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[[Bodhisattva Bhumi]] ([[byang sa]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Bodhisattva Bhumi]] ([[byang sa]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Bodhisattva-caryavatara]] {[[byang chub sems pa]]'i [[spyod pa]] [[la 'jug pa]]}. Text by Shantideva on ''Entering the Way of the Bodhisattva''.  Also known by the titles Bodhicharya Avatara ([[spyod 'jug]]) and Bodhicharyavatara ([[spyod 'jug]])  see also A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives).  [RY]

[[Bodhisattva Collections]] ([[byang sems kyi sde snod]]) [LW1] [RY]
[[Bodhisattva Collections]] ([[byang sems kyi sde snod]]) [LW1] [RY]
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[[Budhgaya]] {[[rdo rje gdan]]}. [[Vajra Seat]]. Place in the center of India where the Buddha attained enlightenment. [RY]
[[Budhgaya]] {[[rdo rje gdan]]}. [[Vajra Seat]]. Place in the center of India where the Buddha attained enlightenment. [RY]

Building of [[Jowo Lhakhang]]: 641 [MR]
Building of ''Jowo Lhakhang'': 641 [MR]

Building of [[Tahsilhunpo]] by Gedun Drup: 1453 [MR]
Building of ''Tahsilhunpo'' by Gedun Drup: 1453 [MR]
Bujo. [RY]
Bujo. [RY]

[[Bull with upper teeth]] ([[ya so can]]) - Cattle do not have upper teeth, so a bull with upper teeth is a bull-like human being. A tail-less dog is a dog-like human being. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
''"Bull with upper teeth"'' ([[ya so can]]) - Cattle do not have upper teeth, so a bull with upper teeth is a bull-like human being. A tail-less dog is a dog-like human being. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

[[Bumthang]] ([[bum thang]]). Sacred place in Bhutan. [ZL] [RY]
[[Bumthang]] ([[bum thang]]). Sacred place in Bhutan. [ZL] [RY]
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--[[User:Richard|Richard]] 05:03, 10 March 2006 (EST)
--[[User:Richard|Richard]] 12:20, 12 August 2008 (EDT)

Latest revision as of 12:20, 12 August 2008


-B- continued

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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Bodhichitta (byang sems, byang chub kyi sems). 'Awakened mind.' 1) The aspiration to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings. 2) In the context of Dzogchen or Mahamudra, the innate wakefulness of awakened mind; synonymous with rig pa, awareness and nondual awareness. 3) The drop of liquid that sometimes appears from the nostrils after passing away. See also bodhicitta. [RY]

bodhichitta of abandoning all obscuration (sgrib pa spang ba'i sems bskyed) [LW1] [RY]

Bodhichitta of application ('jug pa'i byang chub kyi sems). Having taken the bodhisattva vow, the practitioner tries to implement the wish to liberate all beings. Comprised chiefly of the practices of the six paramitas. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

bodhichitta of application; expl.; listing of the four precepts [LWx] [RY]

Bodhichitta of aspiration (smon pa'i byang chub kyi sems). Motivated by love and compassion for all sentient beings, the practitioner engenders the wish to liberate all beings from the samsaric existence. Comprised chiefly of the four immeasurables. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Bodhichitta of aspiration and application (smon 'jug byang sems). See each individually. [RY]

bodhichitta of aspiration; expl.; [LWx] [RY]

bodhichitta of devoted engagement (mos pa spyod pa'i sems bskyed) [LW1] [RY]

bodhichitta of maturation [LW1] [RY]

bodhichitta of pure superior intention (lhag bsam rnam par dag pa'i sems bskyed) [LW1] [RY]

bodhichitta training; 1) five definitive precepts for a minister; 2) four black deeds [LWx] [RY]

Bodhichitta, twenty-two types of [LW1] [RY]

bodhichitta, conventional [LW1] [RY]

bodhichitta, ultimate; detailed expl.; meditation; resolving the view [LWx] [RY]

bodhichitta; arousing the bodhichitta of application; benefits of; essence of generating; focus of; four conditions for; four different types of; four principles of; generating according to Mantrayana; listing of four different types of; listing two kinds; manner of generating; of abandoning all obscuration; of devoted engagement; of maturation; of pure superior intention; ritual for taking the vow; seven points of; trainings; twenty-two analogies; twenty-two types of; two types of [LWx] [RY]

