud]]), 176, 178 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Great Single Cut of Complete Liberation]] - ([[gcig chod kun grol chen po'i rgyud]]), 176 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Great Total Perfection]] - ([[yongs rdzogs chen po'i rgyud]]), 233 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Heart Mirror of Samantabhadra]] - ([[kun tu bzang po thugs kyi me long gi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of the King of Awareness in Actuality]] - ([[mngon sum rig pa'i rgyal po'i rgyud]]), 425 | |||
* [[Tantra of the King of Knowing Awareness in Actuality]] - ([[mngon shes rig pa rgyal po'i rgyud]]), 317 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Magical Storehouse]] - ([[rgyud 'phrul gi bang mdzod]]), 306 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Mind Mirror of Vajrasattva]] - ([[rdo rje sems dpa' snying gi me long gi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Perfected Lion]] - ([[seng ge rtsal rdzogs kyi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Secret Seed of Conduct]] - ([[gsang ba spyod pa sa bon gyi rgyud]]): often spelled [[Tantra of the Secret Seed of the Tiara]] - ([[gsang ba spyod pan sa bon gyi rgyud]]), 425 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Single Child of the Buddhas]] - ([[sangs rgyas sras gcig gi rgyud]]), 233 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Single Child of the Buddhas]] - ([[sangs rgyas sras gcig]]), 425 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Six Spheres]] - ([[klong drug gi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Storehouse of Magical Jewels]] - ([[rgyud rin chen 'phrul gyi bang mdzod]]): quote from, 306, 307, 311 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Sun of the Brilliant Expanse]] - ([[klong gsal nyi ma'i rgyud]]): tantra of the Instruction Section of the Great Perfection, see Brilliant Expanse, 165, 298 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Union of the Sun and Moon]] - ([[nyi zla kha sbyor gyi rgyud]]): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158; quote from, 161 | |||
* [[Tantra of the Utterly Perfect Great Wakefulness]] - ([[ye shes chen po yongs su rdzogs pa'i rgyud]]), 233 | |||
* [[Tantra of Wisdom Equal to Space]] - ([[ye shes nam mkha' dang mnyam pa'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to the Cycle of Instruction, 264 | |||
* [[Tantra on the Self-Arising Self-Existence]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po rang byung rang shar gyi rgyud]]), 209 | |||
* [[Tantra that Directly Reveals Samantabhadra's Mind]] - ([[kun tu bzang po'i dgongs pa zang thal gyi rgyud]]), 237, 250 | |||
* [[Tantra that Directly Reveals the Intrinsic Mind]] - ([[chos nyid kyi dgongs pa zang thal du ston pa'i rgyud]]), 233 | |||
* [[Tantra that Embodies the Complete Meaning of Unexcelled Secret Mantra]] - ([[gsang sngags bla med don rdzogs 'dus pa'i rgyud]]): Anu Yoga Tantra, 286 | |||
* [[Tantra that Embodies the Definitive Meaning]] - ([[nges don 'dus pa'i rgyud]]): tantra belonging to Cycle of Instruction, 264 | |||
* [[Taradevi]], 378 | |||
* [[Tatvasamgraha Tantra]], 96 | |||
* [[Ten Miraculous Statements]] - ([[man ngag 'phrul gyi lung bcu]]), 197 | |||
* [[Ten Scriptures]] - ([[mdo bcu]]), 46 | |||
* [[Ten Tantras for Taming the Rough-Minded]] - ([[rags pa 'dul ba'i rgyud bcu]]), 117, 378 | |||
* [[Ten-Headed Ravana of Lanka]] - ([[lang ka mgrin bcu]]): compiler, 378 | |||
* [[Terdak Lingpa]] - ([[gter bdag gling pa]]), 423 | |||
* [[Terrifying]] - ([['jigs byed]]): charnel ground, 160 | |||
* [[Testament, Final]] - ([['das rjes tha ma]]): by Kashyapa the Elder, 381 | |||
* [[testaments of the buddhas]] - ([[ston pa'i zhal chems]]), 313 | |||
* [[The Lotus-Born biography]] - ([[bka' thang zangs gling ma]]), 423 | |||
* [[The Seven Spikes of Shri Singha]], 9 | |||
* [[Thirteen Later Translations]] - ([[phyi 'gyur bcu gsum]]), 346 | |||
* [[three aspects of the philosophical vehicle]] - ([[mtshan nyid sde gsum]]), 314 | |||
* [[three charnel ground mamos]] - ([[dur khrod kyi ma mo gsum]]): guardians of the Dharma, 273 | |||
* [[Three Liberation Through Wearing Tantras]] - ([[btags grol rgyud gsum]]), 425 | |||
* [[Three Sections]] - ([[sde gsum]]), 157, 385 | |||
* [[Three Sections of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs chen sde gsum]]: explanation by Padmasambhava, 247 | |||
* [[Three Sections of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum]]): in Gongpa Zangtal, 248 | |||
* [[Three Sections of the Natural Great Perfection]] - ([[rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum]]): division, 132 | |||
* [[Three Sources of the Doctrine]] - ([[bstan pa'i btsas gsum]]): the three supreme emanations of blessings, 180 | |||
* [[Three Statements of Pithy Advice]] - ([[tshigs gsum snyan du gdams pa]]): Vimalamitra's final teaching in Tibet, 350 | |||
* [[Three Tantras and the Four Signs]] - ([[rgyud gsum rtags bzhi]]), 227 | |||
* [[Three Words Striking the Vital Point]] - ([[tshig gsum gnad du brdeg pa]]), 9, 131, 352, 353 | |||
* [[Threefold Hearing Lineage of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po'i snyan brgyud rnam pa gsum]]), 223 | |||
* [[Thunder of the Drum of Purity]] - ([[tshangs pa'i rnga sgra]]), 15, 18; sambhogakaya realm of, 277 | |||
* [[Tidro Cave at Upper Zho]] - ([[gzho stod ti sgro]]), 156, 163, 164, 302 | |||
* [[Time-Line Lord of the Dead]] - ([[ghin rje dus mtshams]]), 144 | |||
* [[Tingdzin Zangpo of Nyang]] - ([[nyang ting 'dzin bzang po]]), 122, 221, 346, 350, 351; court priest of King Trisong Deutsen, 150 | |||
* [[Tökar-Lek of Mangje]] - ([[mang rje thod dkar legs]]): father of Yeshe Tsogyal, 163 | |||
* [[Training in Awakened Mind]] - ([[sems sgom]]): scripture from the Mind Section, 58 | |||
* [[Tramo Cave at Danglung]] - ([[dangs lung khra mo'i brag]]), 156 | |||
* [[Trawa Thawa Temple]] - ([[spra ba tha ba'i lha khang]]): at the Five-Peaked Mountain in China, 137 | |||
* [[Treasure-house of Generosity]] - ([[sbyin pa'i mdzod]]), 199 | |||
* [[Treasury of Instructions]] - ([[gdams ngag mdzod]]), 52 | |||
* [[Treasury of Precious Termas]] - ([[rin chen gter mdzod]]), 340 | |||
* [[Treasury of Songs]] - ([[glu mdzod]]), 52 | |||
* [[Tree of Enlightenment in China]] - ([[rgya nag po'i byang chub shing]]), 136, 138, 141; where Shri Singha studied with Hastibhala, 133; where Vimalamitra met with Shri Singha, 138 | |||
* [[Tripitaka]], 105, 121, 203 | |||
* [[Triple Fruit Forest of the Soaring Cuckoo]] - ([['bras sum tshal gyi khu byug lding]]): place where Prahevajra was conceived, 282 | |||
* [[Triple Hearing Lineage]] - ([[snyan brgyud rnam pa gsum]]), 274 | |||
* [[Triple Peak Junction Tantra]] - ([[rtse gsum 'dus pa'i rgyud]]): mind tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[triple-styled central temple of Samye]] - ([[bsam yas dbu rtse rigs gsum]]): see Samye, 221, 423 | |||
* [[Tromo Rakdongma]] - ([[khro mo rak gdong ma]]): guardian of the Great Perfection, 241 | |||
* [[Trulshik Rinpoche]], 294 | |||
* [[Truly Perfected Father King]] - ([[yab mngon rdzogs rgyal po]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119 | |||
* [[Truly Perfected King]] - ([[mngon rdzogs rgyal po]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 186, 381; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119 | |||
* [[Tsawa Rong]], 238 | |||
* [[Tulku Thondup Rinpoche]], 352 | |||
* [[Turquoise Scripture]] - ([[g.yu yig]]): from Vima Nyingtig, 186, 422 | |||
* [[Tushita]] - ([[dga' ldan]]), 375 | |||
* [[twelve Dzogchen buddhas]] - ([[rdzogs chen ston pa bcu gnyis]]), 43; biographies, 115; detailed explanation by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, 114; sublime emanations of wisdom, 180 | |||
* [[Twelve Dzogchen buddhas]] - ([[rdzogs chen ston pa bcu gnyis]]): detailed description, 374 | |||
* [[Twenty Thousand Sections of the Ninefold Space]] - ([[klong dgu bam po nyis khri]]), 200, 204; first given to Prahevajra, 200 | |||
* [[twenty-one learned ones of the Mind Section]] - ([[sems sde mkhas pa nyer gcig]]), 52, 238, 293, 362 | |||
* [[Twenty-one Thousand Sections of the Ninefold Space]] - ([[klong dgu bam po nyis khri chig stong]]): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285 | |||
* [[Two Stages]] - ([[rim pa gnyis pa]]): birth place of Manjushrimitra, 130, 320 | |||
* [[Uddiyana]]: description, 85, 124, 199; location, 81 | |||
* [[Ultimate Cycle of the Precious Fruition]] - ([[mthar thug rin po che 'bras bu'i skor]]), 305 | |||
* [[Ultimate Hearing Lineage]] - ([[yang dag don gyi snyan rgyud]]), 248, 250 | |||
* [[Ultimate Hearing Lineage]] - ([[yang dag pa don gyi snyan rgyud]]), 250 | |||
* [[Unchanging Mind Essence]] - ([[sems nyid 'gyur med kyi man ngag]]), 197 | |||
* [[unelaborate empowerment]] - ([[spros med kyi dbang]]), 142 | |||
* [[Unexcelled Mind Cycle]] - ([[bla na med pa thugs kyi skor]]): brief explanation, 264 | |||
* [[Unexcelled Vajra-Holder]] - ([[bla med rdo rje 'chang]]): name of Padmasambhava given by Samantabhadra, 279 | |||
* [[unified view of Mahamudra]] - ([[phyag rgya chen po zung 'jug gi lta ba]]), 261 | |||
* [[Unsurpassable Magical Net]] - ([[sgyu 'phrul bla ma]]), 286 | |||
* [[Unwritten Cycle]] - ([[yi ge med pa'i skor]]), 323 | |||
* [[Unwritten Cycle of the Hearing Lineage]] - ([[snyan rgyud yi ge med pa'i skor]]), 237 | |||
* [[Unwritten Hearing Lineage]] - ([[yi ge med pa'i snyan brgyud]]), 248 | |||
* [[Unwritten Hearing Lineages]] - ([[snyan brgyud yi ge med pa]]), 265 | |||
* [[Uparaja]]: definition of title, 81 | |||
* [[Upper Cave of the Slate Mountain]] - ([[g.ya' ri gong gi brag phug]]), 156, 301 | |||
* [[Uru Zhai Lhakhang]] - ([[dbu ru zhwa'i lha khang]]), 351 | |||
* [[Vairochana]] - ([[rnam par snang mdzad]]), 153, 307; his instruction to Vajrapani, 196 | |||
* [[Vairochana Immense Ocean]] - ([[rnam snang gangs chen mtsho]]), 5, 15; description, 3; the sambhogakaya buddha, 373 | |||
* [[Vairotsana]]: details by Jamgön Kongtrül, 238 | |||
* [[Vajra Akshobhya]], 153 | |||
* [[Vajra Bridge of the Symbolic Transmission]]: ([[brda brgyud rdo rje zam pa]]), 76 | |||
* [[Vajra Cutter]] - ([[rdo rje gcod byed]]): Dharmaraja, 314, 422 | |||
* [[Vajra Garbha]] - ([[rdo rje snying po]]), 16 | |||
* [[Vajra Garbhadhara]] - ([[rdo rje snying po 'dzin pa]]): alias Kuñjara, 289 | |||
* [[Vajra Guru Immense Ocean]] - ([[bajdzra gu ru gangs chen mtsho]]), 277 | |||
* [[Vajra Haven Cave]] - ([[rdo rje gling phug]]), 202; abode of Prahevajra in Uddiyana, 199, 203 | |||
* [[Vajra Mound]] - ([[rdo rje brtsegs pa]]): quote from, 60 | |||
* [[vajra of dharmata]] - ([[chos nyid kyi rdo rje]]), 180, 373; one of the supreme emanations of blessings, 182 | |||
* [[Vajra Prahe]] - ([[dga' rab rdo rje]]): Prahevajra, 423 | |||
* [[Vajra Secret the buddha]] - ([[rdo rje gsang ba]]): Akshobhya's instruction to Vajrapani, 193 | |||
* [[Vajra Statement]] - ([[rdo rje lung gi dbang]]), 197 | |||
* [[Vajra Throne]] - ([[rdo rje gdan]]), 88, 92, 119, 124, 129, 130, 132, 136, 137, 143, 174, 179, 186, 218, 221, 241, 261, 267, 292, 293, 319, 326, 380, 381, 404; location, 81; Prahevajra, 178; the ninefold pagoda, 229 | |||
* [[Vajra Varahi]] - ([[rdo rje phag mo]]), 298; prophecy to Padmasambhava, 157 | |||
* [[Vajradhara]] - ([[rdo rje 'chang]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116, 185 | |||
* [[Vajradhara the Great Sixth]] - ([[drug pa rdo rje 'chang chen po]]), 12, 15, 115, 212, 248, 301, 313, 372; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116 | |||
* [[Vajrasattva]] - ([[rdo rje sems dpa']]): mirror-like wisdom, 307; song of realization, 395; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 374 | |||
* [[very unelaborate empowerment]] - ([[shin tu spros med kyi dbang]]), 142, 146 | |||
* [[Victorious Perseverence]] - ([[rgyal mo brtson rgyal]]): mother of Rajahasti, 98 | |||
* [[View of Unity]] - ([[zung 'jug gi lta ba]]): see Mahamudra view, 271 | |||
* [[Vigorous Cloud]] - ([[sprin gyi shugs can]]), 376; Shakra, the King of the Gods, 117, 314, 422 | |||
* [[Vikramashila]], 121 | |||
* [[Vima Nyingtig]] - ([[bi ma snying thig]]), 121, 122, 370, 422; see Heart Essence of Vimalamitra, 186 | |||
* [[Vimalakirti of the Licchavi clan]] - ([[li tsa' bi dri med grags pa]]): song of realization, 389 | |||
* [[Vimalamitra]] - ([[bi ma la mi tra]]): details, 111; song of realization, 111, 397, 401 | |||
