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'''Index for Light of Wisdom, Volume 1''', for places, people and texts:<br>
'''Index from The Lotus-Born'''(ISBN 962-7341-55-4), the Biography of Padmasambhava, for places, people and texts:
112 discards through the path of seeing: expl., 277<br>
*[[Abhidharma]] - [[chos mngon pa]]: 127, 129, 261, 311, 320<br>
*[[Abhidharma Kosha]] - [[mngon pa mdzod]]: 261<br>
414 discards through the path of cultivation: expl., 278<br>
*[[Abhidharma Samucchaya]] - [[mngon pa kun btus]]: 261<br>
*[[Abhisambodhi]] - [[mngon byang]]: 29<br>
[[84,000 Dharma sections]], 154, 220<br>
*[[abhisambodhikaya]] - [[mngon par byang chub pa'i sku]]: 325<br>
[[84,000 Dharma teachings]], 29<br>
*[[acceptance of the nature of nonarising]] - [[skye ba med pa'i chos la bzod pa]]: 54, 261<br>
[[84,000 entrances to the Dharma]]: expl., 281<br>
*[[action without intermediate]] - [[mtshams med pa'i las]]: 134, 262<br>
*[[Activity Garland]] - [['phrin las karma ma le]]: 91, 274<br>
[[A Treasury of Mahayana Sutras]], 251<br>
*[[Activity Garland Tantra]] - [[karma ma le 'phrin las kyi rgyud]]: 90, 262<br>
[[abandonment and realization]] - [[spangs rtogs]], xvii, 151, 188; expl., 284<br>
*[[Adorned with Human Bone Ornaments]] - [[mi rus kyi rgyan can]]: 292, 293<br>
[[Abbot, the Master, and the Dharma King]], 186; expl., 284<br>
*[[Mirükyi Gyenchen]] - [[mi rus kyi rgyan can]]: 293<br>
[[Abhidharma]] - [[chos mngon pa]], 240, 269, 281, 285; Pitaka, 281<br>
*[[Akanishtha]] - [['og min]]: 27, 265, 270<br>
[[Abhidharma Sutra]] - [[chos mngon pa'i mdo]]: quotation from, 70, 82, 256<br>
*[[Akshobhya]] - [[mi bskyod pa]]: 277, 285<br>
[[Abhisamaya Lamkara]]. See [[Ornament of Realization]] <br>
*[[All-embodying Jewel Scripture]] - [[rin chen kun 'dus kyi lung]]: 106<br>
[[abhisambodhikaya]] - [[mngon par byang chub pa'i sku]]: expl., 238; speech, 239<br>
*[[All-encompassing Bliss Scripture]] - [[bde ba rab 'byams kyi lung]]: 106<br>
[[absolute]] - [[yongs grub]], 199; unchanging [['gyur med yongs grub]], expl., 200; unmistaken [[phyin ci ma log pa'i yongs grub]], expl., 200<br>
*[[All-Pervading Adornment]] - [[de bzhin gshegs pas legs par gsungs pa'i gsung rab rgya mtsho'i snying por gyur pa rig pa 'dzin pa'i sde snod dam snga 'gyur rgyud 'bum rin po che'i rtogs pa brjod pa 'dzam gling mtha'i gru khyab pa'i rgyan]]: 249<br>
[[Accomplishment of Means and Knowledge [[thabs shes grub pa]], 218; quotation from, 27<br>
*[[Amendment of Breaches of Secret Mantra]] - [[sngags kyi spang skong]]: 134<br>
[[Accomplishment of Nonduality [[gnyis med grub pa]], 218<br>
*[[Amey Jangchub Drekhöl]] - [[a mes byang chub 'dre bkol]]: 302<br>
[[Accomplishment of Secrets [[gsang ba grub pa]], 218<br>
*[[Amitabha]] - [[snang ba mtha' yas]]: 15, 24, 35, 49, 81, 165, 237, 262, 265, 267, 277, 283, 315, 319<br>