Bodhicitta (byang chub kyi sems), thought or mind of enlightenment is defined as the intention to achieve Buddhahood for the sake of all beings. It has two aspects, relative and absolute. The relative mind of enlightenment is itself divided into two steps: the wish to attain ultimate perfection to become able to free all beings from suffering, and the entry into spiritual practice to actualize this wish. The absolute mind of enlightenment is the realization of emptiness, the recognition that the Buddha-nature abides in every sentient being. See also Bodhichitta. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Bodhicitta from Orgyen and consort: these are pills, discovered as terma, said to be made of the white "Bodhicitta" of Guru Padmasambhava (byang sems dkar po), and the red "Bodhicitta" (byang sems dmar po) of Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

bodhicitta motivation. Bodhicitta. Tibetan: byang chub kyi sems. Literally, "enlightenment-mind". While its ultimate form is the realisation of the true nature of all phenomena, normally, as here, the reference is to its relative form, the wish and motivation to free all beings from suffering and to bring them all to the state of Buddhahood. [Peter Roberts]

Bodhicitta of undivided emptiness and compassion (stong nyid snying rje dbyer med byang chub kyi sems). Same as 'ultimate bodhicitta.' [RY]

Bodhicitta vows. [RY]

Bodhidharma - Patriarch of the Ch'an school credited with bringing Ch'an teaching to China [RY]

bodhi-factors, seven (seven bodhi factors) (byang chub kyi yan lag bdun) [LW1] [RY]

Bodhisattva - One who bases one’s practice on bodhicitta, generating the intention to lead all beings to enlightenment [RY]

Bodhisattva (byang chub sems dpa') a being in whom the thought of enlightenment has arisen, one who has formed the intention to strive for complete enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. After practicing the Dharma for countless lifetimes, a perfected Bodhisattva is reborn in the world to demonstrate the way to enlightenment by becoming a Buddha. [RY]

Bodhisattva (byang chub sems dpa') definition; are beings who have realized the empty nature of phenomena and the non-existence of individual self. These are free from the klesas - ordinary emotions. There are ten bodhisattva levels or bhumis. The eleventh bhumi is that of consummate buddhahood, which is realized when both obscurations, that of the klesas and anything which veils total wisdom, are revealed as having already been cleared in an irreversible way. In a broader sense a bodhisattva is a being engaged in practicing the Mahayana teachings. [MR]

Bodhisattva (byang chub sems dpa'). Someone who has developed bodhichitta, the aspiration to attain enlightenment in order to benefit all sentient beings. A practitioner of the Mahayana path; especially a noble bodhisattva who has attained the first level (see bhumi). [ZL] [RY]

Bodhisattva {byang chub sems dpa'}. A being who is on the path of enlightenment working for the sake of all sentient beings. It can also refer to a sublime being who has reached one of the ten Bodhisattva levels. [RY]

Bodhisattva Bhumi (byang sa) [LW1] [RY]

Bodhisattva-caryavatara {byang chub sems pa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa}. Text by Shantideva on Entering the Way of the Bodhisattva. Also known by the titles Bodhicharya Avatara (spyod 'jug) and Bodhicharyavatara (spyod 'jug) see also A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives). [RY]

Bodhisattva Collections (byang sems kyi sde snod) [LW1] [RY]

bodhisattva precepts

Bodhisattva Shantarakshita (mkhan po bodhisattva zhi ba 'tsho). The first abbot to ordain monks in Tibet. [RY]

Bodhisattva trainings (byang chub sems dpa'i bslab pa). The precepts and practices of a bodhisattva. [RY]

Bodhisattva vehicle (byang chub sems dpa'i theg pa). A synonym for Mahayana. [RY]

Bodhisattva vows. [RY]

Bodhisattvayana (byang chub sems dpa'i theg pa). A synonym for Mahayana, this is the vehicle of the Bodhisattva. Beginning with the generation of the mind dedicated to enlightenment, the Bodhisattva develops compassion and wisdom, the perfect knowledge of shunyata, the emptiness of all existence. He practices the six paramitas which begin as ordinary virtues (giving, morality, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom) and culminate in perfect transcendent action [of the six paramitas]. From within the six, four further paramitas arise: skillful means, vows, power, and primordial wisdom. The Bodhisattvayana has ten stages (bhumis), the first beginning with entry into the Path of Seeing: the Joyous, the Immaculate, the Light-giving, the Radiant, the Invincible, the Realizing, the Far-reaching, the Immovable, the Beneficial, and the Cloud of Dharma. [RY]

Bodily form of mahamudra (phyag rgya chen po'i sku). The 'body of mahamudra' refers to the rainbow-like form of one's personal yidam. See the four vidyadhara levels. [RY]

Bodongpa (bo dong pa). Recognized as a separate school after the great pandita Chokley Namgyal (Bodong Panchen Chogle Namgyal, 1375-1451) who authored one hundred volumes and is known as the most prolific writer in Tibetan history.[EMP] [RY]

Body, (sku), ('...kaya') as in Dharmakaya, (chos sku) sku. sku - kayas. 'Body' in the sense of a body or embodiment of numerous qualities. When speaking of two kayas: dharmakaya and rupakaya. The three kayas are dharmakaya, sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya. See also 'three kayas.' [RY] [RY]

Body of light ('od kyi lus). The body of light of the five wisdoms. It's devoid of materiality. [RY]

Body representation. [RY]

Body Tantra of the Assemblage of Realization (dgongs 'dus sku rgyud). [RY]

Body, speech, mind, and cognition (lus ngag yid sems bzhi). Mind here refers to the mind consciousness (yid kyi rnam shes) and cognition (sems) refers to the all-ground consciousness (kun gzhi'i rnam shes). In the Lower Abhidharma it is taught that yid, sems and rnam shes are merely synonyms for the same meaning. The Higher Abhidharma teaches that sems is the all-ground consciousness, yid is the disturbed mind consciousness (nyon yid) and rnam shes is the six collections (tshogs drug). [RY]

body, speech, mind, qualities, and activities (sku gsung thugs yon tan phrin las) [LW1] [RY]

Bon - (1) a native religion of Tibet, whose founder is said to be gshen rab who came from either ta zig (which may be Persia) or zhang zhung, an area of western Tibet. (2) Religion of Tibet before the introduction of the Dharma. (3) The religion in Tibet before Buddhism. When used with a negative connotation, it means the use of rituals for mundane or selfish pursuits. [RY]

Bong Monastery. [RY]

Bönpo (bon po). The religion prevalent in Tibet before the establishment of Buddhism in the 9th Century. [ZL] [RY]

Boon-granting, vara-da, (mchog sbyin). Gesture in which the arm is outstretched with all the fingers extended and the palm outwards. [RY]

Böpa Tulku, Dongag Tenpai Nyima (mdo sngags bstan pa'i nyi ma): 1900/7-1959 [MR]

Border Temples (mtha' 'dul). 'Border Subduers.' Four temples built by Songtsen Gampo and his Chinese queen to subjugate evil forces in the outlying districts of Tibet. [ZL] [RY]

Borobodur - Massive ninth century Buddhist monument on Java showing tantric influence [RY]

Boudhanath. [RY]

Boundless Life (tshe dpag med pa), Skt. Amitayus). 1) Buddha Amitayus. 2) A Mahayana sutra. [ZL] [RY]

Bow of Indra (dbang po'i gzhu). Poetical name for a rainbow. [RY]

Brahma (tshangs pa)- chief of the gods residing in the realm of form; often described as the creator of world-systems. He has four faces. The creator of the universe according to the Vedas. [RY]

Brahma aperture is the fontanelle at the junction of the cranial bones. From there consciousness leaves the body during phowa, to merge with the guru's or the Buddha's mind, and to be transferred to a Buddhafield. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Brahma Loka (tshangs pa'i 'jig rten). The samsaric realms of the god Brahma within the Realm of Form. [RY]

brahmacharin. A brahmin who practices spiritually pure acts, such as celibacy, diligent study, refraining from taking intoxicants, and so on. A person who is undergoing the training of the first of the four stages of a brahmin. [RY]

Brahma-like voice (tshangs pa'i dbyangs). The voice endowed with the perfect qualities of Brahma, the king of the gods. The voice endowed with the sixteen perfect qualities of Brahma, the king of the gods. A common description of a buddha's speech. [ZL] [RY]

Brahman (Skt. brahmana, bram ze). Member of the priestly caste. See alt. sp. Brahmin {bram ze}. One of the four castes of ancient Indian society, the priestly caste. [RY]

Brahma-raksasa (tshangs pa'i srin po). A type of demoniac spirit. [RY]

Brahmarandra (tshangs bug). See 'Aperture of Brahma.' [RY]

Brahmic voice, tones of Brahma, etc. (brahma ghosa, tshangs pa'i dbyangs). Common description of a Buddha's speech. [RY]

Brahmin Saraha. [Daki] [RY]

Bright Crystal Mirror, a life story of Padmasambhava by Yeshe Tsogyal from the Lama Gongdü cycle of termas revealed by Sangye Lingpa. 81 pages. Tibetan title: (bla ma dgongs pa 'dus pa las, yid ches shing khungs btsun pa'i lo rgyus shel gyi me long gsal ba). [ZL] [RY]

Brilliant ('od 'phro ba). The fourth of the ten bodhisattva bhumis. Brilliant bhumi [LW1] [RY]

Brilliant Expanse (klong gsal gyi rgyud). The Tantra of Brilliant Expanse. Name of the tantra. [EMP] [RY]

bringer of daylight (nyin byed). A common poetic euphemism for the sun. [Peter Roberts]

Bringing the Four Enemies into the Path (dgra bzhi lam khyer). An instruction by Gampopa. [RY]

Brocade Cave of Rala (ra la za 'og phug), near Dzongka in Gungthang. Tö, Mangyul. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Buddha (sangs rgyas ma). Female Buddha. [RY]

Buddha (sangs rgyas) Lit. 'awakened'; the Enlightened One; a perfected Bodhisattva, after attaining complete, perfect enlightenment in a human form, is known as a Buddha. The Buddha generally referred to is Buddha Shakyamuni, the Buddha of this era, who lived in India around the 6th century B.C But there have been perfected Bodhisattvas in ages past who have manifested the way to enlightenment. In the current fortunate era, there will be one thousand Buddhas, Shakyamuni Buddha being the fourth. In some eras, no Buddhas appear at all. [RY]

Buddha (sangs rgyas). awakened being/ buddha(hood) [RB]

buddha *, enlightened [IW]

buddha, buddhahood, SA ltung bshags kyi sangs rgyas so lnga, one who wakes up to what is, awakened one, fully enlightened one awaken, wakeful, state of enlightenment, condition of enlightenment, enlightened being, enlightenment, state of a buddha [JV]

Buddha, 1) enlightenment, awakening, awakened being/ buddha(hood); enlightened being, the awakened stated. 2) enlightened, awakened, purified and perfected, awakened perfection, purified unfoldment. awakened one; a buddha [RY]

Def. by Jamgon Kongtrul: sangs pa dang rgyas pa gnyis ka la 'jug pas sangs rgyas zhes brjod pa; one, such as Buddha Shakyamuni, who has purified obscurations (sangs) and developed pristine cognition (rgyas) [RY]

Buddha, Enlightened One [thd]

buddhahood. The perfect and complete enlightenment dwelling in neither samsara nor nirvana; the state of having eradicated all obscurations, endowed with the wisdom of seeing the nature of things as it is and with the wisdom of perceiving all which exists. [RY]

Buddha (sangs rgyas): One who has eliminated the two veils - the veils of emotional obscurations and the cognitive obscuration, which is the dualistic conceptual thinking, which prevents omniscience - and who has developed the two wisdoms, the wisdom which knows the ultimate nature of mind and phenomena, and the wisdom which knows the multiplicity of these phenomena. [MR]

Buddha (sangs rgyas). The Enlightened or Awakened One who has completely abandoned all obscurations and perfected every good quality. A perfected bodhisattva after attaining true and complete enlightenment is known as a buddha. The Buddha generally referred to is Shakyamuni Buddha, the buddha of this era, who lived in India around the 6th century B.C. There have been innumerable buddhas in past aeons who manifested the way to enlightenment. In the current Good Aeon, there will be one thousand buddhas of which Buddha Shakyamuni is the fourth. [Bardo Guide 91] [ZL] [RY]

Buddha {sangs rgyas}. Awakaned One. One who has dispelled the darkness of the two obscurations {sangs}, and developed {rgyas} the two kinds of omniscience. [RY]

Buddha activity.(rtag khyab lhun grub kyi phrin las), the spontaneously present everlasting and all-pervasive activities. [RY]

Buddha Amitabha [LW1] [RY]

Buddha Amitayus (tshe dpag med) Lit. Buddha of Boundless Life; the Sambhogakaya aspect of Amitabha. The buddha associated with the 'empowerment of longevity' and longevity practice (tshe sgrub). [ZL] [RY]

Buddha Avatamsaka (sangs rgyas phal po che). 1) A Mahayana sutra. 2) a buddha after whom the Avatamsaka Sutra is named. [LW1] [ZL] [RY]

Buddha Beneficial Speech (Tib. sangs rgyas phan bzhed, Skt. Hitaishin). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Buddha Bright Lamp (Tib. sangs rgyas mar me 'od, Skt. Pradipaprabha). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

buddhafield (sangs rgyas zhing) The heavenly realm of existence of a buddha.

Buddha Guhya. [Daki] [RY]

Buddha Immense Ocean. [Daki] [RY]

Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand is probably the famous rdzogs pa chen po mngon sum snying thig gi gdams pa thod rgal 'od gsal gyi zab khrid sangs rgyas lag 'chang, from the Dzogchen teachings in vol. 12 of the Collected Rediscovered Treasures of Namchö Mingyur Dorje (gnam chos mi 'gyur rdo rje, 1645-67). Commentaries on this cycle were written by Namchö's mentor, Karma Chagme Raga Asya (see chap.2, note 10). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Buddha Maitreya. [Daki] [RY]

Buddha Nature (bde gshegs snying po). Sugatagarbha, the essence of the sugatas; the potential for enlightenment or enlightened nature which is inherently present in each sentient being. For a detailed discussions, see Thrangu Rinpoche's Buddha Nature, Rangjung Yeshe Publications. [RY]

Buddha Nature; book by Thrangu Rinpoche; expl.; quotation from [LWx] [RY]

Buddha of the Three Times, Guru Rinpoche (dus gsum sangs rgyas gu ru rin po che). The name of the six-lined prayer to Guru Rinpoche. For a commentary on its outer, inner and secret meaning, see Heart Practice of Guru Rinpoche, Vol 1, Rangjung Yeshe Publications. [RY]

Buddha of your own mind (rang sems sangs rgyas). The enlightened essence of one's own mind. [RY]

Buddha Samantabhadra (sangs rgyas kun tu bzang po). The primordially enlightened state of buddhahood from whom all other buddhas of the peaceful and wrathful mandalas emanate. This buddha principle is the ultimate source of all the tantras of Vajrayana. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Buddha Shakyamuni (sangs rgyas sha kya thub pa). The historical Buddha, regarded as the chief teacher of our present age. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Buddha Shakyamuni; why he was matchless [LWx] [RY]

Buddha Skull Tantra (sangs rgyas thod pa'i rgyud). [EMP] [RY]

Buddha Unchanging Light (sangs rgyas 'od mi 'gyur ba). The primordial buddha Samantabhadra; a synonym for the enlightened state of dharmakaya. [ZL] [RY]

Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha (sangs rgyas chos dge 'dun). The Three Jewels. The true objects of refuge. For more details, see Thrangu Rinpoche's book 'Buddha Nature,' Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1988. [RY]

Buddha. See also Precious Buddha [LW1] [RY]

Buddha-child = Buddha-son = jina putra, = (rgyal sras) = Bodhisattva. [RY]

