rong zom chos kyi bzang po: Difference between revisions

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*[[Buddha Shakyamuni]] ([[sangs rgyas sha kya thub pa]]). The historical Buddha. [RY]
*[[Buddha Shakyamuni]] ([[sangs rgyas sha kya thub pa]]). The historical Buddha. [RY]
*[[Buddhaguhya]] ([[sangs rgyas gsang ba]]). An Indian pandita who was invited to Tibet by [[King Trisong Deutsen]]. [RY]
*[[Buddhaguhya]] ([[sangs rgyas gsang ba]]). An Indian pandita who was invited to Tibet by [[King Trisong Deutsen]]. [RY]
*[[Chamara]] ([[rnga g.yab]]). One of the [[eight subcontinents]] as well as the support for the [[terrestrial pure land]] of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Chamara]] ([[rnga g.yab]]). One of the [[eight subcontinents]] as well as the support for the [[terrestrial pure land]] of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Changing suffering]] ([['gyur ba'i sdug bsngal]]). The fact that pleasure is impermanent and not under one's individual control. One of the '[[three sufferings]].' [RY]
*[[Changing suffering]] ([['gyur ba'i sdug bsngal]]). The fact that pleasure is impermanent and not under one's individual control. One of the '[[three sufferings]].' [RY]
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*[[Dzamling Gyenchok]] ([['dzam gling rgyan mchog]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Dzamling Gyenchok]] ([['dzam gling rgyan mchog]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Dzogchen]] ([[rdzogs pa chen po; rdzogs chen]]). The teachings beyond the [[vehicles of causation]], first taught in the human world by the great vidyadhara [[Garab Dorje]]. [RY]
*[[Dzogchen]] ([[rdzogs pa chen po; rdzogs chen]]). The teachings beyond the [[vehicles of causation]], first taught in the human world by the great vidyadhara [[Garab Dorje]]. [RY]
-- E -- [RY]
== E ==
*[[Early Translations]] ([[sngar 'gyur]]). The teachings translated before the great translator [[Rinchen Sangpo]], during the reigns of the Tibetan kings [[Trisong Deutsen]] and [[Ralpachen]]. [RY]
*[[Early Translations]] ([[sngar 'gyur]]). The teachings translated before the great translator [[Rinchen Sangpo]], during the reigns of the Tibetan kings [[Trisong Deutsen]] and [[Ralpachen]]. [RY]
*[[Eight freedoms]] ([[dal ba brgyad]]). Not being in the three lower realms, not a [[long-living god]], not having [[wrong views]], not a savage, a mute, or born in an [[age without buddhas]]. [RY]
*[[Eight freedoms]] ([[dal ba brgyad]]). Not being in the three lower realms, not a [[long-living god]], not having [[wrong views]], not a savage, a mute, or born in an [[age without buddhas]]. [RY]
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*[[Free and well-favored human form]] ([[dal 'byor gyi mi lus]]). A human existence endowed with the [[eight freedoms]] and [[ten riches]]. [RY]
*[[Free and well-favored human form]] ([[dal 'byor gyi mi lus]]). A human existence endowed with the [[eight freedoms]] and [[ten riches]]. [RY]
*[[Fruition of unity]] ([[zung 'jug gi 'bras bu]]). [[Complete enlightenment]], the [[unified level of a vajra holder]]. [RY]
*[[Fruition of unity]] ([[zung 'jug gi 'bras bu]]). [[Complete enlightenment]], the [[unified level of a vajra holder]]. [RY]
*[[Gar Drubchen]] An accomplished Tibetan master who was an emanation of [[Nagarjuna]]. [RY]
*[[Gar Drubchen]] An accomplished Tibetan master who was an emanation of [[Nagarjuna]]. [RY]
*[[Garab Dorje]] ([[dga' rab rdo rje]]), [[Prahevajra]]/ [[Pramoda Vajra]]. The forefather of the Dzogchen lineage who received the transmission from [[Vajrasattva]]. [RY]
*[[Garab Dorje]] ([[dga' rab rdo rje]]), [[Prahevajra]]/ [[Pramoda Vajra]]. The forefather of the Dzogchen lineage who received the transmission from [[Vajrasattva]]. [RY]
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*[[Hundred syllables]] ([[yig brgya]]). The long mantra of [[Vajrasattva]]. [RY]
*[[Hundred syllables]] ([[yig brgya]]). The long mantra of [[Vajrasattva]]. [RY]
*[[Hundred tertons]] ([[gter ston brgya rtsa]]). The [[hundred treasure revealers]] predicted by Guru Rinpoche to spread his teachings in the future. [RY]
*[[Hundred tertons]] ([[gter ston brgya rtsa]]). The [[hundred treasure revealers]] predicted by Guru Rinpoche to spread his teachings in the future. [RY]
*[[Immaculate Confession Tantra]] ([[dri med bshags rgyud]]). [RY]
*[[Immaculate Confession Tantra]] ([[dri med bshags rgyud]]). [RY]
*[[Immortal Totreng Tsal]] ([['chi med thod phreng rtsal]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Immortal Totreng Tsal]] ([['chi med thod phreng rtsal]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
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*[[Kyechok Tsulsang]] ([[skyes mchog tshul bzang]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Kyechok Tsulsang]] ([[skyes mchog tshul bzang]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Kyepar Phakpey Rigdzin]] ([[khyad par 'phags pa'i rig 'dzin]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Kyepar Phakpey Rigdzin]] ([[khyad par 'phags pa'i rig 'dzin]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Lake-born Guru]] ([[mtsho skyes bla ma]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Lake-born Guru]] ([[mtsho skyes bla ma]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Lake-born Vajra Holder]] ([[mtsho skyes rdo rje 'chang]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Lake-born Vajra Holder]] ([[mtsho skyes rdo rje 'chang]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
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*[[Lung Anu Yoga]] ([[lung anu yoga]]). The second of the [[three inner tantras]] emphasizing the [[completion stage]]. [RY]
*[[Lung Anu Yoga]] ([[lung anu yoga]]). The second of the [[three inner tantras]] emphasizing the [[completion stage]]. [RY]
*[[Lungten Dorje]] ([[lung bstan rdo rje]]). Same as [[King Dza]].  [RY]
*[[Lungten Dorje]] ([[lung bstan rdo rje]]). Same as [[King Dza]].  [RY]
=== M ===
== M ==
*[[Magical net]] ([[sgyu 'phrul drva ba]]), [[mayajala]]. A collective term for the manifestations of enlightenment to tame whoever needs in whichever way is necessary. In particular, it refers to the various divinities and vidyadharas who are manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Magical net]] ([[sgyu 'phrul drva ba]]), [[mayajala]]. A collective term for the manifestations of enlightenment to tame whoever needs in whichever way is necessary. In particular, it refers to the various divinities and vidyadharas who are manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Magical net of emanations]] ([[sprul pa'i sgyu 'phrul drva ba]]). See [[Magical Net]]. [RY]
*[[Magical net of emanations]] ([[sprul pa'i sgyu 'phrul drva ba]]). See [[Magical Net]]. [RY]
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*[[Mutri Tsenpo]]. Son of King Trisong Deutsen. [RY]
*[[Mutri Tsenpo]]. Son of King Trisong Deutsen. [RY]
*[[Mysteries of body, speech and mind]] ([[sku gsung thugs kyi gsang ba]]). The [[vajra body, speech and mind]]. [RY]
*[[Mysteries of body, speech and mind]] ([[sku gsung thugs kyi gsang ba]]). The [[vajra body, speech and mind]]. [RY]
*[[Nadi and prana]] ([[rtsa rlung]]). The [[channels and energies]]; as one term, they refer to the exercises of [[Anu Yoga]]. [RY]
*[[Nadi and prana]] ([[rtsa rlung]]). The [[channels and energies]]; as one term, they refer to the exercises of [[Anu Yoga]]. [RY]
*[[Nagarjuna]] ([[klu grub]]). An Indian master of philosophy. [RY]
*[[Nagarjuna]] ([[klu grub]]). An Indian master of philosophy. [RY]
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*[[Nupchen Sangye]] ([[bsnubs chen sangs rgyas]]). One of the [[Twenty-five disciples of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Nupchen Sangye]] ([[bsnubs chen sangs rgyas]]). One of the [[Twenty-five disciples of Guru Rinpoche]]. [RY]
*[[Nyingma School]] ([[rnying ma]]). The teachings brought to Tibet and translated chiefly during the reign of [[King Trisong Deutsen]] and in the following period up to [[Rinchen Sangpo]]. [RY]
*[[Nyingma School]] ([[rnying ma]]). The teachings brought to Tibet and translated chiefly during the reign of [[King Trisong Deutsen]] and in the following period up to [[Rinchen Sangpo]]. [RY]
*[[Objects of accumulation]] ([[tshogs yul]]). Same as [[Field of Accumulation]]. [RY]
*[[Objects of accumulation]] ([[tshogs yul]]). Same as [[Field of Accumulation]]. [RY]
*[[Objects of refuge]] ([[skyabs yul]]). The [[Three Jewels]], [[three roots]] and [[three kayas]]. [RY]
*[[Objects of refuge]] ([[skyabs yul]]). The [[Three Jewels]], [[three roots]] and [[three kayas]]. [RY]
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*[[Outer, inner and secret mandalas]] ([[phyi nang gsang gsum gyi man dal]]). [RY]
*[[Outer, inner and secret mandalas]] ([[phyi nang gsang gsum gyi man dal]]). [RY]
*[[Outer, inner and secret obstacles]]. See explanation of [[Barchey Kunsel]] above. [RY]
*[[Outer, inner and secret obstacles]]. See explanation of [[Barchey Kunsel]] above. [RY]
-- P -- [RY]
== P ==
*[[Padma]] ([[pad ma]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Padma]] ([[pad ma]]). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
*[[Padma Do-ngak Lingpa]] ([[padma mdo sngags gling pa]]). The terton name of [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]]. [RY]
*[[Padma Do-ngak Lingpa]] ([[padma mdo sngags gling pa]]). The terton name of [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]]. [RY]
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*[[Pure vision]] ([[dag snang]]). The transmission within the pure experience of a master from another enlightened being. One of the [[six or nine lineages of the Nyingma School]]. [RY]
*[[Pure vision]] ([[dag snang]]). The transmission within the pure experience of a master from another enlightened being. One of the [[six or nine lineages of the Nyingma School]]. [RY]
*[[Purifying the obscurations]] ([[sgrib sbyong]]). The spiritual practices of clearing away what obscures the sugatagarbha, for example, the meditation and recitation of Vajrasattva according to the '[[special preliminaries]].' [RY]
*[[Purifying the obscurations]] ([[sgrib sbyong]]). The spiritual practices of clearing away what obscures the sugatagarbha, for example, the meditation and recitation of Vajrasattva according to the '[[special preliminaries]].' [RY]
*[[Raksha rosary]] ([[rak sha phreng ba]]). A mala made of a certain dried fruit. [RY]
*[[Raksha rosary]] ([[rak sha phreng ba]]). A mala made of a certain dried fruit. [RY]
*[[Raksha Totreng]] ([[rak sha thod phreng]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations]]. [RY]
*[[Raksha Totreng]] ([[rak sha thod phreng]]). One of the [[Twelve manifestations]]. [RY]
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*[[Rudra Confession]] ([[ru dra sme bshags]]). A confession included in the [[Immaculate Confession Tantra]] ([[dri med bshags rgyud]]). [RY]
*[[Rudra Confession]] ([[ru dra sme bshags]]). A confession included in the [[Immaculate Confession Tantra]] ([[dri med bshags rgyud]]). [RY]
*[[Rupakaya]] ([[gzugs kyi sku]]). 'Form body.' A collective term for both [[sambhogakaya]] and [[nirmanakaya]]. [RY]
*[[Rupakaya]] ([[gzugs kyi sku]]). 'Form body.' A collective term for both [[sambhogakaya]] and [[nirmanakaya]]. [RY]
=== S ===
== S ==
*[[Sadhana]] ([[sgrub thabs]]). 'Means of accomplishment.' Tantric liturgy and procedure for practice usually emphasizing the development stage. [RY]
*[[Sadhana]] ([[sgrub thabs]]). 'Means of accomplishment.' Tantric liturgy and procedure for practice usually emphasizing the development stage. [RY]
*[[Saha World]] ([[mi mjed kyi 'jig rten]]). Our known [[world system]]; the '[[World of Endurance]].' Saha can also means 'Undivided' because the [[karmas and kleshas]], causes and effects, are not separately divided or differentiated. [RY]
*[[Saha World]] ([[mi mjed kyi 'jig rten]]). Our known [[world system]]; the '[[World of Endurance]].' Saha can also means 'Undivided' because the [[karmas and kleshas]], causes and effects, are not separately divided or differentiated. [RY]
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*[[Sutralamkara]] ([[mdo sde rgyan]]). One of the [[five works of Maitreya]]. [RY]
*[[Sutralamkara]] ([[mdo sde rgyan]]). One of the [[five works of Maitreya]]. [RY]
*[[Svabhavikakaya]] ([[ngo bo nyid kyi sku]]). The '[[essence body]].' Sometimes counted as the fourth kaya, the unity of the first three. [RY]
*[[Svabhavikakaya]] ([[ngo bo nyid kyi sku]]). The '[[essence body]].' Sometimes counted as the fourth kaya, the unity of the first three. [RY]
*[[Tantra]] ([[rgyud]]). The Vajrayana teachings given by the Buddha in his sambhogakaya form. Literally 'continuity,' tantra means the buddha nature, the '[[tantra of the expressed meaning]].' Generally the extraordinary tantric scriptures that are exalted above the sutras, the '[[tantra of the expressing words]].' Can also refer to all the [[resultant teachings]] that take the result as the path as a whole. [RY]
*[[Tantra]] ([[rgyud]]). The Vajrayana teachings given by the Buddha in his sambhogakaya form. Literally 'continuity,' tantra means the buddha nature, the '[[tantra of the expressed meaning]].' Generally the extraordinary tantric scriptures that are exalted above the sutras, the '[[tantra of the expressing words]].' Can also refer to all the [[resultant teachings]] that take the result as the path as a whole. [RY]
*[[Tantra and Sadhana Section]] ([[rgyud sde dang sgrub sde]]). The [[two aspects of Mahayoga]]. [RY]
*[[Tantra and Sadhana Section]] ([[rgyud sde dang sgrub sde]]). The [[two aspects of Mahayoga]]. [RY]
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*[[Two stages]] ([[rim gnyis]]). The [[development stage]] and [[completion stage]]. [RY]
*[[Two stages]] ([[rim gnyis]]). The [[development stage]] and [[completion stage]]. [RY]
*[[Two supreme shravakas]] ([[nyan thos mchog gnyis]]). [[Shariputra]] and [[Maudgalaputra]] Two close disciples of [[Buddha Shakyamuni]]. [RY]
*[[Two supreme shravakas]] ([[nyan thos mchog gnyis]]). [[Shariputra]] and [[Maudgalaputra]] Two close disciples of [[Buddha Shakyamuni]]. [RY]
*[[Uddiyana]] ([[u rgyan]]), ([[o rgyan]]). The country to the north-west of ancient India where Guru Rinpoche was born on a lotus flower. [RY]
*[[Uddiyana]] ([[u rgyan]]), ([[o rgyan]]). The country to the north-west of ancient India where Guru Rinpoche was born on a lotus flower. [RY]
*[[Udumvara]]. Skt. 'Especially eminent' or 'supremely exalted.' This flower is said to appear and bloom only accompanying the appearance of a fully enlightened buddha. [RY]
*[[Udumvara]]. Skt. 'Especially eminent' or 'supremely exalted.' This flower is said to appear and bloom only accompanying the appearance of a fully enlightened buddha. [RY]

Revision as of 21:30, 17 October 2006

Glossary from The Great Gate

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