[[Accomplishment of Thatness to Clearly Encompass Reality [[dngos po gsal ba'i rjes su 'gro ba'i de kho na nyid grub pa]], 218<br>
*[[Amitabha Temple]] - [[snang ba mtha' yas kyi gling]]: 81<br>
[[Accomplishment of the Great Secret Thatness [[gsang ba chen po de nyid grub pa]], 218<br>
*[[Amitayus]] - [[tshe dpag med]]: 27, 51, 131, 262, 267, 295<br>
[[Accomplishment of the Innate [[lhan skyes grub pa]], 218<br>
*[[Amogha Pasha]] - [[don yod zhags pa]]: 92, 262, 295<br>
[[Accomplishment of Wisdom [[ye shes grub pa]], 218; quotation from, 112<br>
*[[Amoghasiddhi]] - [[don yod grub pa]]: 277<br>
[[Acharya Tubten Chöphel]], xxxiii<br>
*[[Ananda]] - [[kun dga' bo]]: 20, 117, 262<br>
[[action seal]] - [[las kyi phyag rgya]], 165, 220<br>
*[[Ancient Tibet]]: 258<br>
[[Action Tantra]] - [[bya ba'i rgyud]], 258; See [[Kriya]], 94<br>
*[[Anila Jinpa Palmo]]: 250, 252<br>
[[Adeu Rinpoche]] - [[a lde'u rin po che, xxxviii<br>
*[[Anu Yoga]] - [[rjes su rnal 'byor]]: 90, 242, 262, 263, 275, 285, 287, 296, 301, 302, 309, 310, 311, 313, 317, 318, 319<br>
[[Aeon of Strife]] - [[rtsod dus]], 285<br>
*[[Anuttara Yoga]] - [[rnal 'byor bla na med pa]]: 296<br>
[[affliction]] - [[kun nyon]], 203; expl., 218; state of, 168<br>
*[[approach and accomplishment]] - [[bsnyen sgrub]]: 134, 185, 186, 262, 264, 278, 284<br>
[[aggregate]]. See also [[aggregates, elements, and sense bases]]<br>
*[[Arrangement of Samaya]] - [[dam tshig bkod pa]]: 274<br>
[[aggregate]] - [[phung po]]: five undefiled, 203; of conceptions [['du shes kyi phung po]]; definition of, 183; three divisions of, 184; of consciousnesses [[rnam shes kyi phung po]]; definition of, 183; eight divisions of, 183; of formations [['du byed kyi phung po]]; definition of, 183; listing of the fifty-one mental states, 184; of forms [[gzugs kyi phung po]]; definition of, 183; fifteen divisions of, 185; of sensations [[tshor ba'i phung po]]; definition of, 183; three divisions of, 184<br>
*[[Asamaru]]: 113<br>
[[aggregates, elements, and sense bases]] - [[phung khams skye mched]], 44, 57, 219, 230, 249; natural purity of, 232<br>
*[[Asanga]]: 261, 292<br>
[[Aishvara]], 215<br>
*[[Assemblage of Knowledge Scripture]] - [[dam tshig bkod pa]]: 90<br>
[[Ajita]] - [[ma pham pa]]. See [[Maitreya]]<br>
*[[Assemblage of Mother Deities]] - [[ma mo 'dus pa]]: 152<br>
[[Akanishtha]] - [['og min]]: dharmadhatu palace, 220; ultimate [[don gyi 'og min]], 247<br>
*[[Assemblage of Secrets]] - [[gsang ba 'dus pa]]: 90, 264, 274<br>
[[alaya-vijnana]] - [[kun gzhi'i rnam shes]]. See [[all-ground consciousness]]<br>
*[[Assemblage of Sugatas]] - [[bde gshegs 'dus pa]]: 140, 141, 152, 245, 252, 253, 264, 273, 289, 296, 298, 302, 306, 307, 321, 328<br>
[[Ali Kali]], 59, 162; listing of, 243<br>
*[[Asura Cave]] - [[a su ra'i brag phug]]: 268<br>