Buddhadharma (sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa), bstan pa, chos. Buddhism, the teachings of the Buddha. The Buddhist Doctrine. [ZL] [RY]

Buddha-family. See Family. [RY]

Buddhafield (sangs rgyas kyi zhing khams). According to the sutras, a pure realm manifested through the aspirations of a bodhisattva in conjunction with the virtue of sentient beings. According to the tantras, an expression of the enlightened state. There are buddhafields which are pure sambhogakaya, half sambhogakaya and half nirmanakaya, and also the 'natural nirmanakaya' realms, such as Sukhavati, the pure land of Buddha Amitabha, in which a practitioner can take rebirth during the bardo of becoming through a combination of pure faith, sufficient merit, and one-pointed determination. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Buddhafield (sangs rgyas kyi zhing). 1) One of the realms of the five buddha families, either as sambhogakaya or nirmanakaya. 2) Pure personal experience. [RY]

Buddhafield of Manifest Joy (mngon par dga' ba) is the eastern Buddhafield of Vajrasattva. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Buddhaghosha - Theravadin master who came to Sri Lanka early in the fifth century; famed as an author, compiler, and translator [RY]

Buddhaguhya (sangs rgyas gsang ba) Seventh century Indian master who transmitted tantric teachings while in residence on Mt. Kailash. He visited Tibet and remained at Mount Kailash where he taught emissaries of King Trisong Deutsen. [ZL] [LW1] [RY]

Buddhahood (sangs rgyas). The perfect and complete enlightenment dwelling in neither samsara nor nirvana; the state of having eradicated all obscurations and being endowed with the wisdom of seeing the nature of things as it is and with the wisdom of perceiving all which exists. [ZL] [RY]

Buddhahood of omniscience (rnam mkhyen sangs rgyas kyi sgo 'phang). The state of complete enlightenment endowed with the perfect wisdom of seeing the nature of things as it is and with the wisdom of perceiving all that exists. [RY]

Buddha-locana (sangs rgyas spyan). Locana. [RY]

Buddhapalita - Founder of the Prasangika Madhyamaka [RY]

Buddhapalita; (sang rgyas bskyangs) A disciple of Nagarjuna and Sangharaksita (dge 'dun 'tsho) he knew all the Buddhist and non-buddhist views. He was blessed by a vision of Manjushri. He composed a famous commentary upon Nagarjuna’s Madhymakamula, known as the Bhudhapalita which became the most authorative commentary on the dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab; (5242) [MR]

Buddha's doctrine of transmission and realization (see statement and realization) - {rgyal ba'i lung rtogs kyi bstan pa}. The teachings which were actually given and the states of wisdom to be realized by practicing these teachings. [RY]

Buddhism enters China: 1st century AD [MR]

Buddhism enters Japan: 550 [MR]

Buddhist Sanskrit - Mixed dialect similar to Prakrit used in some Buddhist manuscripts of the northern tradition [RY]

Budhgaya {rdo rje gdan}. Vajra Seat. Place in the center of India where the Buddha attained enlightenment. [RY]

Building of Jowo Lhakhang: 641 [MR]

Building of Tahsilhunpo by Gedun Drup: 1453 [MR] Bujo. [RY]

"Bull with upper teeth" (ya so can) - Cattle do not have upper teeth, so a bull with upper teeth is a bull-like human being. A tail-less dog is a dog-like human being. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Bumthang (bum thang). Sacred place in Bhutan. [ZL] [RY]

Burmo Tak. [RY]

Burnt Offerings (gsur). Smoke produced by burning flour mixed with pure food and sacred substances. This smoke, offered during a meditation on Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion, can nourish the bardo consciousness as well as hungry ghosts.[AL] [RY]

Business ('du 'dzi) means here associating with many people and one's mind becoming distracted after being disturbed with a lot of talk and activities. [RY]

Butön (bu ston) (1290-1364). Fourteenth century Tibetan scholar and historian; early compiler of the Kangyur, the Tibetan Buddhist Canon. [EMP] [RY]

Butön: 1290-1364 [MR]

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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--Richard 12:20, 12 August 2008 (EDT)