* [[Virtuous Mind]] - ([[dge ba'i sems ma]]): mother of Jnanasutra, 137 | |||
* [[Virtuous One]] - ([[dge ba dang ldan pa'i yid can]]): ([[dge ba ldan pa'i ming can]]), father of Shri Singha, 133; father of Shri Singha, 320 | |||
* [[Virtuous Victory]] - ([[dkar rgyal]]): father of Shri Singha, 290 | |||
* [[Virtuous Wisdom]] - ([[dge ba'i blo gros]]): the buddha, 372 | |||
* [[Vishuddha]] - ([[yang dag]]), 95 | |||
* [[Vishuddha Mind]] - ([[yang dag thugs]]), 323 | |||
* [[Vulture Peak Mountain]] - ([[bya rgod phung po'i ri]]), 117, 119, 186, 314, 379, 380 | |||
* [[Water Entering Elephant Tantra]] - ([[glang po che chu 'jug gi rgyud]]): body tantra of Mahayoga, 280 | |||
* [[Wheel of Life-Force]] - ([[srog gi 'khor lo]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279, 360; scripture from the Mind Section, 67 | |||
* [[White Crystal Garland]] - ([[shel phreng dkar po zhes bya ba'i man ngag]]): quote from, 59 | |||
* [[White, Black and Multicolored aspects of the Space Section]] - ([[klong sde dkar nag khra gsum]]), 238 | |||
* [[Wild Jungle]] - ([[rtsub 'gyur tshal]]): charnel ground, 163 | |||
* [[Wise Light]] - ([[snang ba gsal ba rab tu mkhyen ma]]): mother of Shri Singha, 133, 320 | |||
* [[Wishfulfilling Jewel]] - ([[yid bzhin nor bu]]): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 95, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 60 | |||
* [[Wrathful Sage King]] - ([[drang srong khros pa'i rgyal po]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 117, 186, 378 | |||
* [[Written Cycles of the Great Perfection]] - ([[rdzogs pa chen po yi ge can gi skor]]), 265 | |||
* [[Yamantaka]] - ([[gshin rje'i gshed]]), 312, 360 | |||
* [[Yamantaka's Cutting the Stream of Karma]] - ([[gshin rje las kyi rgyun gcod]]), ([[gshin rje las kyi skye ba rgyud gcod]]), 378 | |||
* [[Yangti]] - ([[yang ti]]): definition, 422 | |||
* [[Yangti Nagpo]] - ([[yang ti nag po]]), 294 | |||
* [[Yangti Yoga]] - ([[yang ti yo ga]]), 293 | |||
* [[Yellow Bliss-Giver of Boundless Qualities]] - ([[bde byed ser mo yon tan mtha' yas]]): dakini who was the scribe for Prahevajra, 129, 319 | |||
* [[Yeshe Lama]] - ([[ye shes bla ma]]), 416 | |||
* [[Yeshe Lama the Sangtön]]: Vairotsana's disciple, 238 | |||
* [[Youth of Immutable Light]] - ([[khye'u 'od mi 'khrugs pa]]): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116, 185, 374 | |||
* [[Youth of Inconceivable Sublime Light]] - ([[khye'u snang ba dam pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa]]), 184, 313; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 185; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 114, 115, 179 | |||
* [[Youth Playful Grace]] - ([[gzhon nu rol pa rnam par brtse ba]]), 426; alias Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear, 375; one of the [[Twelve Dzogchen Teachers]], alias [[Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear]], 370; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116, 185 | |||
* [[Yudra Nyingpo]] - ([[g.yu sgra snying po]]), 80, 219; lineage from Vairotsana, 238; lineage from Vimalamitra, 346; lineage of Mind Section, 46, 52 | |||
* [[Zahor]]: location, 81 | |||
* [[Zangling]]: location, 81 | |||
[[category:Index]] |
Latest revision as of 10:26, 11 October 2006
Index to Wellsprings of the Great Perfection by Erik Pema Kunsang
- Abundant Delight - (dga' ldan brtsegs pa), 184, 185; alias Tushita, where Vajradhara first taught Dzogchen, 114, 115, 374
- Acharya Yeshe Yang - (a tsarya ye shes dbyangs), 232
- Activities Tantra Circle of the Sun - (phrin las kyi rgyud nyi ma'i snying po), 313
- Activity Garland - (karma ma le): activities tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Adorned with Golden Flowers - (gser gyi me tog gis brgyan pa'i gling): birth place of Manjushrimitra the Younger, 135
- Akashagarbha - (rnam mkha'i snying po): compiler, 380
- All-Creating King - (kun byed rgyal po), 385; see Kulayaraya, 47
- All-Encompassing Bliss - (bde ba rab 'byams): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 95, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 70
- All-Holding Lotus - (padma kun tu 'chang), 277
- Aloke the Atsantra - (a tsan tra a lo ke), 362; details, 95, 103; song of realization, 103; song to Kukkuraja, 365; song to Kukkuraja the Elder, 104
- Amitabha, 307; song by, 153
- Amoghasiddhi, 153, 307
- Amolika Rock - (rdo a mo li ka), 213
- Amrita Kundali - (bdud rtsi 'khyil ba): quote from, 69
- Ananda - (kun dga' bo): compiler, 379
- Ananda Garbha - (kun dga' snying po), 188; former life of Prahevajra, 190, 282
- Anathapindada's pleasure grove - (mgon med zas sbyin gyi kun dga' ra ba), 114, 119, 381
- Anu Yoga, 261, 268; taught by Kashyapa the Elder, 119
- Anu Yoga Tantras of Completion - (rdzogs pa a nu yo ga'i rgyud sde), 286
- Appearance and Existence as the Manifest Ground - (snang srid gzhi gzhengs), 425
- Arali the Courtesan: details, 361
- Array of Ati - (a ti bkod pa): also (a ti bkod pa chen po), 380
- Array of Great Purity - (gtsang chen bkod pa): see also Great Purity, 15
- Arya Tara - (rje btsun sgol ma): song by, 154
- Aryadeva - (a'a rya de ba), 96, 135; quote by, 56, 58
- Aryapalo - (a'rya pa lo): song of realization, 65
- Ashoka, 11; as grandfather of Prahevajra, 198, 282; as Prahevajra's grandfather, 284; as Vimalamitra's grandfather, 121
- Assemblage of Secrets - (gsang ba 'dus pa): mind tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Assemblage of Vidyadharas - (rig 'dzin kun 'dus): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Atharva - (rgyal po srid srung): king, father of Bodhi the Yakshini, 100
- Ati Yoga - (a ti yo ga), xi, 292; definition by Shri Singha, 261; description, 270; description by Dudjom Rinpoche, 76; description by Padmasambhava, 246; prophecy, 190; received by Vajrapani, 196; time of apprearance, 198
- Ati Yoga's Refined Bindu Cycle of the Secret Edict - (a ti yo ga bka' gsang thig le'i skor gyi yang zhun), 237
- Ati Zabdön Nyingpo - (a ti zab don snying po), 188, 423
- Auspicious Ten Thousand Gates - (bkra shis khri sgo), 140, 143, 356, 359; definition of name, 140; temple where Shri Singha concealed the teachings, 136, 137; temple where Shri Singha confers the empowerments upon Jnanasutra, 141; where Jnanasutra receives a prophecy, 140
- Avalokiteshvara: appears to Shri Singha, 134, 320; apprearing from Vajrasattva, 312; song by, 154
- Awakened Mind - (byang chub sems rig): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Awesome Wisdom Lightning - (ye shes rngam glog), 96
- Bairo Gyubum, 423
- Barani the Courtesan - (smad 'tshong ma ba ra ni): details, 100; Sarati, 421; song of realization, 101; song to Brilliance, 101
- Bear's Nest of Sha-uk - (sha 'ug dom tshang): terma site, 232
- Benevolent Teacher - (legs ldan ston pa): father of Manjushrimitra, 130, 320
- Bhadrapala - (bzang skyong): king on the plateau of the Thirty-Three Gods and father of Ananda Garbha, 190
- Bhangala: location, 81
- Bhararaja Muletsün - (Devaraja), 362
- Bhashita the Rishi - (drang srong bha sh'i t'a): among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96, 104; quote by, 54; song of realization, 67, 104; song to Purasati, 105
- Bhasing - (dur khrod bha sing): charnel ground, 145, 160; charnel ground, place where Jnanasutra resided, 143
- Bhelakirti - (bha la ki ti) teacher of Shri Singha, 320; (bi le ki ti) teacher of Shri Singha, 134
- Bhetala, 92; location, 81
- Bindu Cycle - (thig le'i skor), 235
- Bindu Cycle of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po thig le'i skor): Shri Singha categorized into four cycles, 136
- Bindu Cycle of the Secret Edict - (bka' gsang thig le'i skor), 323, 425
- Bindu Section of the Innermost Cycle - (yang gsang thig le'i sde), 385
- Black Mandala Lake - (mtsho maNDal nag po), 294
- Black Naga Tamer Subsequent Tantra - (rgyud phyi ma nag po klu 'dul): tantra, 379
- Black Quintessence - (yang ti nag po), 8, 294, 295
- Black Sho-Am Jom - (sho'ang 'joms nag po): birth place of Shri Singha, 133
- Black Wrathful Mother - (khros ma nag mo), 213
- Blazing Face - ('bar ma'i gdong can), 86
- Blazing Fire Mountain - (me ri 'bar ba), 27, 117, 186, 298, 313, 391; charnel ground, 162
- Blazing Lamp - (sgron ma 'bar ba), 302; Brilliant Expanse, 5
- Blazing Lamp Tantra - (sgron me 'bar ba'i rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Blisfull Wheel - (bde ldan 'khor lo): father of Vimalamitra, 137
- Blissful Compassion - (bde ba'i snying rje ldan): Sudharma's dakini attendant, 125
- Blissful Grove - (bde ldan gyi tshal), 380
- Blissful Loka Taste - ('jig rten bde ba'i ro ldan ma): dakini who was the scribe for Prahevajra, 129, 319
- Blissful Mingled Minds - (bde ldan yid 'dres): where Prahevajra wrote down the Great Perfection, 319
- Blooming Lotus as the tantra of qualities - (yon tan padmo dbye ba), 378
- Bodhi the Yakshini - (gnod sbyin mo byang chub ma): among the 21 masters, 362; details, 100, 360; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song of realization, 60, 100; song to Barani, 101; song to Sarati the Courtesan, 364
- Bodhicharyavatara, 174
- Bodhisattva the King of Nagas - (klu rgyal byang chub sems dpa'): song of realization, 391
- body of the great transformation - ('pho wa chen po'i sku), 5, 156, 350
- Body Tantra Swirling Lotus - (sku'i rgyud padma 'khyil ba), 313
- Bomta Khenpo, 421, 443
- Boulder Marked with the Vajra-Cross - (pha bong rdo rje rgya gram gyis btab pa), 132
- Brahmin Tantra of Distinguishing the Vehicles - (bram ze theg pa shan 'byed kyi rgyud): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285
- Brahmin's Cycle - (bram ze'i skor), 206
- Brahmin's Playful Cycle - (sgeg pa bram ze'i skor): brief explanation, 264
- Braided Ones - (lcang lo can): realm where Prahevajra received teachings from Vajrasattva, 178
- Bright Spirit - (bdag nyid gsal ma): mother of Vimalamitra, 137
- Brilliance the Kashmiri scholar - (kha che'i mkhan po rab snang), 362; details, 101; song of realization, 101; song to Maharaja, 102, 365
- Brilliance the king of Kashmir - (kha che'i rgyal po rab snang): details, 360; song of realization, 69
- Brilliant - (rab tu snang byed): charnel ground, 160; charnel ground where Vimalamitra resided, 147
- Brilliant Dhanakosha. See Dhanakosha
- Brilliant Essence of Gold - (gser gyi snying po rab tu snang byed), 135
- Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal), 5, 301, 332; excerpt, 275
- Brilliant Sun - (nyi ma rab tu snang byed): co-compiler of the first tantra of the aeon, 115, 374
- Buddha Aspiration - (sangs rgyas mos pa), 186
- Buddha Kashyapa - (sangs rgyas 'od srung), 229; emanation of Vajrasattva, 314
- Buddha Sky Essence - (sangs rgyas nam mkha'i snying po), 311
- Buddhaguhya - (sangs rgyas gsang ba), 151, 206, 426
- Buddhagupta - (bhu ta kug ta), details, 109; (bhu ta kug ta), song of realization, 109; (bhu ta kug ta), song to Shri Singha, 110; (buddha gupta), song of realization, 72; (Butakuta) song to Shri Singha, 367; among the seven later panditas, 95; Butakutam - (Buddhaguhya), 362; details, 96
- Buddhamati the Courtesan - (smad 'tshong ma buddha ma ti): song of realization, see also Purasati, 62
- Bumtang - (bum thang), 170, 221, 232
- Cave of Solitude - (dben skyong brag phug): place of Shri Singha, 290
- Caverns of Chimpu - (bsam yas mchims phu), 222; (mchims phu dge gong), 254, 255, 258, 259, 350; (mchims phu dge'u), 327
- Caves of Yerpa - (yer pa brag), 219
- Chakrasamvara, 16
- Changeless Light - ('od mi 'gyur ba), 211, 225, 277, 317; Samantabhadra, 424
- Changeless Steadiness - (mi 'gyur brtan pa'i dbang), 197
- Chari - (spyod ma): dakini who gave prophecy to Jnanasutra, 141
- Chetsün Senge Wangchuk - (lce btsun seng ge dbang phyug), 122, 346
- Chiti - (spyi ti): definition, 422
- Chiti Yoga - (spyi ti yo ga), 281, 292
- Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa - (mchog gyur bde chen gling pa), 393
- Chokgyur Lingpa - (mchog gyur gling pa), ii, 52, 410, 412
- Chokro Dri - (lcog ro 'bri): birth place of Yeshe Tsogyal, 163
- Chokro Lui Gyaltsen - (cog ro klu'i rgyal mtshan), 121, 347, 348, 350; sent to receive Vimalamitra, 150
- Club Wielder - (be con 'dzin): compiler, 376
- Collection of Precious Gemstones - (rin chen / rin po che kun 'dus): scripture from the Mind Section, 68
- Compendium of Awakened Mind - (byang chub kyi sems kun bsdus), 361
- Complete Array - (rnam par bkod pa): the realm, 372
- Complete Peaceful and Wrathful Ones - (zhi khro yongs rdzogs kyi skor), 296
- Comprehension - (spyi gcod): scripture from the Mind Section, 64, 95
- Comprehension of Awakened Mind - (byang chub kyi sems spyi gcod), 95
- Conch of Brahma's Voice - (tshangs ma dung mgrin can): dakini, 179, 313, 376
- Confluence of Insight of All Yidams - (yi dam dgongs 'dus): the Yidam Gongdü, 371
- Constant - (brtson ldan): mother of Dhahena Talo, 97
- Cool Grove - (bsil ba'i tshal): charnel ground, 129, 130, 160, 179, 295, 319, 320, 323, 402
- Cooling charnel ground - (bsil byed bya ba'i dur khrod): (dur khrod bsil byed) where Jnanasutra meets Shri Singha, also (bsil sbyin dur khrod), (dur khrod chen po bsil sbyin), 140; also (bsil byin), 137
- Covered with Golden Sand - (gser gyi bye ma brdal ba): place where Sudharma conceived Prahevajra, 125; Vimalamitra conceals manuscripts, 147
- Crystal Cave of Yangdzong - (yang rdzong shel phug), 222
- Cuckoo of Awareness - (rig pa khu byug): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 54
- Cutting Insight Essence Tantra - (shes rab gcod byed snying po'i rgyud), 314
- Cycle of Instructions - (man ngag gi skor): brief explanation, 264
- Cycle of the Space Section - (klong sde'i skor): brief explanation, 264
- Cycle of the Tantras - (rgyud kyi skor), 263
- Cycle on Establishing the Visions in Actuality - (mngon sum snang ba gtan la 'bebs pa'i skor), 221
- Cycles of Mind, Space, and Instruction - (sems klong man ngag gi skor), 157
- Dakini Tantra of the Sun of the Brilliant Expanse - (Da'kki klong gsal nyi ma'i rgyud): see Brilliant Expanse, 156
- Damshö Ling charnel ground - (dam shod gling gi dur khrod), 200
- Dangma Lhungyal - (ldang ma lhun rgyal), 122, 346
- Dantig - (chu bo dan tig): where Prahevajra passed away, 131, 322
- Dark Red Jackal Tantra of the Mother Deities - (ma mo yi rgyud lce spyang dmar nag): tantra, 380
- Definitive Great Secret - (gsang chen nges pa): syn for the Great Perfection, xi, 120, 148, 161, 295
- definitive secret teachings - (bka' gsang nges pa), 145
- Delightful Vajra - (dga' rab rdo rje): name of Prahevajra, v, 85, 128, 178, 200, 214, 284, 363, 395
- Delightful Youth - (dga' byed gzhon nu): Shakyamuni, 314, 422
- Delighting in the Great Secret - (gsang chen rol pa), 292; charnel ground, 186; charnel ground at the Blazing Fire Mountain, 117
- Denma Tsemang - (ldan ma rtse mangs), 232
- Densely Arrayed - (stug po bkod pa), 306; realm of Akanishtha, 17, 176, 301; realms of self-display, 182, 184; sambhogakaya realms, 181, 373
- Densely Arrayed Realm of Total Purity - (rnam dag stug po bkod pa), 423
- Devaraja - (lha'i rgyal po de ba ra' dza): aka Bhararaja Muletsün, 362; alias Devaraja Mule Tsen, song to Buddhagupta / (Butakuta), 367; details, 95, 108; song of realization, 70, 109; song to Buddhagupta, 109
- Dhahe the scholar of Uddiyana - (o rgyan gyi mkhan po dha he): song of realization, 65
- Dhahena Chadu: king, father of Vimalamitra, 111
- Dhahena Talo - (dha he na ta lo), 206; details, 97; Dhahi Telo, 362; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; grandfather of Prahevajra, 199; song of realization, 53, 97; song to Rajadeva, 364; song to Rajahasti, 98
- Dhahena Telo - (dha he na ta lo): details, aka Dhanadala, 50
- Dhahuna the Dog King: alias Kukkuraja the Younger, 367
- Dhahuna the learned. See Kukkuraja the Younger
- Dhanadala - (dha na d'a la): probably identical with Dhahena Telo, 50
- Dhanakosha - (dha na ko sha), 88, 95, 178, 202, 227, 229, 284; (sbyin pa'i mdzod) in Uddiyana, 199; literal meaning, 89, 125; location, 85; Padmasambhava's birth, 293; Vairotsana's visit, 238
- Dhanasanskrit - (nor gyi legs sbyar): song of realization, 404
- Dharma Ashoka: as Prahevajra's grandfather, 198, 284; as Vimalamitra's grandfather, 121
- Dharma Fortress Hermitage - (chos rdzong dgon), 331
- Dharmabodhi: mother of Vimalamitra, 121
- Dharmachakra: king for whom Vimalamitra officiated, 121
- dharmadhatu palace of Akanistha - ('og min chos kyi dbyings kyi pho brang), 162, 279, 300, 372; expl. of definite meaning, 17; the dharmakaya buddhafield, 289
- dharmakaya realm of the Luminous Vajra Essence - (chos sku 'od gsal rdo rje snying po'i zhing), 424
- Dharmaraja: definition of title, 81; details, 95
- Dharmaraja - (dharma ra' dza): song of realization, 71
- Dharmevajra - (rdo rje chos), 16, 95, 313; alias Kuñjara, 289; compiler, 313; requestee of Vajrasattva, 312; song by, 154
- Direct Revelation of Samantabhadra's Mind - (kun tu bzang po'i dgongs pa zang thal du bstan pa), 209, 223, 246, 273; Gongpa Zangtal, 248; tantra, 265
- distinguishing, resolving, and self-liberation in actuality - (shan phye la bzla rang grol mngon sum), 190, 206
- Divine Cliff of Zangzang - (zang zang lha brag), 219, 234, 252, 253, 273; terma site, 232
- Divine Mound - (lha brtsegs pa): charnel ground in Uddiyana, 286
- Dog King the Younger: see Kukkuraja the Younger / (Dhahuna), 362
- Dorje Dudjom of Nanam - (sna nam rdo rje bdud 'joms), 235, 326
- Dorje Lingpa - (rdo rje gling pa), 9, 43, 298, 340, 370; excerpt from Brilliant Expanse, 275
- Dorje Tötreng Tsal - (rdo rje thod phreng rtsal): alias Padmasambhava, 323
- Dorje Tromo Rakdongma - (rdo rje khro mo rak gdong ma). See Tromo Rakdongma
- Dra Talgyur - (sgra thal 'gyur), 115
- Dra Talgyur Root Tantra - (sgra thal 'gyur rtsa ba'i rgyud), 114, 185; one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Dragon Crest Jewel Ridge - (rtse 'brug rin chen sgang): abode of King Ashoka, 282, 284
- Drimey Dashar - (dri med zla shar): alias Jnana Kumara of Nyak, 350
- Drimey Özer - (dri med 'od zer): alias Longchen Rabjam, 32
- Dungtso Repa the Later - (dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma), 294
- Dzogchen Desum - (rdzogs chen sde gsum), 10; description, 385; Three Sections of the Great Perfection, 52
- Dzogchen Sangwa Nyingtig - (rdzogs chen gsang ba snying tig), 425
- Earth Essence - (sa'i snying po): attendant of Vimalamitra, 348
- effortless Ati Yoga - (rtsol med a ti yo ga): see Ati Yoga, 198
- effortless vehicle of original wakefulness, 229
- Effulgent Lamp - (snang ba'i sgron me): mother of Manjushrimitra, 130, 320
- eight gauris: listing, 422
- eight keurimas - (ke'u ri ma brgyad), 132
- Eight Later Translations - (phyi 'gyur brgyad), 46
- Eight Sections of Great Magical Net - (sgyu 'phrul chen po sde brgyad): listing, 286
- eight vidyadharas - (rig 'dzin brgyad): list, 425
- Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras - (rdzogs chen rgyud bco brgyad), 112; list, 158
- Eighteen Marvels of Mind - (sems smad bco brgyad), 46, 385; compared with the Eighteen Major Scriptures - (lung chen po bco brgyad), 424; list of Padmasambhava's transmission from Samantabhadra, 279
- Eighteen Tantras of Mahayoga - (ma hA yo ga'i tan tra sde bco brgyad), 50, 103, 314; list of scriptures Padmasambhava received from Vajrasattva, 280
- Eightfold Magical Net - (sgyu 'phrul brgyad pa), 286
- Eighty Deeds of Yamantaka - (gshin rje las brgya bcu), 378
- Eightyfold Magical Net - (sgyu 'phrul brgyad bcu pa), 286
- Ekajati - (e ka dza Ti): protector of the Great Perfection, 137, 252
- Elephant Forest - (glang po'i tshal): birth place of Vimalamitra, also (glang po sgang zhes bya ba'i grong khyer), 137
- Embodiment of Teachings - (bka' 'dus), 281
- Eminent Destroyer of Samsara - ('khor ba legs gcod): the buddha, 372
- Eminent Samadhi - (ting 'dzin bzang po): Steadfast Lion, 314, 422
- Empowerment Instruction of the Great Bridge - (zam pa chen po dbang gi man ngag), 84
- empowerment of awareness-display - (rig pa rtsal gyi dbang), 225, 234, 314
- empowerment of the Royal Vase - (rgyal thabs spyi blugs gi dbang), 200
- empowerment of the Threefold Spontaneous Presence - (lhun grub gsum gyi dbang), 197
- Enchanting - (dga' byed): charnel ground, 160
- Enchanting Forest of Exquisite Taste - (ro mchog bde ba'i tshal), 85, 88, 89
- Enchanting Grove - (dga' byed kyi tshal): where Vimalamitra met again with Jnanasutra, 138
- Enchanting Mound - (bde byed brtsegs pa): see Shankara Kuta, 125; stupa, 379
- Encountering the Three Kayas - (sku gsum thug 'phrad kyi man ngag), 197
- Equalizing of Buddhahood - (sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor), 113
- Equalizing Secret Tantra - (mnyam sbyor gsang rgyud): Tantra of the Great Equalizing of Buddhahood, 314
- Essence of Secrets - (gsang ba snying po, Guhyagarbha), 286; general tantra of Mahayoga, 281
- Essence of Statements from the Oral Lineage - (rna rgyud lung gi thig le): quote from, 305
- Essence Studded Tantra - (thig le phra rgyud): tantra, 379
- Essence Tantra in Seven Lines that Liberates through Wearing - (btags grol snying po'i rgyud tshig bdun pa), 172
- essence, nature and capacity - (ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje), 171, 181, 311
- Essential Heart Essence - (snying thig snying po), 136
- Essential Unexcelled Cycle - (snying po bla na med pa'i skor), 247
- Ever-Excellent - (kun tu bzang mo): dakini, 145
- Ever-Excellent Salasakra of the Mothers - (ma mo kun tu bzang mo sa la sa kra), (ma mo kun tu bzang mo sa la ba dra), 378
- Excellent Starlight - (skar ma 'od bzang po), 313
- Excellent Valley - (bzang lung): charnel ground, 130, 425
- Expanding Delight - (he chen brdal ba): Manjushrimitra's song, 393
- Expanse of Vajrasattva's Heart - (rdo rje sems dpa'i thugs kyi klong), 223
- Exposition Tantras - (bshad rgyud), 132, 141, 323
- Exquisite Flower - (me tog mdzes pa): the buddha, 372
- Extensive Outer Cycle - (rgyas pa phyi skor), 247
- Extensive Tantra of Great Space - (nam mkha' che rgyas pa'i rgyud): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 263
- extremely unelaborate empowerment - (rab tu spros med kyi dbang), 142
- Father Tantra View of Vastness - (pha rgyud lta ba klong yangs), 43, 370
- Fifteen Special Tantras - (sgos rgyud bco lnga), 286
- Final Subsequent Tantra Devourer of a Billion Worlds - (rgyud phyi ma'i phyi ma stong gsum za byed), 381
- Final Testament - ('das rjes tha ma): by Kashyapa the Elder, 381
- Five Early Translations - (snga 'gyur lnga), 46, 95; Mind Section, 238
- five eminent ones - (lnga sde bzang po): retinue of Buddha Shakyamuni, 381
- Five Symbols of the Deeds - (byas pa'i brda lnga), 321
- Five Symbols of the Manifest - (snang ba'i brda lnga), 321
- Five Symbols of the Practice Lineage - (bsgrub rgyud kyi brda lnga), 320
- Five-Peaked Mountain - (ri bo rtse lnga), 134, 137, 350
- Flawless Crest, Excellent among the Shakyas - (dri med gtsug phud shak bzang): father of Sarani, grandfather of Prahevajra, 82
- Flawless Kinsman - (bi ma la mi tra): song of realization, 401; Vimalamitra, 34, 36, 216, 397
- Flawless Moon - (zla ba dri med): co-compiler of the first tantra of the aeon, 374
- Flower-Adorned Base and Center - (gzhi dang snying po me tog gis rgyan pa), 15
- Fortyfold Magical Net - (sgyu 'phrul bzhi bcu pa), 286
- Four Branches of Heart Essence - (snying thig ya bzhi), xvi, 188; details, 112
- four rivers of empowerment - (dbang go chu bo bzhi): listing from Vajrasattva, 313
- four visions - (rdzogs chen gyi snang ba bzhi), 425
- Fourfold Means of Settling - (bzhag thabs bzhi pa): Jnanasutra's testament to Vimalamitra, 147
- Fourty-Four Kilaya Tantra - (k'i la ya bzhi bcu gnyis kyi rgyud): activities tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Fragrant Grass - ('jag ma'i gling): charnel ground where Aryadeva awakened to enlightenment, 135
- Framework of Existence - (srid pa spyi chings): scripture from the Mind Section, 65
- Framework of Existence - (srid pa'i spyi chings): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Freedom Cave of Dakinis - (mkha' 'gro mngon par 'byung ba'i brag phug): place where Prahevajra wrote down the natural Great Perfection, 129, 179, 319
- Furrowed Red Rock - (brag dmar ri mo can), 329, 339, 425
- Gangri Tökar - (gangs ri thod dkar), 32
- Gathered Black Clouds - (sprin nag 'dus pa'i grong khyer), 286
- Generous Hand - (lag sbyin): past life of Vajradhara, 372
- Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear - ('jam dpal 'jigs skyobs): one of the twelve Dzogchen buddhas, alias Youth Playful Grace, 370; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, alias Youth Playful Grace, 375
- Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear - ('jigs pa skyob), ('jigs pa skyob pa'i yid): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116
- Glorious Mountain - (dpal gyi ri): abode of Nagarjuna, 58, 404
- Glorious Source of Qualities - (dpal yon tan 'byung ba), 92
- glorious stupa Descended from Heavenly Realms - (dpal lha las babs pa'i mchos rten), 179
- Glorious Supreme Primal Tantra - (dpal mchog dang po'i rgyud, Skt. Shri Paramadi Tantra): qualities tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Glorious Sustainer of Bliss - (dpal ldan bde skyong): father of Manjushrimitra, 202
- Glorious Tantra of the Resolution of the Four Elements - (dpal 'byung bzhi zad pa'i rgyud), 116
- Golden Designs of Jewels - (rin po che'i gser mig), 264
- Golden Orphan Temple - (bu tshal gser khang gling), 349
- Golden Razor of Awakened Mind - (byang chub kyi sems gser gyi spu gri), 95
- Golden Sanctuary - (gser gling), 95, 134, 320; charnel ground, 92
- Golden Sanctuary of Expanding Delight - (gser gling he chen brdal ba), 85, 88; meaning of name, 89
- Golden Sanctuary of Expanding Delight - (gser gling he chen gdal ba): charnel ground abode of Prahevajra, 202
- Gongpa Zangtal - (dgongs pa zang thal), 223
- Great Array - (bkod pa chen po), 124
- Great Array of Ati - (a ti bkod pa chen po'i rgyud), 422
- Great Blaze - ('bar ba chen po): tantra, 379
- Great Blaze - ('bar ma chen mo): dakini, 145
- Great Compassionate One: Avalokiteshvara, 333
- Great Drum of the Gods - (lha'i rnga bo che lta bu'i gtam), 180
- Great Garuda - (khyung chen): scripture from the Mind Section, 53
- Great General Background for the History of the Authentic Lineage - (yid ches brgyud pa'i lo rgyus stong thun gyi spyi chings chen mo), 235
- Great History of the Heart Essence - (snying thig lo sgyus chen mo), 121
- Great Perfection of Chiti - (rdzogs pa chen po spyi ti), 424
- Great Perfection of Profound Instructions - (man ngag zab mo rdzogs pa chen po), 221
- Great Perfection of the Black Quintessence - (rdzogs pa chen po yang ti nag po), 424
- Great Perfection of the Unexcelled Fruition - ('bras bu bla na med pa'i rdzogs pa chen po), 218
- Great Perfection Renowned as Body - (sku ltar grags pa'i rdzogs chen), 214
- Great Perfection Renowned as Edict - (bka' ltar yongs su grags pa'i rdzogs chen), 215
- Great Perfection Renowned as Edict - (bka' yongs su grags pa'i rdzogs pa chen po), 221, 263; explanation of the four aspects, 263
- Great Perfection Renowned as Instruction - (man ngag yongs su grags pa'i rdzogs pa chen po), 263; explanation of three aspects, 264
- Great Perfection Renowned as Speech - (gsung ltar grags pa'i rdzogs chen), 214
- Great Perfection that Clarifies the Essence - (snying po gsal ba'i rdzogs chen), 215, 216
- Great Perfection that Clarifies the Essence Distinguished as Speech - (gsung ltar snying po gsal ba'i rdzogs chen), 214
- Great Perfection that Liberates as Mind - (thugs ltar grol ba'i rdzogs chen), 214
- Great Perfection's Innermost Unexcelled Cycle - (rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa'i skor), 271
- Great Perfection's Instruction Section - (rdzogs pa chen po man ngag sde), 270
- Great Perfection's Mind Section Cycle - (rdzogs pa chen po sems sde'i skor), 270
- Great Perfection's Six Tantras of Liberation Through Wearing - (rdzogs pa chen po btags grol rgyud drug), 265
- Great Perfection's Space Section Cycle - (rdzogs pa chen po klong sde'i skor), 270
- Great Perfection's Three Tantras of Liberation Through Wearing - (rdzogs pa chen po btags grol rgyud gsum), 265
- Great Prophecy of Awakened Mind - (sems lung chen po), 379
- Great Purity - (gtsang chen), 277
- Great Purity - (tshangs chen): realms, 424
- Great Purity nirmanakaya realms, 18
- Great Samayoga Tantra - (mnyam sbyor chen po'i rgyud), 327
- Great Seal - (phyag rgya chen po'i man ngag), 197
- Great Self-Existence - (rang byung chen po), 270
- Great Self-Existing Emanations - (rang byung gi sprul pa chen po): Three Sources, 180, 184
- Great Soaring Garuda - (khyung chen lding ba): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Great Space - (nam mkha' che), 379; one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 55
- Great Sphere - (thig le chen po'i dbang), 197
- Great Strength - (rtsal chen): scripture from the Mind Section, 57
- Grove of Reed - ('dam bu'i tshal): where Vimalamitra and Jnanasutra received the prophecy from Vajrasattva, 138
- Guarded Mind - (mgon sems): disciple of Kashyapa the Elder, 380
- Guhya Samaja, 50
- Guhyagarbha Tantra, 25
- Guhyasamaja, 16
- Guru Chöwang - (gu ru chos dbang), 113
- Guru Loden Choksey - (gu ru blo ldan mchog sred), 280
- Guru Nyima Özer - (gu ru nyi ma 'od zer), 279
- Guru Padma - (gu ru padma): song by. See Padmasambhava
- Guru Tashi Tobgyal, 294
- Gyalwa Yangönpa - (rgyal ba yang dgon pa): quote about vajra holder, 17
- Hastibhala - (hasti bha la): teacher of Shri Singha in China, 133, 320
- Hayagriva - (rta mgrin), 289, 298; song by, 154; tantras, 378
- Healing Garden of Youth - ('tsho byed gzhon nu'i sdum ra), 116, 185
- Healing Herb Garden of Youth - (sman 'tsho byed gzhon nu'i sdum ra), 116
- Hearing Lineage - (rnar rgyud), 132
- Hearing Lineage - (snyan rgyud), 323
- Hearing Lineage for the Innermost Unexcelled Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa'i snyan brgyud sde gsum): three sets, 223
- Hearing Lineage in Six Chapters - (snyan rgyud le'u drug pa), 248, 249
- Hearing Lineage of Pointing Out Dharmata - (chos nyid ngo sprod spros pa'i snyan rgyud): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255
- Hearing Lineage of Practicing the Fivefold Meditation Method - (bzhag thabs rnam pa lnga'i nyams len snyan rgyud): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255
- Hearing Lineage of the Vajra Masters in Six Chapters - (rdo rje slob dpon gyi snyan rgyud le'u drug), 250, 255, 256
- Hearing Lineage on Distinguishing Mind and Awareness - (sems dang rig pa dbye ba'i snyan brgyud), 219
- Hearing Lineage on Distinguishing Mind and Wisdom - (sems dang ye shes dbye ba'i snyan rgyud), 250; one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255
- Hearing Lineage on Establishing the Meditation and Post-Meditation - (snyan brgyud mnyam bzhag rjes thob gtan la dbab pa), 221
- Hearing Lineage on Freely Resting Mind Essence - (snyan brgyud sems nyid cog bzhag), 222
- Hearing Lineage on separating consciousness and wakefulness - (sems dang ye shes 'byed pa'i snyan brgyud), 271
- Hearing Lineage on the Self-Liberated Awareness of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po rang grol rig pa'i snyan brgyud), 223
- Hearing Lineage on the Self-Liberation of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po rang grol ba'i snyan brgyud), 223
- Hearing Lineage to be Liberated through Practice - (nyams len gyi sgo nas grol bar bya ba'i snyan rgyud): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255
- Hearing Lineage to be Understood through Explanation - (bshad thabs kyi sgo nas go bar bya ba'i snyan rgyud): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255
- hearing transmission of sublime individuals - (gang zag snyan khung brgyud pa): literal explanatiion, 147
- Heart Essence Exposition Tantra - (bshad rgyud snying gi ti ka/ snying thig gi bka'), 132
- Heart Essence in Actuality - (mngon sum snying tig), 164; Instruction Section of the Great Perfection from Padmasambhava, 164
- Heart Essence of Dakinis - (mkha' 'gro snying thig), 5, 7, 23, 112
- Heart Essence of Samantabhadra - (kun bzang thugs tig), 383
- Heart Essence of the Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal snying thig), 327
- Heart Essence of the Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal snying tig): Longsal Nyingtig, 338
- Heart Essence of the Dakinis: explained, 156
- Heart Essence of the Dakinis - (mkha' 'gro snying thig), 302
- Heart Essence of the Dakinis - (mkha' 'gro snying tig), 168; Shri Singha's transmission to Padmasambhava, 158
- Heart Essence of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po snying tig), 264
- Heart Essence of Vimalamitra - (bi ma snying thig), 121, 346
- Heruka Display as the tantra of activities - (phrin las khrag 'thung rol pa), 378
- Hevajra, 16; tantra, 421, 443
- Hooked Cave of Golden Rock - (gser gyi brag phug yu ba can): practice place of Prahevajra, 85
- Hooked Cave of the Golden Rock - (gser gyi brag phug yu ba can): practice place of Prahevajra, 88
- Horse Head Saccha as the body tantra - (sku rgyud rta dbu saccha), 378
- Hundred Thousand Nyingma Tantras, 421, 443
- Hungchenkara - (hung chen ka ra): song of realization, 402
- Hungkara - (hung ka ra): song of realization, 402
- Identifying Original Wakefulness - (ye shes ngos 'dzin gyi man ngag), 197
- Immaculate Renown - (dri med grags pa): name of Vimalamitra, 121
- Immediacy of Awareness - (rig pa spyi lugs kyi dbang): empowerment, 197
- Immense Ocean - (gangs chen mtsho), 277, 373; five families of, 15; Vajra Guru, 277
- Immutable Light - ('od mi 'khrugs pa): Youth of Immutable Light - (khye'u 'od mi 'khrugs pa), twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 374
- incalculable eon - (bskal pa grangs med): definition, 421, 443
- Indian continent: nine major areas, 81
- Indrabhuti the Younger - (indra bhu ti chung ba): in Kapilavastu, 148
- Innate Nature in Actuality - (chos nyid mngon sum), 271
- Inner Cycle - (nang skor), 241, 267, 319, 322; brief explanation, 264; of the Instruction Section, 136
- Inner Space Section Cycle - (nang klong sde'i skor), 219
- Innermost Ati Cycle - (yang gsang a ti'i skor gyi bshad rgyud): see Exposition Tantras, 237
- Innermost Unexcelled Cycle - (gsang ba bla na med pa'i skor), 425
- Innermost Unexcelled Cycle - (yang gsang bla na med pa'i skor), 221, 241, 265
- Innermost Unexcelled Cycle of the Precious Fruition - (gsang ba'i yang ti bla na med pa'i 'bras bu rin po che'i skor), 425
- Innermost Unexcelled Cycle of the Precious Fruition - (yang gsang bla na med pa'i skor), 319
- Innermost Unexcelled Effortless Vehicle - (yang gsang bla na med pa rtsol med kyi theg pa), 232
- Innermost Unexcelled Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa), 255, 305, 350
- Innermost Unexcelled Great Perfection - (yang gsang bla na med pa'i rdzogs chen), 222
- Innermost Unwritten Cycle - (yang gsang yi ge med pa'i skor), 322
- Innermost Vajra Essence of the Unexcelled Fruition, 334
- Insight during Daily Activities - (spyod lam rig pa'i man ngag), 197
- Instruction Cycle - (man ngag gi skor), 206; three aspects, 247
- Instruction Cycle of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po man ngag gi skor), 219
- Instruction Section - (man nga sde): explanation by Padmasambhava, 247
- Instruction Section - (man ngag sde), 76, 132, 268, 346, 385; defined by Jamgön Kongtrül, 385
- Instruction Tantra of the Play of the Sublime Steed - (rta mchog rol pa man ngag rgyud): from Yidam Gongdü, 371
- Instructions of Rishi the Seer - (drang srong mig gi man ngag), 71
- Instructions of Vimalamitra - (dri med bshes gnyen gyi man ngag), 71
- Intersecting Secret Path of Great Bliss - (bde chen gsang lam bsnol ba): charnel ground abode of Kungamo, 287
- Intrinsic Greatness of Samantabhadra - (kun tu bzang po che ba rang la gnas pa), 379
- Issuing from One Tantra - (gcig las 'phros pa'i rgyud): speech tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo - ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po), 52, 174, 385, 393, 410
- Jemala - (bye ma la): alias Vimalamitra, 349
- Jemalamudra, 348, 350; explanation of name, 426
- Jetsunma Kunga Bum - (rje btsun ma kun dga' 'bum), 294
- Jewel Garland - (nor bu'i phreng ba): past life of Vajradhara, 372
- Jewel Studded Bliss - (bde ba phra bkod): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 65
- Jewel Studded Bliss of Awakened Mind - (byang chub kyi sems bde ba phra bkod), 50
- Jewel-Bearer - (lag na rin po che): Flaming Mouth, 314, 422
- Jigmey Lingpa - ('jigs med gling pa), 10, 96, 417; details, 416
- Jnana Kumara of Nyak - (gnyag dza-nya na ku ma' ra), 219; lineage of Mind Section, 46; Vairotsana's disciple, 238
- Jnanasutra - (jna na su tra), 356, 357, 382, 394, 400; details, 137; receives the Secret Cycle, 265; song of realization, 397, 402
- Joyful Forest - (dga' ba tshal): charnel ground, 323
- Joyful Svastika - (g.yung drung skyid): daughter of King Ashoka and aunt of Prahevajra, 282
- Joyful Vajra - (dgyes pa rdo rje): name of Prahevajra, 284
- Juniper Ridge of Crystal Pearls, 340
- Kala Heruka - (khrag 'thung nag po), 400; song of realization, 404
- Kalachakra, 16
- Kamalashila - (ka ma la sh'i la): birth place of Jnanasutra, 137
- Kamarupa: location, 81
- Kangyur, 421, 443
- Kapilavastu - (ser skya), 87, 114, 150, 186, 381; residence of Indrabhuti the Younger, 148
- Karmeshvari - (las kyi dbang mo che), 227, 287, 298, 400; song of realization, 406
- Kashmir: location, 81
- Kashyapa the Elder - ('od srungs bgres po), 317; as emanation of Vajrasattva, 315; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 186, 380; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119
- Kawa Paltsek, 121, 347
- Kawa Paltsek - (ska ba dpal brtsegs), 350; sent to receive Vimalamitra, 150
- Khambu - (khams bu): location, 421, 443
- Khandro Yangtig. See Quintessence of the Dakinis
- Khangbu: location, 81
- Kharatira Black Turtle Boulder, 174
- Kharchu in Lhodrak - (lho brag mkhar chu), 221, 327
- Khönting Temple at Lhodrak - (lho brag khon mthing gi lha khang), 231
- Kilaya of Peak Array - (phur pa rtse mo rnam par bkod pa), (phur pa rdo rje rtse mo rnam par bkod pa), 378
- King Ashoka: as grandfather of Prahevajra, 198
- King Hasti - (rgyal po hasti): early master in Mind Section, 422
- King Helu Bhade: father of Dhahena Talo, 97
- King Indrabhuti - (rgyal po in dra bhu ti), 150, 400; song of realization, 401
- King Jah the Worthy One - (skal ldan rgyal po dza): song of realization, 391
- King of Arrangement - (bkod pa rgyal po'i rgyud): samaya tantra of Mahayoga, 281
- King of Marvels - (rmad byung rgyal po), 46
- King of Natural Knowing - (rang shes rang rig gi rgyal po), 306
- King Uparaja: grandfather of Prahevajra, 319
- King's Cycle - (rgyal po'i skor), 206
- King's Developed Cycle - (bskyed pa rgyal po'i skor), 263
- Kingly Scripture - (lung gi rgyal po): quote from, 65
- Knowing of One that Liberates All - (gcig shes kun grol), 314
- Knowing One that Liberates All - (gcig shes kun grol), 425
- Konchok Jungney of Langdro - (long gro dkon mchog 'byung gnas), 329
- Kongpo - (kong po), 221
- Kosali - (ko sa li), 142
- Krodha the Powerful - (khro bo stobs ldan), 313; emanation of Vajrasattva, 313
- Kuhana - (ku ha na, sku ha na): mother of Manjushrimitra, 202
- Kukkuraja Dhahuna: alias Kukkuraja the Younger, 367
- Kukkuraja the Dog King - (khyi'i rgyal po ku ku ra' dza), 362; song of realization, 57; song to Parati, 366
- Kukkuraja the Elder - (khyi'i rgyal po snga ma): details, 103; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song of realization, 104; song to Bhashita, 104
- Kukkuraja the second Dog King, 361; details, 95
- Kukkuraja the Younger: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96
- Kukkuraja the Younger - (khyi'i rgyal po phyi ma): aka Dhahuna the Dog King, 426; alias Dhahuna, 362; details, 107; song of realization, 59, 108; song to Manjushrimitra the Younger, 108, 367
- Kulaya Tantra - (kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 263
- Kulayaraja Tantra, 43
- Kulayaraja Tantra - (kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud), 46, 263, 385
- Kulayaraja, Tantra of the All-Creating King - (kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 379
- Kulika Sukha Bhadrapala - (rigs ldan bde ba bzang skyong): Anu Yoga teacher of Padmasambhava, 286
- Kunga Mönlam - (kun dga' smon lam). See Kungamo
- Kungamo - (kun dga' mo): details, 110; Manjushrimitra's prediction to Padmasambhava, 287; song of realization, 110
- Kungamo the Eminent - (kun dga' bzang mo): concealer of the Dzogchen teachings at the Vajra Throne, 267
- Kungamo the virtuous - (dge slong ma kun dga' mo): one of the twenty-one masters of the Mind Section, 362
- Kungamo the Virtuous - (dge slong ma kun dga' mo): song to Vimalamitra, 368
- Kungamo the Younger: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96
- Kuñjara - (kuñja ra): transmission to Padmasambhava, 289
- Kusulu Cycle - (ku su lu'i skor), 170; Khandro Nyingtig, 165
- Labu Dönyö Dey - (lha bu don yod sde), 340
- Lady Gyalmo Tso of Ru - (ru bza' rgyal mo mtsho): mother of Yeshe Tsogyal, 163
- Lady Jangchub Men of Dro - ('bro bza' byang chub sman): one of King Trisong Deutsen's queens and mother of Princess Pema Sal, 165
- Lady of Kharchen - (mkhar chen gza'), 163, 231, 232, 233, 237, 302, 327
- Lady Tsogyal of Kharchen. See Lady of Kharchen
- Lake Kutra - (mtsho ku tra): in Uddiyana, 199
- Lalitavajra - (sgeg pa rdo rje), 206
- Lama Gongdü - (bla ma dgongs 'dus), 370, 422
- Lamp for the Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal sgron ma), 299
- land of Turquoise-Browed Sogpos - (sog po g.yu'i smin ma can), 117, 186, 379
- Laughing Vajra - (bzhad pa rdo rje): name of Prahevajra, 284
- Learned Pandita Cycle - (mkhas pa pandi ta'i skor), 170
- Learned Splendid Wisdom - (mkhas pa dpal gyi blo gros): dakini, 144
- Leulag Magical Net - (sgyu 'phrul gyi le lag), 286
- Lhacham Pema Sal - (lha lcam padma sal): details, 423
- Li - (li): kingdom, 142, 286
- Liberating Mound Tantra - (sgrol ma brtsegs pa'i rgyud): activities tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Liberation Through Wearing - (btags grol), 248, 251
- Lion Cave of Bumtang - (bum thang seng ge'i brag): terma site, 232
- Lion Face - (seng gdong ma): dakini, 376
- Lion Snout in Bumthang - (bum thang seng ge'i sna), 302
- Lion-like Cliff in Lower Bumtang - (bum thang smad kyi sengge 'dra ba), 170
- Little - (dur khrod tha chung): charnel ground, 160
- Long Cave at Nadün Lhodrak - (sna bdun lho brag phug ring), 231
- Longchen Rabjam - (klong chen rab 'byams), 163
- Lord of Secrets - (gsang ba'i bdag po), 227
- lords of the three families - (rigs gsum mgon po), 119, 326, 381, 383; details, 422
- Lotus Crystal Cave - (padma shel phug), 410
- Lotus Light - (padma 'od), 36, 233
- Lotus Light the Buddha - (padma'i 'od): Amitabha's instruction to Vajrapani, 195
- Lotus Mound - (padma brtsegs pa), 319; buddhafield, 195
- Lotus Mound - (padma brtsegs): charnel ground in the Li country, 286
- Lotus Net as the mind tantra - (thugs rgyud padma dra ba), 378
- Lotus Segment - (padma'i dum bu): tantra, 381
- Lovely - (mdzes ma dang ldan pa): Sarani, Prahevajra's mother, 82
- Lovingly Playful Wisdom - (brtse bas rol pa'i blo gros): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 186, 379; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 43, 117
- Luminosity of Awakened Mind - (byang chub kyi sems 'od gsal), 361
- Luminous Vajra Essence - ('od gsal rdo rje snying po): dharmakaya realm, 13, 18, 277, 424; Dzogchen, 2, 5, 158, 180
- Magadha - (dbus 'gyur), 227, 242
- Magical Net of the Goddess - (lha mo sgyu 'phrul), 286
- Magical Net of Vajrasattva - (rdo rje sems dpa' sgyu 'phrul 'dra ba), 50
- Magical Wheel of the Sun and Moon - ('khrul 'khor nyi ma zla ba), ('khrul 'khor nyi ma sbas pa), 378
- Maha Heruka, 228
- Mahamudra view of nondual experience and emptiness - (snang stong gnyis med kyi lta ba phyag rgya chen po), 268, 269
- Maharahula: quote by, 62
- Maharaja the Uddiyana scholar - (o rgyan gyi mkhan po ma h'a r'a dza), 362; details, 95, 102; song of realization, 102; song to Gomadevi, 102, 365
- Mahasandhi: literal meaning, 421, 443
- Mahasandhi - (yang dag pa'i bsam gtan chen po): literal meaning, 46
- Mahasukha - (bde ba chen po): the mind of Vajrasattva, 82
- Mahasukha Bheva - (bde ba chen po bhe ba): name of Prahevajra, 284
- Mahayoga of Development - (bskyed pa ma h'a yo ga), 280
- Maitreya - (byams pa), 186
- Manifest Adornment - (rnam par rol pa'i rgyan), 137
- Manifest Womb of Passionate Elements - (chags 'byung mngal du snang ba), 185
- Manjushri Bhadra - ('jam dpal bzang po). See Manjushrimitra the Younger; song to Devaraja, 108
- Manjushri the Youthful - ('jam dpal gzhon nu), 272
- Manjushrimitra - ('jam dpal bshes gnyen): details, 360; receiving his name, 204; song of realization, 396, 410; song of realization, 393; song to Dhahena Talo, 97; song to Dhahi Telo, 363
- Manjushrimitra the Younger - ('jam dpal bshes gnyen phyi ma), 362; among the seven later panditas, 95; as reincarnation of Manjushrimitra, 135; details, 96, 108; song of realization, 64; song to Devaraja Mule Tsen, 367
- Manual of Degrees of Progress - (tshad kyi yi ge), 234
- Manual of Key Points - (gnad kyi yi ge), 234
- Manual of Signs - (rtags kyi yi ge), 234
- Marvels - (rmad byung): also King of Marvels, 59; scripture from the Mind Section, 59
- Mass of Light - ('od kyi phung po), 185; also ('od kyi spungs pa), 116
- Masterful Display - (chub pas rol pa): tantra, 379
- Material Womb, the source of passions - ('dod chags 'byung ba mngal du snang ba), (chags 'byung mngal du snang ba), 116
- Matibhadra - (blo gros bzang po), 379
- Matram Rudra, 229
- Mekhyo - (rme khyod), 95
- Meteor Face the Yaksha - (gnod sbyin skar mda' gdong): song of realization, 391
- Mighty Bringer of Joy - (dga' byed dbang phyug), 115, 129
- Mighty Lotus Tantra - (padma dbang gi rgyud): speech tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Mind Section - (sems sde), 132; defined by Jamgön Kongtrül, 385; details of lineage masters, 50, 95, 360; eighteen parts and sixty tantras, 238; explained by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, 46; explained by Jamgon Kongtrul, 238; explained by Padmasambhava, 247; Thirteen Later Translations from Vimalamitra, 346
- Mind Section Cycle of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po sems sde'i skor), 270
- Mind Section Cycle, Outer - (phyi sems sde'i skor), 219
- Mind Section, five tantras - (sems sde'i rgyud lnga), 116
- Mind Section, Outer Cycle - (phyi sems sde'i skor): brief explanation, 263
- Mind Tantra Jewel Heap - (thugs kyi rgyud rin chen spungs pa), 313
- Mind Tantras - (thugs rgyud), 323
- mind transmission: detailed explanation, 119
- mind transmission - (dgongs brgyud): literal meaning, 422
- Minister's Concise Cycle - (bsdus pa blon po'i skor): brief explanation, 264
- Mipham Gönpo - (mi pham mgon po), 76, 80, 219; Vairotsana's disciple, 238
- Mirror Face - (me long gdong): dakini, 376
- Moonlight - (drang srong zla 'od): rishi, 376
- Most Profound Secret Cycle - (shin tu zab mo gsang ba'i skor): brief explanation, 264
- Mother in Five Hundred Segments - (yum bam po lnga brgya pa): Prajnaparamita, 379
- Mount Array of Precious Gems - (nor bu rin po che'i rnam par bkod pa'i ri): site where Vajradhara awakened, 372
- Mount Brilliant - (snang byed), 146
- Mount Brilliant Sun - (ri bo nyi ma rab tu snang byed): meditation abode of Prahevajra, 128, 319
- Mount Hepori - (has po ri), 235
- Mount Malaya - (ri bo ma la ya), 128, 278, 287, 319
- Mount Mass of Cane - (sba mo spungs pa'i ri): where Aryadeva awakened to enlightenment, 135
- Mount of Spontaneous Presence - (lhun grub brtsegs pa): charnel ground in Nepal, 281
- Mountain Pile - (ri bo brtsegs pa): mind tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Naga Demon's Belly of Lhodrak - (lho brag klu bdud kyi lte ba): terma site, 232
- Nagaraja - (klu'i rgyal po), 100; song of realization, 56, 100
- Nagaraja Patri, 422
- Nagaraja Sitrita. See Nanda
- Nagarjuna, 362, 400; details, 105; song of realization, 58, 107, 404; song to Kukkuraja the Younger, 107, 367
- Nagarjuna Garbha: details, 361
- Nalanda, 87, 121
- Namkhai Nyingpo - (nam mkha'i snying po), 221, 327
- Nanda - (dga' bo), 422; details, 99; song of realization, 100; song to Bodhi the Yakshini, 100
- natural nirmanakaya - (rang bzhin sprul sku): buddhas, 182; realms, 277
- Nectar Sadhana Tantra - (bdud rtsi sgrub thabs kyi rgyud): qualities tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Ngödrub Gyaltsen - (dngos grub rgyal mtshan), 209
- Nine General Tantras - (spyi rgyud dgu), 286
- Ninefold Space - (klong dgu), 423
- nirmanakaya Vajradhara - (sprul sku rdo rje 'chang), 374
- Noble Kindness - (mgon sems byams ma): dakini who gave prediction to Jnanasutra, 140
- Noble Spirit - (sems lhag can): (sems dag lha'i bu), emanation of Vajrasattva who became Prahevajra, 82; (sems dpa' lhag can), his dreams of four omens, 190; former life of Prahevajra in the deva realm, 190
- Noble Spirit Devaputra - (sems dag lha'i bu), 88; blesses Prahevajra, 85; emanation of Vajrasattva who became Prahevajra, 82
- Nonarising Natural Mind - (skye med rang rig): scripture from the Mind Section, 69
- Nondual Mingling - (gnyis med 'dres pa'i dbang), 197
- Nyima Özer the King of Nyang: his journey to Sukhavati, 153
- Nyingma Kahma - (rnying ma bka' ma): the canonical scriptures of the Nyingma School, 52, 80
- Nyingthig Tsapö - (snying thig rtsa pod), 416
- Nyingtik Yabzhi - (snying thig ya bzhi): see Four Branches of Heart Essence, 416
- Ocean of Magical Display - (sgyu 'phrul rgya mtsho), 114
- Ocean of Wondrous Sayings - (ngo mtshar gtam gyi rol mtsho), 294
- Ocean Sanctuary - (rgya mtsho'i gling), 57
- Ogre's Fortress of Nyaljar - (gnyal byar srin po'i rdzong), 221
- One Hundred and One Particular Tantras - (bye brag gi rgyud brgya phrag bcu), 286
- Oral Lineage for the Vajra Bridge - (rna brgyud rdo rje zam pa), 80
- Ornament of Pramanavartika, 174
- Ösel Gyuma Terzhey Tsal - ('od gsal sgyu ma gter bzhed rtsal), 351
- Outer Cycle - (phyi skor), 241, 319, 322; brief explanation, 263; of the Instruction Section, 136
- outer elaborate empowerment - (phyi spros bcas kyi dbang), 141
- Outer Mind Section Cycle - (phyi sems sde'i skor), 219; brief explanation, 263
- Outer, Inner and Secret Cycles of the Sphere - (thig le phyi nang gsang ba'i skor), 157
- Overhanging Cave at the Multicolored Cliff of Dakpo Danglung - (dvags po dang lung khra bo brag gi brag bya skyibs can): place where Khandro Nyingtig was concealed, 170
- Overturning the Depth of Samsara - ('khor ba dong sprug), 116
- Padmakara - (pad ma 'jung gnas): song of realization, 397, 402
- Padmasambhava: meets Prahevajra, 285; meets Shri Singha, 157, 215, 292, 323; prophecy by Shri Singha, 242; song of realization, 398
- Palace of Lotus Light - (padma 'od kyi gzhal yas), 233
- Palgyi Senge of Shubu - (shud bu dpal gyi seng ge), 235, 326
- Paramita the Rishi: disciple of Kukkuraja in the Mind Section lineage, 362
- Parani - (pa ra ni): see Princess Parani, 206
- Parati the Rishi: song to Putamati, 366
- Paro Gyerchu - (spa gro sgyer chu), 219
- Peacock Neck - (rma bya'i mgrin): dakini, 376
- Peacocks with Entwined Necks - (rma bya mjing bsnol): tantra, 116
- Pearl Garland Tantra - (mu tig phreng ba'i rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Pema Dechen Lingpa - (padma bde chen gling pa), 340
- Pema Ledrel Tsal - (padma las 'brel rtsal): secret name of Trisong Deutsen's daughter, 168
- Pema Lingpa - (padma gling pa), 422
- Perfect Comprehension - (rdzogs pa chig chod): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Perfect Royal Vase - (rgyal thabs spyi lugs rdzogs pa'i dbang): empowerment, 197, 200
- Perfected Brilliance - (grub par snang ba): Amaghasiddhi's instruction to Vajrapani, 195
- plateau of the Thirty-Three Gods - (sum cu rtsa gsum gyi gnas), 190, 197, 213, 380, 382; (sum cu rtsa gsum lha'i yul), 227
- plateau of the Thirty-Three Gods - (sum cu rtsa gsum lha'i yul), 229, 313
- Play of the Cuckoo Bird - (khu byug rol pa), 379
- Play of the Sublime Steed - (rta mchog rol pa): from Yidam Gongdü, 371
- Polu Khenpo Dorje, 421, 443
- Powerful Elephant - (stobs kyi glang po): Vemachitra, Splendid Robe, 314, 422
- Powerful Warrior Youth - (gzhon nu dpa' bo stobs ldan): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 117, 186, 376, 426
- Prabhahasti, 400; song of realization, 404
- Prahevajra: in the god realm, 227; song to Manjushrimitra, 363
- Prahevajra - (dga' rab rdo rje): receiving the name, 85, 200; song of realization, 396; song of realization, 393
- Prajnabhava, Source of Knowledge - (shes rab 'byung gnas): Prahevajra's name, 128
- Prajnakara, 8, 174
- Precious Ultimate Hearing Lineage - (yang dag pa don gyi snyan rgyud rin po che): one of the Six Hearing Lineages, 255
- Prince Murub Tseypo - (lha sras mu rub btsad po), 350, 351, 385
- Princess Gomadevi - (sras mo go ma de byi), 362; details, 102; song of realization, 68, 103; song to Aloke the Atsantra, 103, 365
- Princess Graceful Light - (lha lcam 'phags ma 'od mdzes): mother of Prahevajra, 319
- Princess Paramita: see Princess Parani, 362; song to Takshaka, 364
- Princess Parani: as teacher of Jñanasutra for Mind Section, 422
- Princess Parani - (pa ra ni): details, 99; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; mother of Prahevajra, 99, 199; song of realization, 99; song to Nanda, 99
- Princess Pema Sal - (lha gcig padma gsal): daughter of King Trisong Deutsen, 165
- Princess Prarani: alias Princess Parani, 422
- Princess Radiant Lamp - (snang gsal sgron me): daughter of King Uparaja of Uddiyana, 178
- Princess Sarani: details of the daughter of Rajahasti, 50
- Princess Sarani - (sa ra ni), 84; (mdzes ma dang ldan pa), see also Parani, 82; Prahevajra's mother, 82; song of realization, 55
- Princess Sarani the Lovely - (sras mo mdzes ma dang ldan pa), 84
- Profound Inner Cycle - (zab mo nang gi skor), 247; brief explanation, 264
- Profound Quintessence - (Zabmo Yangtig) - (zab mo yang tig), 112
- Profound Six Seals of Vajra Varahi - (rdo rje phag mo'i zab pa'i rgya drug), 249
- Protective Mind - (mgon sems ma): dakini, 144
- Protector Against Fear - ('jigs pa skyob): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 185; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116
- Purasati the Courtesan: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 96
- Purasati the Courtesan - (smad 'tshong ma bdag nyid ma): a note says aka Purarati, 362; details, 105; song of realization, 105; song to Nagarjuna, 105, 366
- Pure Golden Ore - (gser zhun): written by Manjushrimitra, 285
- Pure Golden Ore - (rdo la gser zhun): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Pure Golden Ore of Awakened Mind - (byang sems rdo la gser zhun): by Manjushrimitra, 206
- Purity of the Five Poisons - (dug lnga rnam dag), 425
- Putamati the Courtesan: song to Nagarjuna, 366
- Putra: three bearers of that name, 200
- Qualities Tantra Loving Mound - (yon tan gyi rgyud byams pa brtsegs pa), 313
- Quintessence of the Dakinis - (mkha' 'gro yang tig): Khandro Yangtig, 112; quote about Padmasambhava meeting Shri Singha, 163
- Quintessence of the Guru - (Lama Yangtig) - (bla ma yang tig), 112
- Radiant Displays of Wisdom - (ye shes kyi snang ba 'od dang bcas pa), 211
- Radiant Flower - (sras mo me tog gsal): Princess Parani, the mother of Prahevajra, 423
- Radiant Light - ('od gsal), 213
- Radiant Light - (snang ba gsal ba'i 'od ldan ma): grandmother of Prahevajra, 319; mother of Sudharma, 125, 186
- Radiant Lotus - (mtsho skyes sa le ma): daughter of King Ashoka and mother of Prahevajra, 282
- Rajadheva the senior prince: see Rajahasti, 362
- Rajahasti: as teacher of Jñanasutra for Mind Section, 422
- Rajahasti the senior prince - (sras thu bo ra' dza hasti), 199, 203; details, 50, 98; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song of realization, 54, 98; song to Parani, 99; song to Princess Paramita, 364
- Raksha Sound of Rulu - (srin po ru lu'i sgra dang ldan pa), 117, 186
- Raksha Wish of the Black Mother's Secret Heart - (nag mo thugs kyi gsang ba srin mo'i sems), (nag mo thugs kyi gsang ba srid pa'i bems): tantra, 378
- Rampant Elephant Tantra - (glang po che rab 'bog gi rgyud): body tantra of Mahayoga, 280; quote from, 70
- Ratna Lingpa - (ratna gling pa), 8, 298, 331, 332, 339, 425
- Ratnapada - (rin chen zhabs): Ratnasambhava's instruction to Vajrapani, 193
- Ratnasambhava, 153, 307
- Rays of Sunlight - (nyi ma'i 'od zer): dakini, 130
- Razor of Darkness - (spu gri mun): lake, 132
- Realizations of the Eighteen Scriptures of the Mind Section Expressed in Song by the Vidyadharas - (sems sde bco brgyad kyi dgongs pa rig 'dzin rnams kyis rdo rje'i glur bzhengs pa), 52
- realms of the five families of Great Purity - (tshangs chen rigs lnga'i zhing), 424
- Refined Nectar - (bdud rtsi yang zhun): tantras given by Kashyapa to Prahevajra, 316
- Regent Nomination - (rgyal tshab bsgo ba'i man ngag), 197
- Respendent Giving - (dpal sbyin): king of Li, 142
- Resurrected Ash-Colored One - (ro langs thal mdog): name of Prahevajra, 128
- Revealing Great Strength - (rtsal chen sprug pa): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Rigdzin Gödem - (rig 'dzin rgod ldem), 8, 209, 223, 234, 253, 273
- Rigdzin Natsok Rangdrol - (rig 'dzin sna tshogs rang grol): Adzom Drukpa, 424
- Rinchen Chok of Ma - (rma rin chen mchog), 347
- Rinchen Lingpa - (rin chen gling pa), 174
- Rinchen Terdzö - (rin chen gter mdzod), 425; Treasury of Precious Termas, 340
- rishi Garuda-clawed Moonlight - (drang srong zla 'od khyung sder can), 313
- Rombuguhya, 400; song of realization, 406
- Root Cycle of the Unconstructed Expanse - (spros pa med pa'i klong rtsa ba'i skor): comrising the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Royal Tantra of Resolving the View - (rgyal po lta ba la bzla ba'i rgyud): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285
- Rugged Grove - (rtsub 'gyur gyi tshal): charnel ground, 157
- sacred Great Perfection - (bka' rdzogs pa chen po): first mention by Prahevajra, 261
- Sadhana Section of Secret Mantra - (gsang sngags kyi sgrub sde), 135
- Saha - (mi mjed): definition, 421, 443
- Sala - (s'a la): country, 292
- Samanta: details, 361
- Samantabhadra: song of realization, 395
- Samantabhadra's Royal Tantra of All-Inclusive Vastness - (kun tu bzang po klong chen rab 'byams rgyal po'i rgyud), 76, 385
- Samten Lingpa - (bsam gtan gling pa): also Taksham Samten Lingpa, 370
- Samvaragarbha - (bde mchog snying po): Essence of Sublime Bliss alias Manjushrimitra, 202
- Samye Chimpu - (bsam yas mchims phu), 228; see also Caverns of Chimpu, 222
- Sandalwood Forest - (tsan dan tshal), 287
- Sangye Gönpo the mendicant of Pang: Vairotsana's disciple, 238
- Sangye Lingpa - (sangs rgyas gling pa), xi, 370, 385, 422
- Sarati the Courtesan - (smad 'tshong ma bdag nyid ma): (s'a ra ti), details, 360; a note says aka Parani, 362; song to Brilliance the Kashmiri scholar, 364
- Sarvabuddha Samayoga - (sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor): body tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Scripture of Great Vastness - (rgya lung chen mo): quote from, 67
- Seal of Vastness - (phyag rgya rgya chen): Vimalamitra, 426
- Second Buddha Testament, 426
- Secret Cycle - (gsang skor), 241, 265, 319, 322, 424; of the Instruction Section, 136
- Secret Heart Essence - (gsang ba snying thig), 145, 180, 347, 350, 351
- Secret Heart Essence - (snying thig gsang ba), 143; Heart Essence of the Dakinis, 168
- Secret Heart Essence of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po gsang ba snying tig), 350
- Secret Heart Essence of Vimalamitra - (bi ma'i gsang ba snying thig): see Heart Essence of Vimalamitra, 112
- Secret Manjushri Tantra - ('jam dpal gsang rgyud), 360
- Secret Moon Essence - (zla gsang thig le): speech tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Secret Sphere of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po thig le gsang ba), 265
- Secret Unexcelled Cycle - (gsang ba bla na med pa'i skor), 146, 319; of the Instruction Section, 136, 141
- Secret Unexcelled Cycle of the Precious Fruition - (gsang ba bla na med pa'i 'bras bu'i skor), 322
- Secret Unexcelled Cycle of the Utterly Great Perfection - (gsang ba bla na med pa yongs su rdzogs pa chen po'i skor): the Secret Unexcelled Cycle of the Instruction Section, 136
- Section on Awakened Mind - (byang sems sde): same as Mind Section, 285
- Self-Arising Awareness - (rig pa rang shar): tantra, 378
- Self-Arising Self-Existence of Vajrasattva - (rdo rje sems dpa' rang byung rang shar): tantra, 265
- Self-Existing Brilliance - (rang byung 'od 'bar), 248
- self-existing pagoda in Magadha - (dbus 'gyur rang byung gi gtsug lag khang), 319
- Self-Existing Single Child of the Doctrine Tantra - (rang byung bstan pa bu gcig gi rgyud), 121; one of the Three Sources, 180
- Self-Liberated Dharmata - (chos nyid rang grol gyi skor), 295
- Self-Liberated State - (dgongs pa rang grol gyi skor), 295
- self-liberation in actuality - (rang grol mngon sum), 189, 190, 206
- Self-Liberation of Samsara and Nirvana - ('khor 'das rang grol): tantra, 378
- Self-Liberation of Samsara and Nirvana Root Tantra - ('khor 'das rang grol rtsa rgyud), 371
- Self-Luminous Wakefulness - (ye shes rang gsal), 222
- Self-Manifest Nature - (don rang gsal), 296
- separating samsara and nirvana - ('khor 'das ru shan 'byed pa), 142
- Serene Purna - (purna nye bar zhi ba), 179, 313, 376; dakini present at Prahevajra's birth, 125
- Serene Resurrected One - (ro langs bde ba): name of Prahevajra, 128, 283
- seven bodhisattvas endowed with the strength of bodhichitta - (byang chub sems kyi shugs 'chang bdun), 422
- Seven Hundred Thousand - (stong phrag bdun brgya pa): Prajnaparamita, 379
- seven later Indian vidyadharas - (rgya gar gyi rig 'dzin phyi ma bdun), 239
- seven later panditas: listing, 95
- Seven Spikes - (zer bu bdun pa): Shri Singha's testament to Jnanasutra, 143, 356
- Seven Studded Tantras - ('phra rgyud bdun), 119, 379
- seven successive buddhas - (sangs rgyas rab bdun), 117, 313, 376; list, 422
- Seven Vajra Words - (rdo rje'i tshig bdun): quote from treatise by Gyalwa Yangönpa, 17
- Seventeen Tantras - (rgyud bcu bdun), xi, 156, 301, 385; of the Great Perfection, 165
- Seventeen Tantras of Innermost Luminosity - (yang gsang 'od gsal gyi rgyud bcu bdun): taught by Vajradhara, 184
- Seventeen Tantras of the Heart Essence of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs chen snying thig gi rgyud bcu bdun): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285
- Seventeen Tantras of Unexcelled Fruition of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po bla med 'bras bu'i rgyud bcu bdun), 327
- Shacheling - (sha che'i gling): Soshaling, birth place of Shri Singha, 320
- Shakra - (brgya byin), 82, 213, 272, 273, 313; song of realization, 389
- Shakya Prabha of Chim - (mchims shAkya prabha), 235, 326
- Shakyamuni - (sh'a kya'i thub pa): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119, 186, 381
- Shankara Kuta - (bde byed brtsegs pa), 319; main temple in the Dhanakosha district of Uddiyana, 125; stupa in a past aeon, 379
- Shanti Lagpa - (shan ti lag pa): father of Jnanasutra, 137
- Shantimgarbha, 400; song of realization, 406
- Shariputra Noble Starlight - (sha ri'i bu skar ma 'od bzang po): compiler, 380
- sharira-filled stupa - (mchod rten ring srel snying po can), 379
- Shechen Gyaltsab, 423
- Sherab Drönma: Vairotsana's disciple, 238
- Shri Ekajati Wrathful Mother - (dpal e ka tsa ti ma mo khros ma), (dpal e ka tsa ti nag mo khros ma), 378
- Shri Singha, 121; quote by, 55; song of realization, 72, 110, 396; song to Kungamo, 110, 367; song to Vimalamitra, 111
- Shri Singha Natha - (dpal gyi senge mgon po), 421, 443
- Shri Singha Prapata: name of Shri Singha, 109
- Shri Singha the Younger: among the seven later panditas, 95; details, 95
- Siddhigarbha the Brahmin - (bram ze snying po grub pa), 202; Essence of Accomplishment alias Manjushrimitra, 202; receives prophecy from Manjushri, 202
- Singala - (singa la), 284, 360; where Manjushrimitra resided, 227
- Singha Shipitika: mother of Vimalamitra, 111
- Singhabhadra: king at whose court Vimalamitra presided, 347
- Single Child of the Doctrine - (bstan pa'i bu gcig gi rgyud): the Self-Existing Single Child of the Doctrine which is one of the supreme emanations of blessings, 182
- Single Child Seed Tantra - (sras gcig sa bon gi rgyud): testament of Kashyapa the Elder, 381
- Single Golden Letter of the Black Quintessence - (yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig pa): revelation, 294
- Sitrita. See Nanda
- Six Dharma Sections of the Great Perfection that Reveal Dharmata in Actuality - (chos nyid mngon sum du ston pa'i rdzogs pa chen po chos sde drug), 425
- Six Dharma Sections of the Great Perfection that Reveal the Innate Nature in Actuality - (chos nyid mngon sum du ston pa'i rdzogs pa chen po chos sde drug), 237
- six million four hundred thousand tantras, 5, 20, 255, 313
- Six Mind Tantras - (thugs kyi rgyud drug), 250
- six munis - (thub pa drug), 176, 191, 313, 376, 380
- Six Pround Treasuries - (zab mo'i mdzod drug), 249
- six self-appearing forms of compassion - (thugs rje rang byung ba'i sku drub): thub pa drug, 312
- Six Self-Existing Root Tantras - (rang byung rtsa ba'i rgyud drug), 248
- Six Vajra Words - (zhal chems rdo rje tshig drug): testament, 43
- Sixfold Expanse of Vajrasattva's Mind - (rdo rje sems dpa'i thugs kyi klong drug), 248, 250
- Sixfold Hearing Lineage - (snyan rgyud sde drug), 248
- Sixfold Meditation - (sgom don drug pa): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Sixfold Meditation Experience - (sgom nyams drug pa): Manjushrimitra's testament, 135
- Sixfold Sphere - (thig le drug pa), 56
- Skillful Lasso Tantra - (thabs kyi zhags pa'i rgyud): Mahayoga tantra on amendment to activities, 281
- Skillful Wisdom, the rakshasa Lodro Thabden - (srin po blo gros thabs ldan): song of realization, 391
- Sky King - (nam mkha' rgyal po): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 71
- Sky Plain Castle - (gung thang mkhar), 425
- Sky Plain Cliff - (gung thang brag), 331
- Sky Plain's Lion Fortress - (gung thang seng ge rdzong), 302
- Sky Treasury Consecration Tantra - (nam mkha' mdzod byin rlabs kyi rgyud): qualities tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Sky-Farer - (mkha' la gshegs ma), 86
- Sky-Soarer - (mkha' la spyod ma), 86
- slayer mamos - (gsod byed ma mo), 132
- Slayer of the Lord of Death, Yamantaka - (gshin rje'i gshed), 206
- Slivering Wheel - ('khor lo gcod pa): tantra, 379
- Smaller charnel ground - (dur khrod tha chung): abode of Vimalamitra, 145
- Smoldering Domain - (du ba'i gnas): charnel ground, 238
- Solar Wheel - (nyi ma'i 'khor lo), 264
- Sosadvipa - (so sa gling), 134; charnel ground, 28, 132, 158, 160, 163
- Soshaling - (so sha'i gling): birth place of Shri Singha, 133
- Source of Buddhas - (sangs rgyas 'byung ba): at the Tree of Enlightenment in China - (rgya nag po'i byang chub shing), 136
- Sources - (btsas): see Three Sources, 312
- So-Yar Tha - (so yar tha): Chinese city where Shri Singha took ordination, 134
- Space Section - (klong sde), 132; defined by Jamgön Kongtrül, 385; explained by Dudjom Rinpoche, 76; explanation by Padmasambhava, 247
- Space Section Cycle, Inner - (nang klong sde'i skor), 219
- Spangled Cave of Danglung - (dangs lung khra mo'i brag): terma site, 232
- Speech Tantra - (gsung gi rgyud), 306
- Speech Tantra Vajra Pinnacle - (gsung gi rgyud rdo rje rtse mo), 313
- Sphere of Immensity - (thig le klong yangs): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Splendid Long Cave of Lhodrak - (lho brag dpal gyi phug ring), 233
- Splendid Wisdom - (dpal gyi blo gros): the dakini, 145
- Spontaneous Prophecy - (ma khol lung bstan): quote from, 57
- Spontaneous Summit - (rtse mo byung rgyal): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 95, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 62
- Spontaneously Present Enlightenment - (lhun gyis grub pa'i sangs rgyas), 270
- Studded Jewels - (nor bu phra bkod), (nor bu bkod pa): tantra, 379
- Stupa of Khardo - (mkhar rdo'i mchod rten), 350
- Stupa of Perfect Merit - (bsod nams rdzogs pa'i mchod rten): in Bhasing charnel ground, 143
- Stupa of the Descent from Heaven - (lha las babs pa'i mchod rten): in Cool Grove, 129
- Subahu the Divine Giver - (lha sbyin lag bzang): compiler, 381
- Subjugating Elephant Tantra - (glang po sun 'byin gyi rgyud): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285
- Sublime - (dam pa): Prahevajra's grandmother, 82
- sublime emanations of wisdom - (ye shes dam pa'i sprul pa), 114, 180, 184
- Sublime Golden Light - (gser 'od dam pa): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 117, 186, 379
- Sublime King - (rje btsan dam pa): scripture from the Mind Section, 72
- Sublime King Scripture - (rje btsan dam pa): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279
- Sublime King Scripture of Awakened Mind - (byang chub kyi sems rje btsan dam pa): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 360
- Sublime Wisdom - (ye shes mchog): tantra, 379
- Subsequent Scripture - (lung phyi ma): quote from, 64
- Sudharma - (chos kyi sde), 423
- Sudharma - (su dharma): mother of Prahevajra, 125, 186
- Sugata Kulika - (bde gshegs rigs ldan ma): wife of King Ashoka grandmother of Prahevajra, 282
- Sun and Moon Siddhi - (nyi zla dngos grub). See Kungamo
- Sun Circle - (nyi ma'i 'khor): Prahevajra, 314, 422
- Sun Mountain of Awakened Mind - (byang sems nyi ma brtsegs pa), 95
- Sun of the Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal nyi ma): see Brilliant Expanse, 5, 156, 302
- Sun-Adorned Dakini - (mkha' 'gro ma nyi ma'i rgyan can): alias Tromo Rakdongma, 244
- supreme emanations of blessings - (byin rlabs mchog gi sprul pa): three types, 114, 180, 182
- Supreme Steed Display as the speech tantra - (gsung rgyud rta mchog rol pa), 378
- Sutra on the White Lotus of Compassion, 198
- Sutra on the Wise and the Foolish, 198
- Suvarnadvipa - (gser gling): in Kashmir, 147
- Swaying Array - (g.yo ba bkod pa): the realm, 372
- Swirling Vastness - (klong chen 'khyil ba zhes bya ba'i man ngag): quote from, 68
- Takshaka - ('jog po), 362; details, 50; direct disciple of Prahevajra, 206; song to Bodhi the Yakshini, 364
- Taksham Nüden Dorje - (stag sham nus ldan rdo rje), 340, 370
- Taksham Samten Lingpa: alias Taksham Nüden Dorje, 340
- Tantra Beyond Letters - (yi ge med pa gzhi'i rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra Cycles on the Essence of Liberation Through Wearing - (btags grol snying po'i rgyud skor), 325
- Tantra of Arrayed Knowing - (rig pa bkod pa'i rgyud), 317
- Tantra of Bringing Face to Face - (ngo sprod spras pa): see Tantra that Points Out the Buddha, 314
- Tantra of Graceful Auspiciousness - (bkra shis mdzes ldan gyi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of Immaculate Jewels - (nor bu dri med kyi rgyud), 264
- Tantra of Kilaya Perfection - (phur pa phun tshogs kyi rgyud), 378
- Tantra of Knowing One that Liberates All - (gcig shes kun grol gyi rgyud), 317
- Tantra of Piled Gems - (rin po che spungs pa'i rgyud), 158
- Tantra of Pointing-Out Instructions - (ngo sprod spros pa'i rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of Samantabhadri's Sun of the Brilliant Expanse - (kun tu bzang mo klong gsal nyi ma'i rgyud), 300; one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, see Brilliant Expanse, 158; see Brilliant Expanse, 299
- Tantra of Secret Sound - (gsang ba sgra yi rgyud), 124
- Tantra of Secret Wisdom - (ye shes gsang ba'i rgyud): tantra belonging to Space Section, 264
- Tantra of Secret Wonderment - (gsang ba rmad du byung ba'i rgyud): thirteen sections, 314
- Tantra of Self-Existing Awareness - (rang byung gi rig pa'i tan tra), 317
- Tantra of Self-Existing Awareness - (rang byung rig pa'i tan-tra), 425
- Tantra of Self-existing Perfection - (rdzogs pa rang byung dbang gi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of Self-Liberated Awareness - (rig pa rang grol gyi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of Self-Manifest Awareness - (rig pa rang shar gyi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of Shining Relics - (sku gdung 'bar ba rtags kyi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of Studded Jewels - (nor bu 'phra bkod kyi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of the All-Creating King - (kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud): tantra belonging to Mind Section, 421, 443; the Kulayaraja tantra belonging to Mind Section, 263
- Tantra of the Black Mantra Guardian - (sngags srung nag po'i rgyud): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285
- Tantra of the Blazing Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal 'bar ba'i rgyud): see Brilliant Expanse, 112
- Tantra of the Blazing Crest - (gtsug na me 'bar gyi rgyud), 314
- Tantra of the Blazing Sun of the Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal 'bar ma nyi ma'i rgyud): see Brilliant Expanse, 327
- Tantra of the Blazing Sun of the Brilliant Expanse - (kun tu bzang mo klong gsal 'bar ma nyi ma'i lo rgyus): see Brilliant Expanse, 300
- Tantra of the Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal gyi rgyud), 298
- Tantra of the Female Raksha Slayer - (srin mo gsod byed kyi rgyud), 378
- Tantra of the Great Equalizing of Buddhahood - (sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor chen po'i rgyud), 425
- Tantra of the Great Perfection of Wisdom - (ye shes rdzogs pa chen po'i rgyud): tantra belonging to Space Section, 264
- Tantra of the Great Perfection that is Equal to Space - (rdzogs pa chen po nam mkha' dang mnyam pa'i rgyud), 157
- Tantra of the Great Single Cut - (gcig chod chen po'i rgyud), 176, 178
- Tantra of the Great Single Cut of Complete Liberation - (gcig chod kun grol chen po'i rgyud), 176
- Tantra of the Great Total Perfection - (yongs rdzogs chen po'i rgyud), 233
- Tantra of the Heart Mirror of Samantabhadra - (kun tu bzang po thugs kyi me long gi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of the King of Awareness in Actuality - (mngon sum rig pa'i rgyal po'i rgyud), 425
- Tantra of the King of Knowing Awareness in Actuality - (mngon shes rig pa rgyal po'i rgyud), 317
- Tantra of the Magical Storehouse - (rgyud 'phrul gi bang mdzod), 306
- Tantra of the Mind Mirror of Vajrasattva - (rdo rje sems dpa' snying gi me long gi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of the Perfected Lion - (seng ge rtsal rdzogs kyi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of the Secret Seed of Conduct - (gsang ba spyod pa sa bon gyi rgyud): often spelled Tantra of the Secret Seed of the Tiara - (gsang ba spyod pan sa bon gyi rgyud), 425
- Tantra of the Single Child of the Buddhas - (sangs rgyas sras gcig gi rgyud), 233
- Tantra of the Single Child of the Buddhas - (sangs rgyas sras gcig), 425
- Tantra of the Six Spheres - (klong drug gi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158
- Tantra of the Storehouse of Magical Jewels - (rgyud rin chen 'phrul gyi bang mdzod): quote from, 306, 307, 311
- Tantra of the Sun of the Brilliant Expanse - (klong gsal nyi ma'i rgyud): tantra of the Instruction Section of the Great Perfection, see Brilliant Expanse, 165, 298
- Tantra of the Union of the Sun and Moon - (nyi zla kha sbyor gyi rgyud): one of Eighteen Dzogchen Tantras, 158; quote from, 161
- Tantra of the Utterly Perfect Great Wakefulness - (ye shes chen po yongs su rdzogs pa'i rgyud), 233
- Tantra of Wisdom Equal to Space - (ye shes nam mkha' dang mnyam pa'i rgyud): tantra belonging to the Cycle of Instruction, 264
- Tantra on the Self-Arising Self-Existence - (rdzogs pa chen po rang byung rang shar gyi rgyud), 209
- Tantra that Directly Reveals Samantabhadra's Mind - (kun tu bzang po'i dgongs pa zang thal gyi rgyud), 237, 250
- Tantra that Directly Reveals the Intrinsic Mind - (chos nyid kyi dgongs pa zang thal du ston pa'i rgyud), 233
- Tantra that Embodies the Complete Meaning of Unexcelled Secret Mantra - (gsang sngags bla med don rdzogs 'dus pa'i rgyud): Anu Yoga Tantra, 286
- Tantra that Embodies the Definitive Meaning - (nges don 'dus pa'i rgyud): tantra belonging to Cycle of Instruction, 264
- Taradevi, 378
- Tatvasamgraha Tantra, 96
- Ten Miraculous Statements - (man ngag 'phrul gyi lung bcu), 197
- Ten Scriptures - (mdo bcu), 46
- Ten Tantras for Taming the Rough-Minded - (rags pa 'dul ba'i rgyud bcu), 117, 378
- Ten-Headed Ravana of Lanka - (lang ka mgrin bcu): compiler, 378
- Terdak Lingpa - (gter bdag gling pa), 423
- Terrifying - ('jigs byed): charnel ground, 160
- Testament, Final - ('das rjes tha ma): by Kashyapa the Elder, 381
- testaments of the buddhas - (ston pa'i zhal chems), 313
- The Lotus-Born biography - (bka' thang zangs gling ma), 423
- The Seven Spikes of Shri Singha, 9
- Thirteen Later Translations - (phyi 'gyur bcu gsum), 346
- three aspects of the philosophical vehicle - (mtshan nyid sde gsum), 314
- three charnel ground mamos - (dur khrod kyi ma mo gsum): guardians of the Dharma, 273
- Three Liberation Through Wearing Tantras - (btags grol rgyud gsum), 425
- Three Sections - (sde gsum), 157, 385
- Three Sections of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs chen sde gsum: explanation by Padmasambhava, 247
- Three Sections of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum): in Gongpa Zangtal, 248
- Three Sections of the Natural Great Perfection - (rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po sde gsum): division, 132
- Three Sources of the Doctrine - (bstan pa'i btsas gsum): the three supreme emanations of blessings, 180
- Three Statements of Pithy Advice - (tshigs gsum snyan du gdams pa): Vimalamitra's final teaching in Tibet, 350
- Three Tantras and the Four Signs - (rgyud gsum rtags bzhi), 227
- Three Words Striking the Vital Point - (tshig gsum gnad du brdeg pa), 9, 131, 352, 353
- Threefold Hearing Lineage of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po'i snyan brgyud rnam pa gsum), 223
- Thunder of the Drum of Purity - (tshangs pa'i rnga sgra), 15, 18; sambhogakaya realm of, 277
- Tidro Cave at Upper Zho - (gzho stod ti sgro), 156, 163, 164, 302
- Time-Line Lord of the Dead - (ghin rje dus mtshams), 144
- Tingdzin Zangpo of Nyang - (nyang ting 'dzin bzang po), 122, 221, 346, 350, 351; court priest of King Trisong Deutsen, 150
- Tökar-Lek of Mangje - (mang rje thod dkar legs): father of Yeshe Tsogyal, 163
- Training in Awakened Mind - (sems sgom): scripture from the Mind Section, 58
- Tramo Cave at Danglung - (dangs lung khra mo'i brag), 156
- Trawa Thawa Temple - (spra ba tha ba'i lha khang): at the Five-Peaked Mountain in China, 137
- Treasure-house of Generosity - (sbyin pa'i mdzod), 199
- Treasury of Instructions - (gdams ngag mdzod), 52
- Treasury of Precious Termas - (rin chen gter mdzod), 340
- Treasury of Songs - (glu mdzod), 52
- Tree of Enlightenment in China - (rgya nag po'i byang chub shing), 136, 138, 141; where Shri Singha studied with Hastibhala, 133; where Vimalamitra met with Shri Singha, 138
- Tripitaka, 105, 121, 203
- Triple Fruit Forest of the Soaring Cuckoo - ('bras sum tshal gyi khu byug lding): place where Prahevajra was conceived, 282
- Triple Hearing Lineage - (snyan brgyud rnam pa gsum), 274
- Triple Peak Junction Tantra - (rtse gsum 'dus pa'i rgyud): mind tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- triple-styled central temple of Samye - (bsam yas dbu rtse rigs gsum): see Samye, 221, 423
- Tromo Rakdongma - (khro mo rak gdong ma): guardian of the Great Perfection, 241
- Trulshik Rinpoche, 294
- Truly Perfected Father King - (yab mngon rdzogs rgyal po): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119
- Truly Perfected King - (mngon rdzogs rgyal po): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 186, 381; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 119
- Tsawa Rong, 238
- Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, 352
- Turquoise Scripture - (g.yu yig): from Vima Nyingtig, 186, 422
- Tushita - (dga' ldan), 375
- twelve Dzogchen buddhas - (rdzogs chen ston pa bcu gnyis), 43; biographies, 115; detailed explanation by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, 114; sublime emanations of wisdom, 180
- Twelve Dzogchen buddhas - (rdzogs chen ston pa bcu gnyis): detailed description, 374
- Twenty Thousand Sections of the Ninefold Space - (klong dgu bam po nyis khri), 200, 204; first given to Prahevajra, 200
- twenty-one learned ones of the Mind Section - (sems sde mkhas pa nyer gcig), 52, 238, 293, 362
- Twenty-one Thousand Sections of the Ninefold Space - (klong dgu bam po nyis khri chig stong): Prahevajra's transmission to Padmasambhava, 285
- Two Stages - (rim pa gnyis pa): birth place of Manjushrimitra, 130, 320
- Uddiyana: description, 85, 124, 199; location, 81
- Ultimate Cycle of the Precious Fruition - (mthar thug rin po che 'bras bu'i skor), 305
- Ultimate Hearing Lineage - (yang dag don gyi snyan rgyud), 248, 250
- Ultimate Hearing Lineage - (yang dag pa don gyi snyan rgyud), 250
- Unchanging Mind Essence - (sems nyid 'gyur med kyi man ngag), 197
- unelaborate empowerment - (spros med kyi dbang), 142
- Unexcelled Mind Cycle - (bla na med pa thugs kyi skor): brief explanation, 264
- Unexcelled Vajra-Holder - (bla med rdo rje 'chang): name of Padmasambhava given by Samantabhadra, 279
- unified view of Mahamudra - (phyag rgya chen po zung 'jug gi lta ba), 261
- Unsurpassable Magical Net - (sgyu 'phrul bla ma), 286
- Unwritten Cycle - (yi ge med pa'i skor), 323
- Unwritten Cycle of the Hearing Lineage - (snyan rgyud yi ge med pa'i skor), 237
- Unwritten Hearing Lineage - (yi ge med pa'i snyan brgyud), 248
- Unwritten Hearing Lineages - (snyan brgyud yi ge med pa), 265
- Uparaja: definition of title, 81
- Upper Cave of the Slate Mountain - (g.ya' ri gong gi brag phug), 156, 301
- Uru Zhai Lhakhang - (dbu ru zhwa'i lha khang), 351
- Vairochana - (rnam par snang mdzad), 153, 307; his instruction to Vajrapani, 196
- Vairochana Immense Ocean - (rnam snang gangs chen mtsho), 5, 15; description, 3; the sambhogakaya buddha, 373
- Vairotsana: details by Jamgön Kongtrül, 238
- Vajra Akshobhya, 153
- Vajra Bridge of the Symbolic Transmission: (brda brgyud rdo rje zam pa), 76
- Vajra Cutter - (rdo rje gcod byed): Dharmaraja, 314, 422
- Vajra Garbha - (rdo rje snying po), 16
- Vajra Garbhadhara - (rdo rje snying po 'dzin pa): alias Kuñjara, 289
- Vajra Guru Immense Ocean - (bajdzra gu ru gangs chen mtsho), 277
- Vajra Haven Cave - (rdo rje gling phug), 202; abode of Prahevajra in Uddiyana, 199, 203
- Vajra Mound - (rdo rje brtsegs pa): quote from, 60
- vajra of dharmata - (chos nyid kyi rdo rje), 180, 373; one of the supreme emanations of blessings, 182
- Vajra Prahe - (dga' rab rdo rje): Prahevajra, 423
- Vajra Secret the buddha - (rdo rje gsang ba): Akshobhya's instruction to Vajrapani, 193
- Vajra Statement - (rdo rje lung gi dbang), 197
- Vajra Throne - (rdo rje gdan), 88, 92, 119, 124, 129, 130, 132, 136, 137, 143, 174, 179, 186, 218, 221, 241, 261, 267, 292, 293, 319, 326, 380, 381, 404; location, 81; Prahevajra, 178; the ninefold pagoda, 229
- Vajra Varahi - (rdo rje phag mo), 298; prophecy to Padmasambhava, 157
- Vajradhara - (rdo rje 'chang): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116, 185
- Vajradhara the Great Sixth - (drug pa rdo rje 'chang chen po), 12, 15, 115, 212, 248, 301, 313, 372; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116
- Vajrasattva - (rdo rje sems dpa'): mirror-like wisdom, 307; song of realization, 395; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 374
- very unelaborate empowerment - (shin tu spros med kyi dbang), 142, 146
- Victorious Perseverence - (rgyal mo brtson rgyal): mother of Rajahasti, 98
- View of Unity - (zung 'jug gi lta ba): see Mahamudra view, 271
- Vigorous Cloud - (sprin gyi shugs can), 376; Shakra, the King of the Gods, 117, 314, 422
- Vikramashila, 121
- Vima Nyingtig - (bi ma snying thig), 121, 122, 370, 422; see Heart Essence of Vimalamitra, 186
- Vimalakirti of the Licchavi clan - (li tsa' bi dri med grags pa): song of realization, 389
- Vimalamitra - (bi ma la mi tra): details, 111; song of realization, 111, 397, 401
- Virtuous Mind - (dge ba'i sems ma): mother of Jnanasutra, 137
- Virtuous One - (dge ba dang ldan pa'i yid can): (dge ba ldan pa'i ming can), father of Shri Singha, 133; father of Shri Singha, 320
- Virtuous Victory - (dkar rgyal): father of Shri Singha, 290
- Virtuous Wisdom - (dge ba'i blo gros): the buddha, 372
- Vishuddha - (yang dag), 95
- Vishuddha Mind - (yang dag thugs), 323
- Vulture Peak Mountain - (bya rgod phung po'i ri), 117, 119, 186, 314, 379, 380
- Water Entering Elephant Tantra - (glang po che chu 'jug gi rgyud): body tantra of Mahayoga, 280
- Wheel of Life-Force - (srog gi 'khor lo): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 279, 360; scripture from the Mind Section, 67
- White Crystal Garland - (shel phreng dkar po zhes bya ba'i man ngag): quote from, 59
- White, Black and Multicolored aspects of the Space Section - (klong sde dkar nag khra gsum), 238
- Wild Jungle - (rtsub 'gyur tshal): charnel ground, 163
- Wise Light - (snang ba gsal ba rab tu mkhyen ma): mother of Shri Singha, 133, 320
- Wishfulfilling Jewel - (yid bzhin nor bu): one of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind, 95, 279; scripture from the Mind Section, 60
- Wrathful Sage King - (drang srong khros pa'i rgyal po): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 117, 186, 378
- Written Cycles of the Great Perfection - (rdzogs pa chen po yi ge can gi skor), 265
- Yamantaka - (gshin rje'i gshed), 312, 360
- Yamantaka's Cutting the Stream of Karma - (gshin rje las kyi rgyun gcod), (gshin rje las kyi skye ba rgyud gcod), 378
- Yangti - (yang ti): definition, 422
- Yangti Nagpo - (yang ti nag po), 294
- Yangti Yoga - (yang ti yo ga), 293
- Yellow Bliss-Giver of Boundless Qualities - (bde byed ser mo yon tan mtha' yas): dakini who was the scribe for Prahevajra, 129, 319
- Yeshe Lama - (ye shes bla ma), 416
- Yeshe Lama the Sangtön: Vairotsana's disciple, 238
- Youth of Immutable Light - (khye'u 'od mi 'khrugs pa): twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116, 185, 374
- Youth of Inconceivable Sublime Light - (khye'u snang ba dam pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa), 184, 313; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 185; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 114, 115, 179
- Youth Playful Grace - (gzhon nu rol pa rnam par brtse ba), 426; alias Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear, 375; one of the Twelve Dzogchen Teachers, alias Gentle Splendor Protector Against Fear, 370; twelve Dzogchen buddhas, 116, 185
- Yudra Nyingpo - (g.yu sgra snying po), 80, 219; lineage from Vairotsana, 238; lineage from Vimalamitra, 346; lineage of Mind Section, 46, 52
- Zahor: location, 81
- Zangling: location, 81