[[All-Encompassing Knowledge]] - [[shes bya kun khyab]]: quotation from, 212, 230, 286<br>
*[[Ati]]: 269<br>
[[all-ground]] - [[kun gzhi]], 61, 79, 145, 178, 253, 280; as basis for both confusion and liberation, 252; cognizant quality of, 253; expl., 184; for manifold tendencies [[bag chags sna tshogs pa'i kun gzhi]]; as synonym for the all-ground, 254; for true application [[sbyor ba don gyi kun gzhi]]; as synonym for the all-ground, 253; in relation to disturbed-mind consciousness, 79; pure [[dag pa'i kun gzhi]], 221; wisdom [[kun gzhi'i ye shes]]; expl., 178<br>
*[[Ati Yoga]] - [[shin tu rnal 'byor]]: 242, 264, 265, 271, 282, 285, 286, 301, 302, 307, 310, 317, 318<br>
[[all-ground consciousness]] - [[kun gzhi'i rnam shes]], 70, 79, 253, 254; definition of, 183, 253; expl., 184, 253, 254; in relation to ignorance, 253<br>
*[[Atisha Dipamkara]]: 242, 265<br>
[[All-Holding Lotus]]: expl., 46<br>
*[[Atsara Yeshe]] - [[a tsar ye shes]]: 127, 139, 151, 265, 329<br>
[[All-Holding Lotus]] - [[padma kun tu 'chang]]. See [[Padmasambhava]]<br>
*[[Atsara Yeshe Yang of Ba]] - [[sba a tsar ye shes dbyangs]]: 127, 139, 265<br>
[[all-pervasive suffering of formations]] - [[khyab pa 'du byed kyi sdug bsngal]]: expl., 107<br>
*[[Auspicious Lamp Tantra]] - [[bkra shis sgron ma'i rgyud]]: 105<br>
[[Amitabha]]. See [[Buddha Amitabha]]<br>
*[[Avalokiteshvara]] - [[spyan ras gzigs]]: 7, 35, 49, 51, 91, 165, 209, 210, 211, 215, 218, 219, 265, 281, 289, 290, 295, 304, 308, 312, 314, 319<br>
[[Amitayus]] - [[tshe dpag med]], xiii; Padmasambhava receiving empowerment, 179<br>
*[[Avatamsaka]] - [[phal po che]]: 23, 129, 266, 267<br>
[[Amrita Medicine]] - [[bdud rtsi sman]]: transmission of, 231<br>
*[[Awareness Cuckoo Scripture]] - [[rig pa khu byug gi lung]]: 105<br>
[[Angulimala Sutra]] - [[sor phreng gi mdo]]: quotation from, 74<br>
*[[Awesome Wisdom Lightning]] - [[ye
[[Anu Yoga]] - [[rjes su rnal 'byor]], 31, 222, 230, 247, 248; as Mother Tantra, 212; Completion, 212; meaning of, 213<br>
[[Anuttara]]. See [[Unexcelled]]<br>
[[Anuttara Yoga]] - [[rnal 'byor bla med]], 258<br>
[[appearance and existence]] - [[snang srid]]: expl., 233<br>
[[appearance, increase, and attainment]] - [[snang mched thob gsum]], 165, 243, 281, 282<br>
[[application of the activities]] - [[las sbyor]]: in sadhana practice, 216<br>
[[approach and accomplishment]] - [[bsnyen sgrub]]: expl., 210; explaining the four aspects of Guru Dragpo, 193; four aspects of, 7, 62, 245<br>
[[Approaching the Ultimate]] - [[don dam bsnyen pa]]: expl., 257; quotation from, 91<br>
[[arhat]] - [[dgra bcom pa]]: as Sangha, 261; attainment of, 259; suchness of, 71<br>
[[Aro, 34, 225; author of Yogas of the Greater Vehicle; See [[Aro Yeshe

Latest revision as of 01:11, 12 November 2006

Index from The Lotus-Born(ISBN 962-7341-55-4), the Biography of Padmasambhava, for places, people and texts: